Look at This Graph: Almost NO Nutrients in GMO; GMO’s Are a Death Sentence!

“The Great Multivitamin Hoax: Why Your Current Multivitamin May Be a Waste of Time and Money”

Can vitamin makers really pack everything you need into a single capsule or pill? They certainly want you to think they can. Here’s the evidence that they simply can’t if you’re looking for the high-quality supplementation you expect.

If you’re currently taking or considering taking a multivitamin with a recommended serving size of only one – or even two – pills a day, I believe you may be wasting your time and money.

Why? It’s very doubtful that one or two tablets or pills can pack enough vitamins and minerals to truly make a significant difference in complementing your healthy diet.

Makers of multivitamins
Be wary of any claims that 1 or 2 capsules a day will provide you with all you need

Makers of multivitamins have come up with some pretty amazing ways to compress ingredients, but not to this extreme… not down to where a single tablet provides you the vitamin and mineral levels you need on a daily basis.

And speaking of minerals, many makers of one-per-day vitamins don’t even bother including essential minerals like potassium or magnesium in adequate enough amounts to make it worthwhile.

What about other nutrients from sources like vegetables, fruits and herbs? Shouldn’t they be blended into your multi as well? I certainly think so.

Before we jump further into all the nutrients I believe should go into a multi, let’s first take a closer look at why all multivitamins are not created equal.

Some may in fact have little impact on your health, or worse, put your health at risk. So remember, you must be very cautious when choosing a product to ensure your multivitamin really benefits you.

But first, let’s ask the question that many have been asking lately… Do you really need a multivitamin? Doesn’t a healthy diet provide you with all the vitamins and minerals you need?

Our Food Supply in Jeopardy: The Case for a High-Quality Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement

These are outstanding questions… If you’re regularly eating an organic diet consisting of a large variety of fresh, raw food and pastured meats and eggs, you may not need a supplement.

I believe it’s always better to get your nutrients from healthy food that’s been carefully and thoughtfully produced.

Non-organic food supply
While it’s best to get your nutrients from food, our non-organic food supply has changed significantly

However, anything less than that, and you may be a candidate for a multivitamin and mineral supplement.

If you don’t consistently eat organically food grown by regenerative or Biodynamic® farming methods, you most likely could benefit from high-quality supplementation. Here’s why…

Our non-organic food supply has changed drastically over the years. You can clearly see this in the graph below that highlights eight essential minerals.

Four factors have played key roles in declining food nutrient values, with significant drops in crucial minerals like phosphorus, selenium, copper, magnesium, cobalt, calcium, zinc, and iron:

  • The start of mechanized farming in 1925
  • The introduction of ammonium nitrate fertilizer in 1946
  • The use of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides starting prior to 1960
  • The introduction of genetically engineered plants and glyphosate in the 1990s

As you can see below, these eight minerals were plentiful in food before the advance of mechanized farming. By the time genetically engineered crops were introduced along with the herbicide glyphosate in the 1990s, levels had dropped to alarming levels.

Where Have Your Food Nutrients Gone?food borne minerals

mechanized farming
Mechanized farming methods, intended to make life easier for farmers, damage soil quality

So how have these four factors so severely impacted the mineral content of food, you may be wondering?

The quality of your food can only be as good as the soil in which it is grown.

Healthy soils contain an immense diversity of microorganisms. These organisms are responsible for the plant’s uptake of nutrients, which in turn provide you with the nutrients you need.

The changes in farming in the 1920s, intended to make production easier and more cost efficient for farmers, initiated this nose dive on food nutrient values, thanks to its lethal effects on soil microorganisms…

Mechanized farming – or the use of advanced machinery – decimate these nutrient-creating microorganisms in the soil.

And since the soil microorganisms can’t replenish themselves in time for the next year’s growth, the minerals became depleted at a record rate and aren’t available for the plants’ uptake.

Conventional farming methods also rely heavily on chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides that can kill off the microbial inhabitants of the soil.

While the introduction of ammonium nitrate fertilizer stimulated greater yields in cops, it changed the chemistry of the soil in negative ways, leading to decreased numbers of soil microorganisms and increased pests.

Then along came the toxic pesticides in the 1950s… They effectively killed the pests and fungi, but they too had a lethal effect on the soil microorganisms. In effect, this crippled nature’s ability to provide the minerals needed for proper plant growth and nutrition.

By the time genetically engineered (GE) seeds and glyphosate were introduced, any minerals left were hyper-chelated and unavailable to plants except for the patented GE plants.

Is it any wonder we have little to no significant nutrients left in our food that isn’t grown through regenerative farming methods that specifically enhance soil quality?

As I said, if your food is not grown by organic and regenerative or Biodynamic® farming methods, it likely does not contain all the vitamins and especially minerals you expect and need.

Conventional farming methods do not focus on the nutrient quality of food. Rather, modern agriculture concerns itself with growth rate, pest resistance, and the physical traits of produce, like size.

Sadly, it’s all about faster, bigger, and cheaper…

What a High-Quality Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement Can Provide That Much of Today’s Fresh Foods May Not

I think by now you have a clear picture of why your food may not be providing the nutrients you need.

And it’s not only minerals that may be lacking…

A landmark study published back in December 2004 in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition looked at U.S. Department of Agriculture nutritional data from both 1950 and 1999 for 43 different vegetables and fruits.

copper levels in vegetables
In the UK from 1940 to 1990, copper levels in vegetables dropped by 76 percent and calcium fell by 46 percent

They discovered “reliable declines” in the amount of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and vitamin C over the 50-year period.

Other similar studies have found significant declines in vitamin A and C, calcium, iron, and potassium.

According to an Australian soil scientist, conventionally grown apples have lost 80 percent of their vitamin C.

So that famous saying, “eating an apple a day helps keep the doctor away” may actually be more of a falsehood, unless that apple is grown in healthy organic soil.

All of these researchers attributed these vitamin losses to the same culprits responsible for the massive decline in minerals: Modern agriculture and its focus on growth, pest resistance, climate adaptability and physical traits of fruits and vegetables like size, instead of soil quality and food nutrients.

You need nutrient-rich food to build a healthy body and mind. If the soil quality isn’t there, you simply can’t expect to get high-quality food with the nutrients you need.

A high-quality multivitamin with a full array of minerals can help supply your body with the nutrients it may not be able to get from food, especially if it contains its minerals in a readily absorbable form.

How to Choose a Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement Without Sacrificing Quality or Putting Your Health at Risk

More people than ever depend upon supplements to help fill in nutritional gaps in their diets. According to a recent survey, nearly 68 percent of those polled take dietary supplements regularly, with 97 percent including “vitamins and minerals.”

However, in recent years there’s also been an attack on supplements. Some studies have questioned their benefit or even claim to show harmful effects from taking multivitamins.

Not all multivitamins are created equally, and I agree that for a supplement to be beneficial and not inflict harm, it must be sourced and manufactured according to the highest standards.

You must be very careful about what you buy, especially when buying grocery store or big box brand supplements. Be sure you’re buying from a reputable manufacturer that uses high-quality sources for its nutrients!

Trustworthy supplement makers have the right checks and balances in place for the procurement of materials and production to ensure a high-quality product.

multivitamin supplement facts
Make sure your multivitamin doesn’t stop with just 100% or slightly more of the RDA

Here’s the stringent criteria that I believe you must use to find you a high-quality multivitamin and mineral supplement:

  • Must be produced by a highly reputable company with the highest quality control manufacturing practices in place
  • Must go beyond RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) and DV (Daily Value) guidelines for certain vitamins and minerals – these are just minimums!
  • Must include the added bonus of essential minerals – Many high-potency multivitamins lack important minerals
  • Minerals should be absorbable – However, most simple forms of minerals are not highly absorbable – chelated forms are among the best
  • The dosage must be high enough to provide adequate amounts – In other words, just one or two tablets a day are likely not enough!

When I first started my research for our Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals, I was absolutely shocked at the low quality demonstrated by so many companies. That’s why I researched for many months to identify what I believe are the absolute best supplement manufacturers in the U.S. today.

The labs I have chosen have very strong formulation experience with Ph.D. formulators, and a strong manufacturing capability, consistently following the dietary supplement GMPs.

Why Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals Stands Out from the Rest

Two things make our Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals stand apart from all the other: the sheer number of nutritional ingredients supplied in significant amounts, and the fact that we use chelated minerals – something that many other manufacturers don’t do.

Chelated minerals are minerals that have been combined with amino acids or other molecules to form bioavailable and more easily absorbed mineral complexes.

Some of the chelated complexes in our formula include magnesium, zinc, selenium, manganese, copper, potassium, boron, chromium, molybdenum, and vanadium.

Let’s take a closer look at some key nutrients in our Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals that are often missing from other brands or supplied in too low of dosages:

Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals
  • Calcium – To provide a high level of support for your skeletal system, I chose to include an optimum amount of calcium in the formula.* My main reason for doing this was that, as you age, your need for calcium becomes increasingly important for strong bones.*

    Our Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals formula provides 250 mg of calcium to complement your healthy diet – an optimal amount that I feel is just enough, but not too much. And the citrate, malate and ascorbate forms of calcium that are formulated in my product are more absorbable than mined forms of calcium such as calcium oxide or carbonate, which are more commonly found in supplements.

  • Magnesium – Scientific studies have reported that magnesium is helpful in supporting your lungs and pulmonary system, as well as your entire body. As you age, you’re more likely to be deficient in this important mineral. The latest research shows that magnesium may help protect your cells against the harmful effects of EMFs or non-ionizing radiation that surrounds us 24/7.*

    Magnesium works with calcium and vitamin D to promote bone density health. It also helps maintain your muscular and nervous systems, and it helps support your healthy heart, and energy needs.* We’ve used magnesium chelate because it is more absorbable, rather than the more common and less absorbed magnesium oxide.

  • Potassium – This important mineral plays a key role in your metabolism and your body’s delicate balance of water and electrolytes. The regulation of your heartbeat, your muscle function, your healthy blood pressure, and nerve impulses all depend upon sufficient levels of potassium.*

    In addition, research has shown that potassium is another important element in your bone density health. As you age, bone density and strength become important elements in your overall health.* The form of potassium used in our formula is a mineral chelate – again, a more absorbable form than potassium chloride.

These are just some of the important minerals that provide you with significant health-supporting value in complementing your diet.* They’re part of the added formula that clearly makes our Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals the optimum combination for you.

A Special High-Potency Antioxidant Herbal Food Base for the Extra Free Radical-Fighting Power You May Not Be Getting in Your Diet

We didn’t stop at vitamins and minerals…

A truly outstanding multivitamin should also provide other important nutrients missing from our poor food supply.

To provide you with the extra free radical-fighting antioxidant power that may now be lacking in the food you eat each day, we added a highly concentrated daily supplement containing more than 50 nutritional ingredients… all in a special herbal food base to our Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals.

One of the challenges your body faces every day is combating free radicals.

Free radicals are highly reactive molecules and fragments of molecules that impact your body at your cellular level, especially your mitochondria, or your cells’ powerhouses.

Free radicals constantly attack your body proteins, carbohydrates, fats and DNA, and can cause potentially serious health concerns unless they are kept in check.

Every cell in your body suffers an estimated 10,000 free radical hits each day. Your body does its best to fight back – in what is an actual battlefield at the cellular level!

To help balance the effects of free radicals, Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals provides you with high-potency amounts of an exclusive antioxidant formula that includes:*

  • Beta-carotene – Healthy vision and immune system support.*
  • Vitamin C – Promotes tissue growth and repair, and healthy gums.* My formula contains different forms of the vitamin C minerals in order to provide balance and absorbability.
  • Vitamin D3 – Supports heart, bone, vascular and immune system health.* My formula supplies the preferred vitamin D3 form instead of vitamin D2.
  • Vitamin E – Helps support your muscular system.* Our formula contains the naturally occurring form of alpha tocopherol along with the other naturally occurring tocopherols.
  • Selenium – Important for immune system support.* The selenium in our formula is from an amino acid chelate complex.
  • L-cysteine – Supports your immune and respiratory systems.* This is the bioidentical form of L-cysteine.
  • Lutein – Helps promote your healthy vision.* We use a Lutein extract from marigold and not the synthetic form.
  • Lycopene – Supports your immune system.* We use a lycopene extract from tomato and not the synthetic form.
  • Red wine proanthocyanidins – Provides cardiovascular support.*
  • And select extracts and powders from over 25 fruits, vegetables and herbs.

If you recall, researchers have found that at least several of these nutrients have declined over the years in our food supply, including vitamins A and C, and selenium.

Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals Provides You With Extra Nutrients from Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs and Green Foods

In addition to the outstanding nutrients already discussed, Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals formula includes a health-promoting blend of vegetables, fruits, herbs and green foods.

We’ve included over 2,000 mg of nutrients based on vegetables, fruits, herbs and green foods in the Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals formula… nutrients that work together to promote your optimal health in the following ways:*

Nutrients Your Body Systems Supported and Promoted*
Red wine proanthocyanidins Cardiovascular
Blueberry Urinary tract and immune
Garlic Digestive and immune
Green tea extract Immune
Sprouted barley juice Cardiovascular/heart
Wheatgrass juice Immune and anti-aging
Broccoli Prostate and immune
Cauliflower Circulation and immune
Spirulina Nervous and tissue
Chlorella Cardiovascular and immune
Green papaya extract Digestive and skin
Beet extract Immune
Apple pectin Immune and lungs
Bromelain Respiratory and digestive
Rose hips Skeletal
Lemon bioflavonoids Immune
Rutin Circulatory and immune
Hesperidin Vascular and immune

Including nearly 700 mg of a unique vegetable and fruit base, these ingredients further promote your optimal health:

  • Kale – provides healthy prostate support*
  • Spinach – helps support your cardiovascular and immune systems*
  • Carrot – assists optimal vision and cholesterol level*
  • Radish – supports your digestive, respiratory and nervous systems*
  • Celery – provides you with skeletal and nervous system support*
  • Apricot – promotes your respiratory and immune systems*
  • Blackberry – helps support your digestive and immune systems*
  • Cranberry – supports your urinary tract and cardiovascular system*
  • Grape – promotes healthy circulation and cholesterol level*

And now we’ve added a significant enhancement to our Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals

We’ve Added What I Consider a Superior Form of Folic Acid to Help Ensure You Don’t Get Cheated

Folic acid, or folate, an important member of the B-vitamin family, plays many important roles in your body. Folic acid:

  • Helps maintain normal blood homocysteine levels*
  • Helps nourish the brain and supports mood*
  • Supports protein metabolism*
  • Supports energy production*
  • Promotes normal formation and functioning of red and white blood cells*
L-5-MTHF - folic acid
L-5-MTHF is the only form of folic acid that can cross over into your brain tissue

For folic acid to perform all of these crucial duties in your body, it must first be activated into the biologically active form – L-5-MTHF. This is the form that’s:

  • Preferred by your body
  • More reliably bioavailable and biologically active than folic acid
  • The only folate that can cross the blood-brain barrier to carry out important brain functions*

As superior as this form may sound, the one most commonly added to nutritional supplements is folic acid. And here’s the problem: nearly half of the population has difficulty converting folic acid to the bioactive 5-MTHF form because of a genetic reduction in enzyme activity.

So if you have a reduced ability to metabolize folic acid, you may have less-than-optimal cardiovascular health. Using a 5-MTHF form of folic acid may help.*

And now you’ll find 5-MTHF– instead of folic acid – in Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals – just one more reason why this formula is tops!

Warning: A Multivitamin Overloaded with Nutrients May Do You More Harm Than Good

nutrients - synchronized team
Just like a synchronized team works together, nutrients must do the same

I’ll be the first to admit that coming up with my own special high-potency formula was a major challenge – and took quite a bit of time.

This was necessary because indiscriminately throwing a number of nutrients together could actually cause more harm than good – a problem with many other high-potency formulas!

How could that be?

Well, certain amounts and types of nutrients need to be carefully measured to avoid potential toxic buildup once they are consumed.

The bottom line… not all nutrients in certain amounts work well together. In fact, a type of competition can occur between some nutrients.

So, much attention was directed to prevent this from occurring in Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals.

Each ingredient in our Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals has been carefully evaluated and selected for its:

  • Proper nutrient balance – Just like too little of a nutrient does not provide you any real benefits, too much can potentially do you more harm than good
  • Absorbability – The key to promoting your health is absorbing as much of the nutrient as possible
  • Competitive relationship with other nutrients – A complex evaluation is performed by the scientists to make sure the amounts and types of nutrients work well together to benefit you
  • Allergenic potential – Careful selection and measurement of the nutrient to investigate potential allergy issues
  • Long-term safety – Any potential toxic buildup balanced out
  • Proper use of the bioactive forms of the vitamins and minerals – All are naturally occurring when possible or bioidentical to those found in nature
  • Non-GMO – All the vitamins, minerals and nutrients included in my formula are not genetically engineered
  • Dosage to get the full benefits from all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients – Don’t be fooled by products that claim to provide you with a multivitamin formula that only requires 1 or 2 tablets per day – you are not getting enough of the important vitamins and minerals

Introducing… for Women’s Special Needs… Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals for Women

Our Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals has been used by both men and women for many years.

However, I like to stay abreast of research that makes a strong case for more or less of a particular nutrient. For that reason, we’ve decided to make a few minor changes in the traditional formula, and create Multivitamins Plus Vital Minerals for Women.

Here are the changes we’ve made for this new women’s formula:

multivitamin formula for women
We’ve created a special formula for women of all ages
  • Double the amount of Folate (in the preferred form of 5-MTHF)

    Certain groups of women may be at risk for insufficient folate intakes, and especially any woman of childbearing age. Folate is also essential for healthy cell growth.*

    Folate deficiencies in women are on the rise, and folate deficiencies can lead to elevated homocysteine levels, which can be a major contributing factor to heart disease.

  • Increase in Choline

    Choline is important for healthy liver function and absolutely essential for any woman of childbearing age as it also plays a key role in the fetal development of the brain and nervous system.*

    Choline was only defined as an essential nutrient in 2017, and up to 90 percent of the U.S. population isn’t getting enough. Choline is mostly found in meats, which women tend to eat less of. Choline has been shown to have positive effects on the brain and mood.*

  • Removed the grasses to make it gluten-free

    You’ll no longer find wheat grass and barley grass powders, making this a totally GF formula!

Plus, I created a Special Blend, just for women’s health…

My Bonus Special Blend for Women’s Health… Supports Your Skin, Hair, Nails, Breasts, Hormones and Your Heart

multivitamin for women
A women’s multivitamin should address a woman’s special needs

Women have needs that are different from men’s and children’s, so that’s why I formulated a multivitamin just for them.

To create my bonus Special Blend, I choose botanicals that have been shown to benefits women’s health:

  • Cranberry and D-mannose – Supports vaginal and urinary tract health*
  • Red Clover – Supports heart health and healthy normal hormone levels. May be beneficial for symptoms of PMS and menopause*
  • Shatavari Root Extract (Asparagus racemosus) – Supports reproductive health and already balanced hormones*
  • Grape Skin Extract – Potent antioxidant benefits supports heart and skin health*
  • DIM (Diindoylymethane) – Supports healthy estrogen metabolism and breast health*
  • Evening Primrose Oil – Supports skin, hair and nail health as well as aiding in symptoms of PMS*

From your teens into your older years, no matter your age, my Special Blend provides valuable support for your overall health.* And especially for those seeking extra relief for PMS and menopausal symptoms, you’ll find it in my Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals for Women.

Order the High-Potency Multivitamin Designed to Help Fill the Nutritional Holes in Today’s Food Supply

Ideally you could get everything you need from your diet. And while I believe that may still be the case for food grown by organic and regenerative or Biodynamic® farming methods, it’s probably not true for much of today’s food.

So, when shopping for a multivitamin with minerals, don’t be fooled by the amounts of nutrients added to the formula, a super low cost (may be a red flag for poor quality and questionable sources of nutrients), or DV (Daily Value) claims by the manufacturer.

This information can be misleading. For some vitamins and minerals the daily values may be far too low for optimal health. You could be not only wasting your time and hard-earned money, but not taking proper control of your health as well.

By now, I’m hoping you are as convinced as I am that Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals or Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals for Women is the ideal high-potency multivitamin for men and women of all ages. Both are rich in balanced vitamins and essential minerals, and the manufacturer that produces them adheres to the strictest quality standards.

Just compare a single bottle of either of our Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals to all the different supplements you’d have to purchase separately to get the same ingredients in the same dosages. The cost of all those separate supplements could be more than double your investment in these complete formulas!

Plus, it’s only fair to think of Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals as part of your healthy food budget, not a separate supplement.

After all, we worked very closely with the lab to design these formulas to complement your healthy diet… not to be separated from it.

For Everyday Convenience… Choose the Multivitamin Pack for Women or Men

We also now offer special multivitamin packs designed specifically for men’s and women’s individual needs. Each pack comes with two additional supplements that I believe truly complement Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals.

Since heart health is a leading concern among men, we’ve added L-Arginine for cardiovascular health support to the men’s pack. We’ve also added Saw Palmetto with Lycopene for men’s prostate health.*

In the women’s pack, we’ve included Lignans with Lycopene, an additional hormonal balance support supplement that not only provides nutrients to help protect breasts against normal everyday stressors, but is also clinically proven to reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes.*

And for women’s thyroid health, the Women’s pack includes Iodine to support your healthy thyroid function since women are at a greater risk for thyroid issues.*

Whichever pack is best for you, when you take Multivitamin Plus Vital Minerals, or Multivitamins Plus Vital Minerals for Women, I sincerely believe that you’re taking an important step in complementing and optimizing your diet – so order yours now and start to Take Control of Your Health.

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 Whole-Food Multivitamin for Women 90-Day Supply
Whole-Food Multivitamin for Women
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