Poisoning of America’s Culture: Pornography, Violence, Narcissism; Materialism & School Shootings End Result of Zionist MEDIA

Parkland high school shooting: At least 14 victims, many deaths

by TUT editor

ed note–doubtless of course we will hear from all the usual suspects that this was all a ‘hoax’, complete with ‘crisis actors’ and fake blood, just as they all are.

After all, it’s not as if during the last half century, Americans have been programmed by the JMSM to be not only anesthetized to violence against innocent people, but indeed, addicted to it as if it were a drug, as a necessary precursor to creating not only the mindset, but as well the military machinery needed in prowling about the world and murdering 2 billion Muslims for Israel’s benefit, right?

As we say here in the aftermath of all events of this type–get used to it, because as long as the same cast of characters have free and open access to the collective American mindset through control of the mass media, we will see the continued poisoning of the culture with violence, pornography, materialism, narcissism, nihilism and all the other ‘character qualities’ necessary in rotting a civilization out from within.

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