Monthly Archive: September 2018

Trump Folds on Nordstream 2 Because…Logic

Trump Folds on Nordstream 2 Because…Logic

Trump Folds on Nordstream 2 Because…Logic “Most importantly, this gas will be paid for in euros, not dollars. And this further undermines the effectiveness of US sanctions” Tom Loungo Mon, Sep 24, 2018 | 1216 words 4,272  77 34 SHARES Since...

Ron Unz For President-Brave Enough to Confront Zionist Criminal Policies

Ron Unz For President-Brave Enough to Confront Zionist Criminal Policies

Ron Unz For President September 30, 2018 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: |  Print This Article Ron Unz For President Paul Craig Roberts This is from Ron Unz, a fearless commentator: It shows the extraordinary salary—a paycheck in the...

Starving Yemen Infant Pictured: Call Congress: 202-224-3121 No Weapons to Saudi’s-Support Peace in Yemen & Rebuilding Their Infrastructure

Where Does Our Attention Belong: Kavanaugh or Yemen? September 28, 2018 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: |  Print This Article Where Does Our Attention Belong: Kavanaugh or Yemen? Paul Craig Roberts There are reports that the Washington-initiated and militarily-...

An Assessment of Trump

Trump: An Assessment September 27, 2018 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: |  Print This Article Trump: An Assessment Trump the Great? Paul Craig Roberts I supported Trump for president for three reasons: Trump was the only candidate who recognized...

David Griffin’s new book on 9/11

David Griffin’s new book on 9/11 can be ordered from publisher September 26, 2018 | Categories: Announcements | Tags: |  Print This Article David Ray Griffin & Elizabeth Woodworth’s new book about 9/11, 9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation can be purchased...