End Aid to Pakistan-RandPAC

Reinventing A New Direction
You may have seen It all over the news and social media.
It’s one of the biggest news stories this week — President Trump has lent his support to our long-running fight to end foreign aid to Pakistan.
In fact, he already cut off $250 million under his control — but there are billions left to cut. We send over $3 BILLION every year.
There has never been a better time to end foreign aid, and a better place to start than with Pakistan, now. Will you help get your Congressman and Senator to get on board to END FOREIGN AID to Pakistan, NOW?
I started this fight from the minute I got to Washington, but I didn’t think we would be this close. I’m introducing a bill to end FOREIGN AID to PAKISTAN in the coming days. It has the PUBLIC support of the President.
I need you to join this battle too, right away.
You know the mainstream media won’t shine a spotlight on this. That’s why we have to go around them. I want to contact over a MILLION AMERICANS in the next week to rally Support
I hope you’ll both add your name AND your support for RANDPAC for this battle
In Liberty,
Rand Paul MD
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RAND PAC is Senator Rand Paul’s Leadership Political Action Committee.
Rand PAC’s mission is to support and elect Pro-Liberty, Pro-Constitution candidates in Kentucky and across the country.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee
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