America’s Lying Hypocrites Accuse Assad of Using Chemical Weapons Without Proof-All the Chemical Weapons Were Al Qaeda: Created, Trained Funded by America-Specifically Hillary & Obama

LOL!!! ‘US strike destroyed fifth of Assad air force’ says Sec of Defense Mattis

by MG editor

After missiles pound regime air base, American defense minister warns Syria against using chemical weapons again

ed note–the reason I find this so ‘LOL’ is because just yesterday I carried several face to face conversations with Syrians living in close proximity to the base which the US attacked and they told me the damage was minimal and that the only aircraft that were destroyed were those older models that were being used for their spare parts. They also informed me that for half the night just prior to the missile attack, all sorts of activity was taking place where men and material were moved off the base, leaving it virtually empty.Read more of this post

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