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Breaking: Sanctions imposed over Iran’s nuclear program lifted
By Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor on January 16, 2016
smoloko note – why is obama doing this ? well it’s his lame duck year and he isn’t up for re-election, he no longer needs the zionist money or support. Perhaps this is his way of saying fuck you to to the zionists who have been running roughshod over his presidency for the last 7 years. We can only pray and hope the next president doesn’t sabotage Obama’s diplomatic success with Iran and drag us into war for Israel and that the loyalest elements left in the American government stop ANY POTENTIAL MOSSAD FALSEFLAG aimed at rescinding the Iranian peace process made under Obama.

smoloko note – I never thought I’d say this but I am actually worried to see Obama leave office because the next president if Hillary or anyone in the GOP with the modest exception of Trump or Rand Paul will for sure ruin these deals…and that’s it, WW3 here we come.
Our congratulations to all those who labored long and hard to make today’s event happen, including President Obama. And we ask him to step up to the plate as he did on the Iran scam, which he inherited, and wrap up the Syrian debacle and his one Ukraine disaster.
As for Germany and France who guaranteed Kiev’s good faith compliance with the Minsk accords, you have done nothing while Kiev just defecated on them. The special Constitutional status for Donbass, which was agreed to be made permanent, was passed as three-year measure two years ago, and neither of you did anything to right this wrong. Both of you are undeserving to be a guarantor of anything, unless you post a financial bond… Jim W. Dean ]
– First published … January 16, 2016 –
Sanctions imposed on Iran over its nuclear program are lifted following confirmation of Tehran’s commitment to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action by the International Atomic Energy Agency.
European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif made the announcement during a joint press conference in Vienna on Saturday.
Mogherini read out a statement in English which was subsequently read out by Zarif in Persian.
“As Iran has fulfilled its commitments, today, multilateral and national economic and financial sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear program are lifted in accordance,” read the statement.

smoloko note – come on Obama, go out with a bang. Declare Israel a nuclear state now and redirect focus from Iran’s fake nuclear weapons to Israel’s very real nuclear weapons…come on Barry, do it. You’ll be a legend
US Secretary of State John Kerry, who is also present in Vienna, confirmed the IAEA’s report, saying that “The US sanctions-related commitments… are now in effect.”
Kerry said the United States would “immediately” remove sanctions imposed on Tehran, “expanding the horizon of opportunity for the Iranian people.”
Earlier on Saturday, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano announced that Iran had taken the “necessary preparatory steps to start the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).”
Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States – plus Germany finalized the JCPOA in Vienna, on July 14, 2015.
Under the JCPOA, limits are put on Iran’s nuclear activities in exchange for the removal of sanctions against the Islamic Republic.