SICK PREDATORS DO NOT NEED “RIGHTS”-ANIMALS NEED PROTECTION FROM ANIMAL RAPISTS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Bestiality brothels are spreading through Germany faster than ever thanks to a law that makes animal porn illegal but sex with animals legal, a livestock protection officer has warned.
Madeleine Martin told the Frankfurter Rundschau that current laws were not protecting animals from predatory zoophiles who are increasingly able to turn to bestiality as a ‘lifestyle choice’.
She highlighted one case where a farmer in the Gross-Gerau region of southwest Germany, noticed his once friendly flock of sheep were beginning to shy away from human contact.

Shock discovery: Ms Martin told of one case where a farmer rigged a CCTV camera in the rafters of his barn after finding his normally friendly sheep refusing human contact, to discover multiple men sneaking in in the dead of night to sexually abuse his beloved livestock
So he rigged a CCTV camera in the rafters of his barn to discover multiple men sneaking in during the night to sexually abuse his beloved livestock.
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