Natural News: Activist Against GMO Mosquitos Found Dead in Pool in D.C. Hotel
Anti-GMO activist found dead in hotel pool
Mike Adams An activist who opposed genetically engineered mosquitoes has been found dead in the swimming pool of a Washington D.C. hotel, just hours before she was due to submit a petition with over 200,000 signatures to the EPA.

Read the full details here.

Herbs to help you age gracefully: Support for the brain, heart, digestion, and moreBy Ralph Flores | Read the full story
Study: Consuming foods high in omega-3 fatty acids cuts your risk of death by 33 percentBy Michelle Simmons | Read the full story
Sponsor: The biggest breakthrough since we beat Polio will eradicate Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes and more… Click for full story.
The endless health benefits of broccoliBy Ralph Flores | Read the full story
Depression is a symptom of nutrient deficiency; treating it with drugs is not only ineffective but dangerousBy Isabelle Z. | Read the full story
Sponsor: Organic, lab-verified storable food supply made completely without junk ingredients or GMOs.
Plant-based supplements that can help balance your emotionsBy Edsel Cook | Read the full story
Sponsor: Reap the benefits of two nutritional powerhouses with this Pure Microalgae Superfood Blend
Available now: Health Ranger Select Bug Defender and Bugs Away combo packLet Health Ranger Select Bug Defender and Bugs Away take care of those pesky bugs this Spring. Eliminate insects with an effective formula based on Texas cedar oil that’s safe to use around people and pets. Or keep biting bugs at bay by spraying on a blend of organic essential oils that tell insects to “buzz off.” Stock up now while supplies last.

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