Monthly Archive: August 2016

THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2016 Volume 3, Number 2 EIR Daily Alert Service P.O. Box 17390, Washington, DC 20041-0390 The Obama Crisis Is Upon Us Now Deutsche Bank and Hedge Funds Panic over Negative Interest...

Orwellian Facebook now blocking posts containing the phrase “m-nd-t-ry v-cc-n-t–ns” (compulsory immunizations) Facebook has now gone full Orwellian, blocking all articles that contain a phrase that’s synonymous with “compulsory immunizations.” You are not even...

‘Trump is a child rapist’: Candidate linked to ‘Lolita Express’ billionaire by local GOP chair By David on 25 August 2016 GMT Child Abuse,  Illuminati Criminals ‘A Republican official’s protest at a Donald Trump...

Hillary Denies Health Rumors – But WikiLeaks Documents Say Otherwise

Yes, Jews Are Making Bold, Lifesaving Efforts to Help the Refugees by Sabba HAARETZ – There are numerous organizations doing this sacred work, not ‘under the radar,’ as has been suggested, but as proud Jews and/or...

10/5: Ben Affleck: Hollywood is Full of CIA Agents 10/5: Hidden Government Group Linking JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra and 9/11 10/7: Leading German Journalist Reveals He Worked for CIA, Pushing World War

10/4: Weather Warfare Assault on California Intensifies The climate engineers continue to hammer California with record heat and drought. Meteorologically speaking maps like the one below are historically unprecedented. This is what climate...