Monthly Archive: June 2017

Who Really Won the UK Election?

UK General Election: Did The Globalists Win? UK General Election: Did The Globalists Win? VIDEO: Exclusive Interview with Youngest Bilderberg Attendee Ever- Boyan Slat of Ocean Cleanup VIDEO: Trump Attacks Iran, MSM Goes After...

Is Independent Media Being Shut Down?

Journalist indicted on felony rioting at Trump inauguration faces 75 years in prison BY ANDREW CHEETHAM ON 10 JUNE 2017 GMTTHE POLICE STATE US NEWS ‘A journalist has been indicted by a grand jury...

EIR Daily Alert Service

THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 2017 Volume 4, Number 113 EIR Daily Alert Service P.O. Box 17390, Washington, DC 20041-0390 World Silk Road of Development and Peace—Going ‘from Concept to Action’ SCO Summit Begins in Astana,...