
“A New World Altogether”: Global Airlines Set to “Go Live in March” With Immunity Passports
“A New World Altogether”: Global Airlines Set to “Go Live in March” With Immunity Passports Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:22 PM PST Imagine a world where the ability to travel on a commercial airliner depends on passing a COVID-19 test or taking a vaccine. If a traveler tests positive or did not receive or refused to take the vaccine, they would be locked out of air travel. This dystopic future could be the ‘new normal‘ in a matter of weeks. All along, maybe the “conspiracy theorists” who warned of an overreaching system of control by the government were right. During a Wednesday press conference, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) said they would roll out a new travel app (called Travel Pass) to manage COVID-19 tests and vaccine certifications. IATA is the premier global trade organization for airlines, with 290 members.  Since the early days of the pandemic (read: here & here & here), we’ve discussed “COVID passports,” “immunity passports,” or at least mentioned those who don’t get tested for the virus or vaccinated could face travel restrictions. From conspiracy theory to conspiracy fact, this appears to be the case as IATA’s new app will be rolled out in March. Already, Singapore Airlines and twenty other airlines are testing the Travel App. In recent weeks, more airlines, such as American Airlines have expanded the use of immunity passports for international travel. “The key issue is one of confidence. Passengers need to be confident that the testing they’ve taken is accurate and will allow them to enter the country,” said Vinoop Goel, IATA’s regional director of airports and external relations. “And then governments need to have the confidence that the tests that the passengers claim to have is one which is accurate and meets their own conditions,” Goel said.  “We are currently working with a number of airlines worldwide and learning from these pilots. And the plan is to go live in March,” he said. “So basically, we expect to have a fully functional working system over the next few weeks,” he added. The development of the app suggests airlines and governments have worked together to come up with a global solution to restart the crippled airline industry. Despite the imminent release of the app, IATA expects summer travel to be slow. So the question we ask readers is if COVID passports could actually backfire on the airline industry? After all, who wants private corporations and governments holding your private health data? A corporation or government holding private health data could be a deterrence for some travels. Monitoring people’s health erodes privacy, and electronic documentation leaves the data susceptible to hackers.  A shortage of vaccines and or younger generations who are expected to get vaccinated later this year could result in unfair access to air travel. COVID passports appear to be a new form of discrimination. It comes as no surprise as billionaire and top vaccine pusher Bill Gates, for the last ten months, has been one of the most prominent figures discussing health passports. After airlines, there is no telling what governments will do with these new health passports – they could be quickly extended to entering grocery stores, attending concerts and sports games, riding public transportation, and or even collecting unemployment. Already in Europe, Spain, Estonia, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, and Belgium have indicated immunity passports will be used for cross-border activity. Former Prime Minister and globalist Tony Blair recently said the “world is moving in this direction,” adding that he couldn’t see another way of this,” while referring to immunity passports. Blair has previously said that vaccine passports are inevitable and that “It’s going to be a new world altogether.” Republished from ZeroHedge.com with permission The post “A New World Altogether”: Global Airlines Set to “Go Live in March” With Immunity Passports appeared first on We Are Change.
U.S. and Israel Convene Top Secret “Strategic Forum” on Iran Posted: 26 Feb 2021 05:01 PM PST With expected EU-sponsored US and Iranian talks toward restoring the nuclear deal (JCPOA) still at an impasse before they’ve even begun, Israel is on a full diplomatic blitz of Capitol Hill to prevent what’s it’s long claimed to be merely Tehran’s “cover” for secretly developing a nuke, even with inspectors on the ground. As Washington and Tehran continue their blame game and tit-for-tat on who will “comply first”, the Biden administration will sit down with Israeli security officials for a “strategic forum” on Iran. Axios first learned this week that the close allies have “elected to reconvene a strategic working group on Iran, with the first round of talks on intelligence surrounding the Iranian nuclear program expected in the coming days.” This will present Tel Aviv with an official forum with which to make Netanyahu’s case for permanently shooting down the 2015 nuclear deal, or at least to impose higher and more stringent requirements on Iran if it hopes to keep its nuclear energy program. Alternately, the White House is likely to use the opportunity to ensure a political fight will be avoided with America’s closest Mideast ally. The “working group” on Iran was first established under the Obama administration, giving opportunity for intelligence sharing at the highest levels – even at a policy level – which has made it a ‘top secret’ initiative from the beginning. The need for the group became somewhat moot given Trump later ramped up ‘maximum pressure’ and turned toward regime change strategizing. Axios reviews some of the details of the reestablished US-Israeli forum as follows: It was the main venue for strategizing over how to apply pressure to Iran during Obama’s first term, and it became the primary setting to air disagreements about the nuclear deal during Obama’s second term.During Donald Trump’s tenure, the forum convened to discuss the U.S. withdrawal from the nuclear deal and to coordinate the “maximum pressure” campaign.The forum is headed by the U.S. and Israeli national security advisers — currently Jake Sullivan and Meir Ben-Shabbat — and includes top officials from across the various national security, foreign policy and intelligence agencies in both countries. Meanwhile, the Netanyahu government has considered US re-entry into the JCPOA as nothing less than an “emergency” and national security crisis. Further complicating matters was the fact that it took Biden a full month to actually return the Israeli Prime Minister’s phone call. The new forum will likely be Israel’s only shot at engaging the White House on the Islamic Republic. Republished from ZeroHedge.com with permission The post U.S. and Israel Convene Top Secret “Strategic Forum” on Iran appeared first on We Are Change.
Moscow Blasts “Extremely Outrageous” Strike on Syria as Biden Stays Silent Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:57 PM PST As expected Russia has reacted fiercely to the overnight US airstrikes on eastern Syria, which marked the first military action of the Biden presidency, calling out what the Kremlin said is an “extremely outrageous” violation of sovereignty. “We strongly condemn such actions and call for Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity to be unconditionally respected,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a press briefing. Other Russian officials, including a prominent senator for foreign affairs, Sergei Tsekov, blasted the American aggression as an “extremely outrageous” move, saying further, “Now, if someone struck a blow on U.S. territory, what would that look like? They strike at the territory of a sovereign republic without the consent of Syrian leadership.” But perhaps the most interesting detail is that Russia’s defense ministry was forewarned about the strike shortly before it happened. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov confirmed as much – saying the warning came a mere “minutes” before they commenced. “This sort of warning — when strikes are already underway — gives (us) nothing,” Lavrov said according to Moscow Times. Given that over the past years since Russia’s invitation by the Assad government in 2015 to assist in defeating the jihadist insurgency there’s been an increasing number of rival warplanes operating over Syria’s skies, the Pentagon and Russia have maintained a military-to-military hotline in order to avoid inadvertent escalations. Presumably the Russians were “warned” via this method of communication. While little has ultimately been confirmed, regional media outlets and monitors have cited over 20 killed in the strike, which the US claims was on “Iranian-backed militias” operating in Syria. More details of how the strike unfolded have kept rolling in throughout the day Friday… Just in: Two F-15E Strike Eagles dropped 7 precision-guided munitions in the strike against Iran-backed militias in Syria last night, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby confirms. Strikes at the Albukamal border crossing completely destroyed 9 facilities & partially destroyed 2 more. — Jack Detsch (@JackDetsch) February 26, 2021 “Specifically, the strikes destroyed multiple facilities located at a border control point used by a number of Iranian-backed militant groups, including Kata’ib Hezbollah and Kata’ib Sayyid al Shuhada,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said. “The operation sends an unambiguous message; President Biden will act to protect American coalition personnel. At the same time, we have acted in a deliberate manner that aims to de-escalate the overall situation in both Eastern Syria and Iraq.” I condemn meddling in Syria’s civil war. I also condemn attacking a sovereign nation without authority. What authority does @POTUS have to strike Syria? Perhaps someone should ask his @PressSec today? https://t.co/nLxbZNLx4J — Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) February 26, 2021 These strikes are unconstitutional and dangerous. There’s no general authority for a president to launch airstrikes, and President Biden hasn’t claimed they were necessary to stop an imminent attack. Our Constitution demands he get approval from the representatives of the people. https://t.co/zE21bZQzlk — Justin Amash (@justinamash) February 26, 2021 But Biden himself has remained silent on the strike, which has angered a handful of Congress members questioning his basis for authorizing the unilateral attack. Damascus for its part called the attack “cowardly” and said it will surely “escalate” the crisis in the region. “Syria condemns in the strongest terms the cowardly US aggression on areas in Deir Ez-Zor near the Syrian-Iraqi border, which is inconsistent with international law and the Charter of the United Nations. Syria warns that it [this move] will lead to consequences that will escalate the situation in the region,” the country’s foreign ministry said, as cited in state-run news agency SANA. Republished from ZeroHedge.com with permission The post Moscow Blasts “Extremely Outrageous” Strike on Syria as Biden Stays Silent appeared first on We Are Change.
CNN’s Jim Acosta Flabbergasted After Journalist Confronts Him Over Cuomo Media Blackout Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:10 PM PST CNN’s Jim Acosta was visibly flummoxed outside of CPAC in Orlando on Friday, after a crowd began chanting “CNN Sucks!” while he was trying to interview people – followed by an unexpected line of questioning from The Federalist‘s David Marcus – who demanded to know why CNN isn’t covering two major scandals involving New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. WATCH: A crowd at CPAC surrounds CNN’s Jim Acosta and chants “CNN sucks!” pic.twitter.com/fgxsPlCz42 — The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) February 26, 2021 “When are you guys gonna start covering [Governor Andrew] Cuomo?” asks Marcus. Acosta, visibly perturbed by the interruption, started to claim “We do, we do cover that.” Marcus pressed on – at one point parrying an attempt to ‘box him out’ – telling Acosta: “No, you don’t. He killed 10,000 people and he’s being accused of sexual assault, and you guys want to talk about Ted Cruz.” To which Acosta shot back: “Let me just finish this interview and then I’ll talk to you, OK?” Marcus then demanded that Acosta opine on Cuomo’s scandals. “I’m here to do a job right now; I’m not here to talk to you,” the CNN journo shot back. Watch: WATCH: CNN’s Jim Acosta confronted at CPAC over his network’s failure to cover Cuomo’s multiple scandals. pic.twitter.com/5AWGIeZ55F — The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) February 26, 2021 (h/t The Post Millennial) As the Daily Mail noted on ThursdayCNN, ABC, CNN and MSNBC have devoted little to no time discussing Cuomo’s nursing home scandal, or explosive new sexual harassment claims levied against the New York governor. ABC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC on Wednesday avoided discussing the explosive new sexual harassment claims against New York Gov Andrew Cuomo during their evening news broadcasts.   Earlier on Wednesday, Lindsey Boylan, shared on Medium that during her more than three years in the Democrat’s administration, Cuomo ‘would go out of his way to touch me on my lower back, arms and legs,’ compared her to one of his rumored ex-girlfriends and once remarked they should play strip poker.  And according to Fox News, which cited Grabien transcripts, ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS’ Evening News, and NBC’s Nightly News made no mention of Cuomo or the allegations against him.  CNN and MSNBC also skipped over the allegations against the governor whose spokesperson Caitlin Girouard said that all Boylan’s ‘claims of inappropriate behavior are quite simply false’. During CNN host Chris Cuomo’s segment Wednesday night, he discussed why Democrats can’t get a deal on pandemic relief, the January 6 Capitol riot and the Boeing 777 incident from last weekend.   Maybe Marcus learned to interrupt people from Acosta? CNN’s Jim Acosta interrupts a historic signing ceremony with North Korea, shouts questions at President Trump. #TrumpKimSummit pic.twitter.com/6SJPOFvcto — Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) June 12, 2018 Republished from ZeroHedge.com with permission The post CNN’s Jim Acosta Flabbergasted After Journalist Confronts Him Over Cuomo Media Blackout appeared first on We Are Change.
Biden Pushing For SERIOUS War! Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:02 PM PST https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ws6E1WL8FJw?feature=oembed In today’s video, we break down Biden’s actions on the global stage and how it’s setting up the United States for serious clashes. Follow us on Telegram: t.me/s/News4AChange Sign up for our newsletter: bit.ly/3ijjAop Join the chat: t.me/WeAreChangeChat Shirt store: TheBestPoliticalShirts.com Find us on Minds: minds.com/wearechange Subscribe on LBRY: lbry.tv/@wearechange:1 Filter your water: bit.ly/3d3s8iV Improve your gut health: bit.ly/34GHbdY Storable food for emergencies: SafePreparedAndReady.com #1 best source of Collagen: bit.ly/3mw5uRK #1 best VPN to use: bit.ly/3iT4Ew3 Exclusive members-only content:
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Comments: Based on the Jewish Fraud the Jewish Owned CDC largely funded by Bill Gates or Hates (Humanity) we now have vaccine passports on the horizon based on Bullshit. see link below:

All positives ID’d as FLU. LOL a Jewish ZIONIST Hoax!

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