“Climate Accord” Exposed as Brutal “Austerity”: Raised Taxes, Raised Fees & $$$$$ to Zionist Oligarchy

“Climate Accord” Exposed As Macron Raises Truncheon To Enforce It: A New Paradigm of Human Progress Confronts It

A growing resistance, being provoked by attempts to impose the “Paris Climate Accord’s” grim regime of taxes, fees, and shutdowns, is opening the door wider for a new paradigm of progress directly opposed to that regime. This will depend on bold cooperative action by those nations most capable of it — especially the United States, China, Russia, and India — to use the frontiers of technology, including nuclear power and thermonuclear fusion technologies, to give humanity new powers for progress.READ MORE

A growing resistance, being provoked by attempts to impose the “Paris Climate Accord’s” grim regime of taxes, fees, and shutdowns, is opening the door wider for a new paradigm of progress directly opposed to that regime. This will depend on bold cooperative action by those nations most capable of it — especially the United States, China, Russia, and India — to use the frontiers of technology, including nuclear power and thermonuclear fusion technologies, to give humanity new powers for progress.READ MORE

My Comment:  France’s Prime Minister Macron is married to a Rothschild and is imposing Rothschild take from the poor and give to the rich-Reverse Robin Hood policies.  He is a Rothschild ZIONIST illuminati Satanic Puppet.

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