Wahhabism: The Creation of British Intelligence
Wahhabism IS the Brainchild of British Intelligence Agency by Sabba They are using the name of Islam and Sunni by way of deception. CONTINUE READING
Wahhabism IS the Brainchild of British Intelligence Agency by Sabba They are using the name of Islam and Sunni by way of deception. CONTINUE READING
A New, Successful Economic System Has Been Created; America Must Change To Join It Posted on June 5, 2017 The Paris “Climate Agreement” from which President Donald Trump has withdrawn the United States, is...
The Federal Reserve Must Go By Michael Snyder, on May 14th, 2017 If you want to permanently fix America’s economy, there really is no other choice. Even before Ron Paul’s rallying cry of “End...
12 Signs The Economic Slowdown The Experts Have Been Warning About Is Now Here TOPICS:Economic CollapseMichael Snyder JUNE 2, 2017 By Michael Snyder Since the election there has been this perception among the American...
Obama judge dishonors heroes pre-Memorial Day Larry Klayman slams jurist who shot down legal action against Hillary By Larry Klayman WND June 2, 2017 I was having dinner on Miami Beach, Florida, last Friday...
Ex-Penn State President Sentenced to Jail in Jerry Sandusky Scandal June 3, 2017 Editor 0 Comments (KTLA 5) The former president of Penn State University and two other former administrators were sentenced to jail...
In truth, the killers have their hands full these days keeping Beijing satisfied. China’s direct investment in British Columbia’s resources and infrastructure has more than quadrupled since 2002, and the three biggest Chinese oil...
People You Must Support the itccs.org Group; They are Dependent on You For Survival! BY ADMIN · MAY 19, 2017 Missing People, Fake Inquiries and the China Connection: What Price this Profit? by Kevin...