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Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Calls Trump A ‘True Friend Of Muslims’ |
- Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Calls Trump A ‘True Friend Of Muslims’
- DOJ Charges Russian Hackers In Connection With Yahoo Hack
- Turkish Hacker Groups Hack Twitter – And Provoke Feud With Netherlands
- California Judge Rules Against Monsanto, Allows Cancer Warning On Roundup
- Residents Horrified After Their Tap Water Came Out Hot Pink For This Gross Reason
- Russia Denies Having Special Forces In Egypt
- Senate Democrat Seeks Investigation Of RT For Being Russian-Funded
- U.S. Missile Drones Deployed To North Korea Border
- Why The U.S. Is Really Putting Boots On The Ground In Syria
- VIDEO: Rand Paul And Tulsi Gabbard Unite For Most Important Act Of 2017
- Why The Debt Ceiling May Spell Disaster In 2017 & What You Can Do About It
- Democrats Introduce Bill Condemning ‘Fake News’ And Alternative Facts
- The Freedom To Choose! Your Attitude Will Determine Your Life
- SHOCKING: Manhattan Man Brutally Beaten On Camera As People Watch Apathetically
Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Calls Trump A ‘True Friend Of Muslims’
Posted: 15 Mar 2017 11:21 AM PDT Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met with Trump today and called their meeting a “historic turning point” in US-Saudi relations declaring Trump, a “true friend of Muslims.” A senior advisor to Salman said in a statement that although Washington and Riyadh had previously “undergone a difference of opinion,” the meeting “put things on the right track, and marked a significant shift in relations.” Salman also expressed that he didn’t believe that Trump’s travel ban was focusing on the sole fact of religion and was geared toward preventing terrorist into the U.S. “Saudi Arabia does not believe that this measure is targeting Muslim countries or the religion of Islam,” the statement read. Adding that the “measure is a sovereign decision aimed at preventing terrorists from entering the United States of America. President Trump expressed his deep respect for the Religion of Islam, considering it one of the divine religions that came with great human principles kidnapped by radical groups.” The senior adviser called the meeting a “huge success, marking a historic turning point in bilateral relation of the two countries.” Trump has been criticized a number of times for failing to put Saudi Arabia on the first travel ban list, despite the fact that majority of the 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia and the 28pages redacted from the 911 commission report shows that the Saudi government had ties to the hijackers. [RELATED: 9/11-Linked Saudi Arabia Not Included In ‘Muslim Ban’][RELATED: The Declassified 28 Pages on 9/11 Are Here]The two diplomats also discussed Iran and its potential reach for a nuclear weapon Salman called the deal “bad” and “very dangerous,” echoing similar sentiments made by Trump who has called the deal “disastrous” and the “worst deal ever negotiated.” Salman further stated that the current deal would merely hold Iran back for a “short period of time” until they are able to produce a nuclear weapon. The adviser’s statement accused Iran of “trying to gain its legitimacy in the Islamic world by supporting terrorist organizations.” The post Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Calls Trump A ‘True Friend Of Muslims’ appeared first on We Are Change. |
DOJ Charges Russian Hackers In Connection With Yahoo Hack
Posted: 15 Mar 2017 10:53 AM PDT The Department Of Justice has indicted two Russian spies and two criminal hackers in connection with the heist of 500 million Yahoo user accounts in 2014. The indictments target two members of the Russian intelligence agency FSB officers “Dmitry Dokuchaev and Igor Sushchin, and two hackers hired by the Russians charged with – hacking, wire fraud, trade secret theft and economic espionage,” Reuters reported. Dokuchaev and Sushchin were arrested in Russia earlier this year in December and January charged with treason, and passing secrets onto the CIA. [RELATED: Report: Russian FSB Agents Suspected of Treason, Charged with Passing Secrets onto CIA]The other two men being charged are Alexsey Belan and Karim Baratov. Belan is listed on the most-wanted cyber criminals and was one of the hackers included as a reason for the economic sanctions on Moscow brought by the Obama administration before leaving office for allegedly meddling in the 2016 election – despite the lack of evidence that Belan was responsible for the DNC hack. The Justice Department said that “FSB officer defendants, Dmitry Dokuchaev and Igor Sushchin, protected, directed, facilitated and paid criminal hackers to collect information through computer intrusions in the U.S. and elsewhere. … They worked with co-defendants Alexsey Belan and Karim Baratov to obtain access to the email accounts.” This case is historic in a number of ways, one being that the U.S. has never brought cyber charges against any Russian government official. The case is the largest cyber crime case that the U.S. government has ever taken on against a foreign country. Yahoo was hacked in early 2014 when they announced that they were victims “of the largest data breach in history.” An estimated 500 million Yahoo accounts were affected. Yahoo later announced a second breach in 2013, claiming that over 1 billion users were affected. Whether the second breach is connected to the 2014 breach alleged to be done by the indicted Russian hackers is unknown. “The criminal conduct at issue, carried out and otherwise facilitated by officers from an FSB unit that serves as the FBI’s point of contact in Moscow on cybercrime matters, is beyond the pale,” Acting Assistant Attorney General McCord said in a statement. “Once again, the Department and the FBI have demonstrated that hackers around the world can and will be exposed and held accountable. State actors may be using common criminals to access the data they want, but the indictment shows that our companies do not have to stand alone against this threat.” The post DOJ Charges Russian Hackers In Connection With Yahoo Hack appeared first on We Are Change. |
Turkish Hacker Groups Hack Twitter – And Provoke Feud With Netherlands
Posted: 15 Mar 2017 08:29 AM PDT Hundreds of Twitter accounts ranging from media outlets to celebrities like Justin Bieber were hacked Wednesday, branded with the Turkish flag and made to send out tweets in Turkish. The compromised accounts – including @Forbes, @BBC America, @Atlanta_Police, @CBSTVStudios, @Bieber_Japan, sports teams and other verified users – tweeted a message in Turkish overnight. One tweet appears to show a swastika – a symbol adopted by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. There were also two hashtags, which translated mean Nazi Germany and Nazi Holland. The tweet appears to be in favor of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The tweet links to a video of Erdogan. It also mentions the date of April 16, which is when Turkey will hold a referendum seeking to give more power to the President. Last weekend Turkish hacker groups targeted a large number of Dutch websites after the political fallout between the Netherlands and Turkey. NL Times was the victim of at least two DDoS attacks on Sunday and Monday, in an attempt to take the site offline, according to a Turkish-language Facebook group linked to cyber-attackers. In a DDoS attack, a large amount of traffic is sent to specific servers, causing them to crash. The website Rumag was hacked on Monday, according to NU.nl. Pro-Turkish and anti-European texts with a photo of Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan were posted on the site. After the Turkish text a message was displayed in English. It read, “Hey Europe, you often talk about democracy, human rights and freedom. But your fear of ‘Great Turkey’ shows your colonialist, racist and fascist crusade mentality and shows your true face.” The message is signed by hacking group Cyber-Warrior Akincilar. Some of the websites were taken over and messages were left. One read: “You Dutch think we will do nothing, but you are wrong. We will never forget what you have done to us.” While no direct reference is made to the diplomatic row between the Netherlands and Turkey, the message does seem to refer to it. There has been rising tensions between Turkey and the Netherlands. Last week Erdogan branded the Dutch government “Nazi remnants and fascists”. A Turkish minister was blocked from visiting the country’s consulate in Rotterdam. Erdogan responded by warning the Netherlands it would “pay the price” for its actions. It seems the Turkish president kept his promise and that’s why he began his own crusade. But nothing highlights this weakness, this manic insecurity, and this puerile obsession with control than the ransomware attack on the Hollywood Hospital. Last year the hackers from Turkey were responsible for hacking a hospital in Los Angeles and promised to continue such attacks if the U.S. government continues to support Kurdish rebels. Power is a weapon. And like a domestic firearm, it is a weapon that is likely at least as dangerous to you as to others. This is how the great Turkish Republic, long a bastion of pluralist secular Islam, is slowly being reduced to the state-sponsored hacking groups which attack foreign countries to please their Sultan. The post Turkish Hacker Groups Hack Twitter – And Provoke Feud With Netherlands appeared first on We Are Change. |
California Judge Rules Against Monsanto, Allows Cancer Warning On Roundup
Posted: 15 Mar 2017 03:10 AM PDT Article via Eco Watch by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. California is the first U.S. state to require Monsanto to label its blockbuster weed killer, Roundup, as a possible carcinogen, according to a ruling issued Friday by a California judge. Fresno County Superior Court Judge Kristi Kapetan previously issued a tentative ruling on Jan. 27 in Monsanto Company v. Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, et al.
Judge Kapetan formalized her ruling Friday against Monsanto, which will allow California to proceed with the process of listing glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, as a chemical “known to the state to cause cancer” in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, better known as Proposition 65. In January of 2016, Monsanto filed a lawsuit against the State of California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) over the agency’s notice of intent to list glyphosate as a Prop 65 chemical. OEHHA issued the notice after the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) issued a report on glyphosate, which classified the chemical as a “probable human carcinogen.” The IARC report compelled OEHHA to list glyphosate as a Prop 65 chemical and warn consumers about the possible danger associated with glyphosate exposure.
Why Did Monsanto Sue the State of California?In 1986, California voters approved Proposition 65 to address concerns about exposure to toxic chemicals. Prop 65 requires California to publish a list of chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. OEHHA is the administrator for the Proposition 65 program and determines in many cases whether chemicals or other substances meet the scientific and legal requirements to be placed on the Proposition 65 list. The agency uses a “Labor Code” listing mechanism, which directs the OEHHA to add chemicals or substances to the Prop 65 list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer if they meet certain classifications by the IARC. Monsanto’s lawsuit against OEHHA argued that the statutory basis underlying the agency’s action to list glyphosate as a Prop 65 chemical violates both the California and U.S. Constitutions. According to the complaint, listing glyphosate as chemical known to the state to cause cancer cedes regulatory authority to an “unelected, undemocratic, unaccountable, and foreign body” that isn’t subject to oversight by California or the United States. Though, according Judge Kapetan ruling:
In the months that followed, a number of interested nonparties joined the lawsuit as “intervenors,” either on behalf of Monsanto or on behalf of the State of California. When a case has the potential to affect the rights of interested nonparties (individuals or organizations not named in the lawsuit), they can become intervenors, effectively joining the litigation either as a matter of right or at the court’s discretion without the permission of the original litigants. Intervention simply gives nonparties that could be affected by a case’s outcome a chance to be heard. Below are the intervenors in Monsanto Company v. Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, et al. Monsanto Intervenors:
OEHHA Intervenors:
Teri McCall is one of many California residents to cheer the ruling against Monsanto. Her husband, Jack, sprayed Roundup on the family’s Cambia, California farm for nearly 30 years. In September 2015, Jack went to see a doctor to treat swollen lymph nodes in his neck. That day in the hospital, he learned that the swelling was caused by anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), a rare and aggressive version of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Three months later, Jack suffered a severe stroke due to complications with his cancer treatment. He died on Dec. 26, 2015. In the wake of her husband’s death, Teri McCall filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Monsanto, alleging the company knew about the link between Roundup and cancer, but failed to warn the public about the risk. “My husband Jack was very conscious of the dangers of chemicals and his misfortune was taking Monsanto’s word that Roundup was safe,” McCall said at a press conference held in January in Fresno, California, following Judge Kapetan’s tentative ruling
It’s great to see democracy is alive and well in California where judges are still willing to stand up for science, even against the most powerful corporate polluters. This decision gives Californians the right to protect themselves and their families from chemical trespass. I am representing Ms. McCall along with Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman. We are also representing 230 other plaintiffs (45 from California) who are suing Monsanto for non-Hodgkin lymphoma from exposure to Roundup, with more clients coming onboard every week. This article first appeared on EcoWatch.com and was authored by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. The post California Judge Rules Against Monsanto, Allows Cancer Warning On Roundup appeared first on We Are Change. |
Residents Horrified After Their Tap Water Came Out Hot Pink For This Gross Reason
Posted: 15 Mar 2017 02:52 AM PDT Residents were too grossed out to drink it, despite no apparent health risks.Article via True Activist Early last week, residents from Onoway, Alberta in Canada woke up to find that their tap water was fluorescent pink, which didn’t exactly excite citizens and instead induced fear. After the water crises occurring in places like Flint, Michigan, whose water toxicity problem still has not been fixed, it’s understandable that Onoway residents were scared about what the pink water could mean. When residents discovered the hot pink water spewing from the taps, many immediately called the town office to demand answers and a solution to the problem. It was determined that the culprit behind the hue was potassium permanganate, a chemical commonly used by water treatment plans to remove iron and hydrogen sulphide from well water that makes its way to the taps. Once the city was notified of the problem, Onoway’s Mayor Dale Krasnow launched an investigation into what had occurred. Officials determined that a valve had gotten stuck during the treatment process, allowing potassium permanganate to get into the sump reservoir and circulate through the water.
Credit: @SusanCTV/Twitter The mayor issued an apology to the residents of the small town, whose population is a mere 1,000, and clarified that Alberta Health Services said there was never a health risk. Since the chemical is inorganic, many are skeptical about the safety of consuming it and have refrained from drinking it until the water has been flushed and traces of the pink have disappeared.
Would you drink this hot pink water? Please share, like, and comment on this article! This article (Residents Horrified After Their Tap Water Came Out Hot Pink For This Gross Reason) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com The post Residents Horrified After Their Tap Water Came Out Hot Pink For This Gross Reason appeared first on We Are Change. |
Russia Denies Having Special Forces In Egypt
Posted: 15 Mar 2017 12:10 AM PDT Libyan Parliament: Russia Has Offered Aid to National ArmyArticle via Antiwar Russia’s Defense Ministry has issued a statement today denying that there are any Russian special forces deployed to Egypt. This was in response to yesterday’s US claims that this was the case, with at least one Egyptian official claiming 22 Russian troops were at a western airbase, apparently with an eye on aiding Libya’s National Army. The UN-recognized Tobruk Parliament has been openly courting Russian support for fights in Eastern Libya since the US withdrew its support and began backing the rival “unity government” in the nation’s west. President Agila Saleh of the Tobruk Parliament today said Russia had promised training and equipment repair. Gen. Khalifa Hifter’s Libyan National Army is among the largest forces in the country, and is loyal to the Tobruk Parliament at present. Hifter had previously been a long-standing CIA asset, though the US has been harshly critical of him in recent years. Hifter made a handful of visits to Moscow in recent months, trying to secure support for his forces, and according to Saleh, some wounded LNA fighters were transferred to Russia for medical treatment. The exact details of Russia’s aid, however, remains purely speculative. This article first appeared on Antiwar.com and was authored by Jason Ditz. The post Russia Denies Having Special Forces In Egypt appeared first on We Are Change. |
Senate Democrat Seeks Investigation Of RT For Being Russian-Funded
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 11:56 PM PDT Is RT Russian-Funded?Article via Antiwar Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D – NH) is pushing a bill that would seek a Justice Department investigation of whether television station RT America is “coordinating with the Russian government,” saying there is reason to believe that there are financial ties between the channel and the Russian government, and that “the American public has a right to know if that is the case.” It is the case, of course. RT was founded by RIA Novosti in 2005 as a nominally “autonomous” non-profit organization. RIA Novosti is wholly owned by the Russian government. This mirrors almost exactly the US government’s control over Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, and several other media outlets, which had long been run as nominally autonomous outlets themselves, under the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). That RT is an auxiliary of the Russian government was never actually in question, and financial ties are only to be expected. Sen. Shaheen’s efforts to try to argue RT employees are violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act, however, is another matter. The act explicitly targets lobbyists and people engaging in “political activities,” but provides exemptions for many types of news organizations, and does not generally appear to be enforced against any of the other state-owned media outlets from around the world. Whether RT can be targeted under the act appears to rest heavily on whether the US government decides it is or isn’t engaged in “bona fide news or journalistic activities,” or at least less-so than the BBC or al-Jazeera. America’s long history of free press has historically precluded the federal government from getting involved in deciding what is or isn’t a “real” news outlet, and the precedent of doing so clearly has ramifications that go far beyond a single English-language news station run by Russia. This article first appeared on Antiwar.com and was authored by Jason Ditz. The post Senate Democrat Seeks Investigation Of RT For Being Russian-Funded appeared first on We Are Change. |
U.S. Missile Drones Deployed To North Korea Border
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 11:45 PM PDT New Deployment Raises Fear of Hasty EscalationArticle via Antiwar The US has announced its intention of permanently deploying a company of Grey Eagle drones capable of firing Hellfire Missiles, to South Korea, along the border with North Korea. Officials are saying they’ll provide “surveillance” capabilities. Yet the fact that they chose to send a missile-capable drone suggests surveillance isn’t the primary goal of this deployment. The Trump Administration has already shown an interest in escalating the use of drones to attack targets in places that are not directly part of current US military operations. While the US throwing more military forces at the Korean Peninsula is nothing new, deploying forces that are seen as being usable in something short of a full-scale military operation seems particularly risky, as it risks the chance that the overflights could blunder the US into a precipitous escalation with North Korea. This is doubly true because drones being used for their stated purpose, surveillance, could be misinterpreted by North Korean Air Defense as an imminent US attack with Hellfire Missiles, and could produce a retaliatory response from North Korea’s substantial missile program. It’s not too hard to imagine a number of ways in which this deployment could destabilize the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and with the Trump Administration openly eschewing any negotiations with North Korea as proposed by China recently, it only adds to the sense the US is seeking a “military solution.” This article first appeared on Antiwar.com and was authored by Jason Ditz. The post U.S. Missile Drones Deployed To North Korea Border appeared first on We Are Change. |
Why The U.S. Is Really Putting Boots On The Ground In Syria
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 11:38 PM PDT Article via The Anti-Media Though a number of U.S. soldiers were previously deployed to Syria under the Obama administration, the U.S. government has just sent an additional 400 troops to Syrian territory without congressional approval, without approval from the Syrian government, and without approval from the U.N. Given the illegality of the move, the real question regarding the operation must focus on the motive. Why is the United States military, under a president who ran on a campaign of focusing less on wars abroad, sending more troops to Syrian territory? Trump supporters often argue this is to fulfill his campaign promise to defeat ISIS. The first thing to note, however, is that ISIS has already been more or less defeated, with or without American assistance. ISIS currently has one major stronghold left in Iraq, which American air power is currently assisting various Iraqi militias on the ground to crush. The terror group also has one final remaining substantial stronghold in Syria. If this is the case — and as ISIS soldiers flee Mosul in Iraq and head towards Syria — one is left to wonder why on earth the Trump administration is also sending 1,000 American troops to Kuwait, as well. According to one anonymous official, the Kuwaiti deployment is “about providing options,” whatever that means. The second thing to note is that since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003, Iranian influence has been spreading throughout the Middle East. The biggest winner of the Iraq war was Iran, namely because the United States and the United Kingdom ousted Saddam Hussein, a Sunni who spent years bombing and gassing Iranians. Shortly after, Hussein was replaced by a U.S.-backed, Shia-led government that was able to align itself with Tehran. In 2005, Iran formed a formal defense agreement with Syria, creating a three country-strong wedge between NATO and the Caucasus region, which was further strengthened with the addition of Lebanon, which is home to Iran’s proxy army, Hezbollah. The most complicated aspect of this alliance is the fact that it may soon include Yemen, as a Houthi-led insurgency may create an Iranian-aligned government on Saudi Arabia’s border (contrary to what the mainstream media claims, Iran’s support for the Houthi movement is incredibly limited, but the possibility of an alliance with Tehran is very real). The resistance to this Iranian-led alliance by the U.S.-Israel establishment can be seen in a variety of ways. For example, in 2013, Israel’s ambassador to the U.S., Michael Oren, told the Jerusalem Post: “The initial message about the Syrian issue was that we always wanted [President] Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.” According to the Post, Oren said this was the case even if the other “bad guys” were affiliated with al-Qaeda. [RELATED: U.S. Army Announces Troops Will Stay In Syria After ISIS Defeat]In the case of Iraq and Syria, Iran’s influence has been integral in recent developments. Iranian militias have already done the bulk of anti-ISIS fighting on the ground in Iraq, yet the U.S. wants to swoop in at the final stages and claim a victory they have ultimately contributed very little towards. On top of this, Saudi Arabia is also sending ground troops to Syria with the express purpose of preventing liberated areas of Syria from falling into the hands of Syria, Iran, and/or Hezbollah. The United States and its allies are now illegally moving into Syrian territory for one main purpose: to shape the outcome of the battle. Even though Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and the United States officially all have the same goal of defeating ISIS, in reality, they all disagree on what should follow. “The upshot is that it’s still unclear who will take Raqqa when Mosul falls,” said one senior official involved in discussions, as reported by the Guardian. “The Americans are still hedging on the Kurds, even though the Turks are adamantly opposed. The Russians want the Syrian army and the rebels to do it, under their tutelage.” The only question that matters now is to what extent Saudi Arabia and the U.S. will go to enforce their desired outcome on the Syrian regime. Will they fight off Iranian and Syrian troops, which will only further complicate the battle arena as Russia provides unquestionable air power to the aforementioned troops on the ground? With the presidency of Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin has lost his monopoly on unpredictability and his ability to outmaneuver the United States’ foreign policy goals in the Middle East. This is because of how reckless Trump is proving himself to be. In order to avoid a catastrophic war, the Americans and the Saudis may be relying on the fact that their presence there may act as a deterrence to the Syrians and Iranians. If possible, this would ensure that Syrian troops stay well clear of those areas occupied by American troops, and as such, avoid coming under fire. If that is the case, it is still unclear what international legal principle gives the United States the right to take territory from the Syrian government and hand it over to its allies on the ground, a move that may, in essence, be a deal-breaker for Syria, Iran and/or Russia. One thing is clear, however. The Trump administration will not willingly allow an outright victory for Iran and Russia in Syria. Despite ramping up his anti-Iran rhetoric while claiming to be less concerned with the Assad government in Syria, Trump is evidently keeping open the Syrian military option laid out for him by Barack Obama as a means of directly targeting Iran. How will this end? Creative Commons / Anti-Media / Report a typo The post Why The U.S. Is Really Putting Boots On The Ground In Syria appeared first on We Are Change. |
VIDEO: Rand Paul And Tulsi Gabbard Unite For Most Important Act Of 2017
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 06:50 PM PDT In this video we talk about U.S Senator Rand Paul introducing Tulsi Gabbard’s “Stop Arming Terrorists Act” in the Senate. This for our analysis on what would be the most important law in the U.S representatives that could reshape American foreign policy and put this country on the right track. We also give context to this law by detailing Obama’s and Donald Trump’s foreign policy. You can read S. 532, the Stop Arming Terrorists Act, HERE. [MORE: Rand Paul And Tulsi Gabbard Unite To Stop CIA From Arming Terrorists][MORE: Tulsi Gabbard: To Solve Refugee Crisis, Stop Funding Terrorists]Visit our MAIN SITE for more breaking news https://wearechange.org/ PATREON https://www.patreon.com/WeAreChange OH YEAH since we are not corporate or government WHORES help us out https://wearechange.org/donate We take BITCOIN too The post VIDEO: Rand Paul And Tulsi Gabbard Unite For Most Important Act Of 2017 appeared first on We Are Change. |
Why The Debt Ceiling May Spell Disaster In 2017 & What You Can Do About It
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 01:54 PM PDT I recently spoke with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the coming March 15th, 2017 debt ceiling decision, or perhaps lack thereof. Since World War Two we have seen battles over the debt ceiling, originating with a 49 billion dollar debt in June, 1940 to nearly a 20 trillion dollar debt in 2017. This escalation is extremely volatile considering the effect it has on the average person working 9-5 and attempting to feed their family. The treasury used to create debt and buy off their own debt, but no more. You cannot buy this level of debt. No one wants it. One of the most prevalent causes of the debt we see today is the printing of worthless fiat currency and the quantitative easing program at the Federal Reserve. Currency is printed out of thin air based simply on faith while creating debt, devaluation and inflation. Due to the manipulation of the monetary system and the brutal manipulation of the markets, people are out of work because business owners can’t afford to pay the level of people necessary to be productive and competitive. The price of living is higher than the wages people get. Now one may say, “Raise the minimum wage!” however, that will not fix the problem. In fact, that would perpetuate the problem. When regulators enforce rules on businesses while giving benefits to others, it monopolizes the favored industry while burying the competition. When there’s no competition, there’s no innovation. When there’s no competition there isn’t massive job creation which leads to more production, which leads to higher wages and it goes in a circle, always growing depending on the demand of the populace with their dollar. Now we’ve strayed far from this ideal over the past century and a half all while the artificial monetary system pulls us closer and closer to complete economic collapse. This debt ceiling can spell absolute disaster as the pressure builds up. By all fundamentals, the economy should have crashed many years ago. It has been held up and manipulated to such an extent that it has simply gained steam and bubbled up, ready to burst at any moment. Now this could lead to another phony government “shut down” like we all saw in 2013 where national parks were closed and they paid guards more money than it would take to keep the parks up and running to guard it from entry. In one case, armed guards blocked World War Two veterans from seeing a war memorial. The question is, will the debt ceiling fall in and will we be lead into an SDR (Special Drawing Rights) currency which is a global currency aimed at creating a centralized cashless society? Or will we see it all collapse and precede a debt jubilee (all debt forgiven) and a free market society with a free monetary system of competing currency? Well one of those options is very possible and that’s the former, considering the level of propaganda and the little understanding of basic economics in society today. The latter however is quite possible if the populace starts to understand free markets and free monetary systems, free of coercion or manipulation. This debt ceiling fight could start to get real dirty in the next week, so hold on ladies and gentlemen. There’s no saying exactly where this will go, but in the present, it can’t be going anywhere good. Everyone’s cheering for “hope and change” under President Donald Trump, but his treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin is more of the same and the cabinet makes all the difference, regardless of the President. Especially when they’re working with globalist entities like the IMF, ESF and Federal Reserve. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Please watch the video for a full rundown of what is about to occur and what you can do about it! The post Why The Debt Ceiling May Spell Disaster In 2017 & What You Can Do About It appeared first on We Are Change. |
Democrats Introduce Bill Condemning ‘Fake News’ And Alternative Facts
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 01:42 PM PDT In a hilarious twisting of reality, a new House of Representatives resolution by Democrats calls for “opposing fake news and alternative facts.” The bill, H.RES. 191, is sponsored by Democratic Reps. Ted Lieu (California) and John Lewis (Georgia) and reads like a jumped-up high school Model U.N. club resolution. The bill demands “the president must immediately acknowledge his support of the First Amendment and express his support for United States democracy,” and “White House spokespersons should not issue fake news.” “White House spokespersons who offer alternative or inaccurate facts should retract their statements immediately,” it adds. H.RES. 191 cites President Trump and press secretary Sean Spicer’s comments on crowd size at the inauguration, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway mistakenly citing a nonexistent Bowling Green terror attack, and Trump’s claim that he lost the popular vote because of illegal voting. “The most recent ‘fake news’ the American people are receiving have come from the president himself and his spokespersons,” the bill states, ignoring the endless stream of fake stories published in places like CNN and The Guardian. President Trump blasted the mainstream media last month, calling the mainstream press “fake news” and “the enemy of the American people.” [RELATED: Trump Slams Media Again For ‘Fake News,’ Claims He ‘Inherited a Mess’]The term fake news became popular in November after Trump won the election and a list of news websites were smeared as Russian propaganda in a list released by “ProporNot” and published in the Washington Post. The McCarthy-esque blacklist was little more than defamation of the who’s who of independent media, including We Are Change, and the Washington Post eventually appended the story after being threatened with a lawsuit. [RELATED: We Are Change Named On Egregious List Of Media Promoting ‘Russia Propaganda’]“Fake news” on social media was blamed as a major factor for Trump’s win, and Facebook itself is now attempting to censor independent media as “fake.” A Stanford University/NYU study authored by NYU economics professor Hunt Allcott and Stanford economics professor Matthew Gentzkow found that fake social media coverage did not change the outcome of the election. Nonetheless, Facebook is rolling out a new feature allowing users to report news content in their feeds as fake with help from biased sites like Politifact, Snopes ABC News, FactCheck.org, and the Associated Press, who will “fact check” information. [RELATED: Facebook Ministry Of Truth Begins Plot To Label Alternative Media Fake News]We are Change reported last December that U.S. lawmakers moved to criminalize independent media after the House passed a bill quietly tucked inside the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017. The “fact-checkers” at Snopes attacked us for this, failing to recognize that We Are Change simply reported on the words of a Senator and Congressman. [RELATED: Snopes’s Lack of Journalist Integrity and Its Assault on WeAreChange]If Congress wants to condemn fake news and protect free speech, they can start by blasting Snopes and the fake fact checkers in the corporate media, and demand that Facebook be treated as a public utility. Phone companies can’t censor free speech – and Facebook shouldn’t be allowed to either. We Are Change Editor-At-Large Andrew Meyer contributed to this report. The post Democrats Introduce Bill Condemning ‘Fake News’ And Alternative Facts appeared first on We Are Change. |
The Freedom To Choose! Your Attitude Will Determine Your Life
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 12:47 PM PDT Do you believe you chose to be born to your parents? Do you believe you chose to be born in your body? Do you believe you are who you are for a reason? Or do you believe everything is random? Whatever you believe, one thing is for certain, once you reach a certain age, you either embrace who you are or you continue to fight against it. There are those who believe we were born against our will and we will die against our will; But what of our will while we are between life and death? What of our will when we are engaged in the process of life? You cannot exchange your life for another’s as if the universe were a department store. You are who you are whether you like it or not. The question remains: What will you make out of what you have been given? You have been given a body, a soul, and an allotted amount of time. You can choose to waste that time or embrace that time. Time is not inherently good nor bad, time simply is. Time is of limited supply. Time can be a reason to be happy. Time can be a reason to be sad. Time is a reason to be happy when it motivates you to make something of yourself. Time is a reason to be sad when you realize it is slipping away – before you ever found something worthwhile to hold onto. Time can be your enemy or your friend depending on how you choose to relate to it. Choose. Now there is a powerful word. How many people have died before realizing they had a choice? How many people have died fighting for your freedom to choose? The world wasn’t always as it is today. There is no telling how the world will be tomorrow. Only time will tell the tale of the future. The tale of the future is told by the present. In this present moment you have a choice. You can choose to be whoever you want. Until you realize that, you have robbed yourself of your most precious possession – Your freedom to choose! It is true that we are all products of our environment, molded and shaped by what we perceive of our experiences. If you are not happy with where you are in life, choose to be in a different place. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best of you. Stop making nature fight against nurture. Help nature greet nurture with a loving embrace. I do believe you were born for a reason; But it is up to you to tell the world what that reason is. Do not expect your life to change if you are unwilling to change it. For although you do not remember choosing to come here – And although you may not choose when you will leave – You will choose who you will become – And that is what Free will is all about! The post The Freedom To Choose! Your Attitude Will Determine Your Life appeared first on We Are Change. |
SHOCKING: Manhattan Man Brutally Beaten On Camera As People Watch Apathetically
Posted: 14 Mar 2017 12:38 PM PDT Warning: You may find the following article and video disturbing. New York City – Recently, a 24 year old Manhattan man was beaten nearly to death on camera while dozens of people walked by and did absolutely nothing. According to a passerby, it was “hard to watch” and the two men were “big guys” so they didn’t want to step in. Now one may ask, “Why are you reporting on this?” Well it’s simple really… People have become so desensitized that they will watch life and death situations as if it were a movie. They are so apathetic that they will stand by as fellow human beings are beaten or killed. This is a growing trend that I can’t help but feel a little sick about. You see, I live in a dangerous city. Winnipeg, Canada is also known as the “Chicago of Canada.” Many parts of the city are brutal at nighttime. When I was about 14 years old I was going for a walk in one of the better parts of the city. Three grown men approached me, took everything I had and begun beating me ruthlessly. They broke my nose, they took running kicks at my head, smashed my head into a brick wall. They stomped on me, punched me in the face and all the while, dozens of people walked by. Groups of people. Men and women. They watched as I was being beaten. A 14 year old kid. But they kept on walking and did nothing. The punks that did it ended up throwing all that they stole from me off of a bridge and into the river, including an expensive camera and my wallet. They simply did it for the joy. I could have died. I sat in a pool of blood wondering why no one cared to help. It was one of my first true wake up calls that I can’t wait for a savior. I must be the change I wish to see. That waiting for someone else is futile most of the time. Now don’t get me wrong, there are countless great people out there who would help. It’s just that a vast number of people are slowly becoming so apathetic that they’re bordering on a total, absolute idiocratic mentality. We have seen examples in other cultures where the stories are quite stomach churning to say the least… Wang Yue was a two year old girl many may remember was killed after being run over by two vehicles over the course of seven minutes back in 2011 in China. In that time, 18 people… I repeat 18 PEOPLE walked by her poor injured body as she lay suffering on the ground. She was ignored. No one cared. They were apathetic. Even a small child bleeding on the ground in the middle of a road didn’t catch their attention. They walked by like the zombies they were, apathetic to their surroundings. Screenshots from the horrific video footage of Wang Yue’s eventual death. Finally someone picked the child up and rushed her to emergency. She died 8 days later. For the love of God people, don’t allow this apathy to take a hold of you. It is becoming more and more common. China is further down the path than the West and that’s not to speak for all of China, but years of communism and servitude, years of desensitizing and degrading, years of being ruled while being spoon fed your thoughts by television will eventually lead to zombified apathy like that of the film Metropolis from 1927. We’ve been warned time and time again yet what have we done? From the famous “shift change” scene from the film Metropolis (1927). I plead with you. If you see someone in harm’s way, if someone is in need of help, grab a few people around you and help them. If you’re capable of taking a predator on yourself, please do it! We are heading down a slippery slope towards meaningless apathy towards our fellow man. We walk to the same beat. Hear what we want to hear. We see what we want to see. We see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil and we must break free from this paradigm before it’s too late. One day your daughter may be Wang Yue and it’ll be too late. What will you have to say for your apathy then? Or do you even care? I truly hope for the sake of humanity that you do. The post SHOCKING: Manhattan Man Brutally Beaten On Camera As People Watch Apathetically appeared first on We Are Change. |