Israel Uses the West Like a Cheap Whore

Censored Men

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ This is the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs. Here, he threatens Erdogan with suffering the same fate as Saddam Hussein for threatening Israel. For those who don’t know, during the Gulf War, Saddam actually launched 39 ballistic missiles at Israel which hit Tel Aviv. Israel saw him as a persistent threat to their national security. Israel lobbied the U.S. government for a number of years to push for a war in Iraq, with Netanyahu addressing Congress and urging them to take action. Americans were told the Iraq War was due to Iraqโ€™s involvement in 9/11 and possessing WMDs. Both turned out to be false, and they knew it was false. Here, Israelโ€™s Foreign Minister clearly acknowledges that the Iraq War was due to Saddam’s government posing a risk to the existence of Israel. This is also a non-NATO country threatening a NATO country. Not one Israeli soldier took part in the Iraq War. Approximately 5,000 US troops died in the Iraq War. Over 300 troops from the UK and other coalition countries also died. Approximately 1,000,000 Iraqi civilians died. Over 2,000,000 Iraqis fled the country as refugees. Now, think about all the other wars in the Middle East since 1948, and think about who those wars were REALLY for. You’ve been lied to for far too long. Israel is no ally of the West. Israel is no enemy of the West. Israel is THE enemy of the West.


Why the Greatest Leader Africa Ever Had Was BRUTALLY Murdered by the Satanic Empire


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Yan.x | เฅ

๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฒ ๐—ฅ๐—˜๐—”๐—Ÿ ๐—ฅ๐—˜๐—”๐—ฆ๐—ข๐—ก๐—ฆ ๐˜„๐—ต๐˜† ๐— ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐˜† ๐—ฏ๐—ฒ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ฒ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐—š๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐—ฎ๐—ณ๐—ถ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜€ ๐—ธ๐—ถ๐—น๐—น๐—ฒ๐—ฑ: 1. Libya has no electricity bill, electricity came free of charge to all citizens. 2. There were no interest rates on loans, the banks were state-owned, the loan of citizens by law 0%. 3. Kadafi promised not to buy a house for his parents until everyone in Libya owns a home. 4. All newlywed couples in Libya received 60,000 dinars from the government & because of that they bought their own apartments & started their families. 5. Education & medical treatment in Libya are free. Before Gaddafi there were only 25% readers, 83% during his reign 6. If Libyans wanted to live on a farm, they received free household appliances, seeds and livestock. 7. If they cannot receive treatment in Libya, the state would fund them $2300+ accommodation & travel for treatment abroad. 8. If you buy a car, the government finances 50% of the price. 9. The price of gasoline became $ 0.14 per liter. 10. Libya had no external debt, and reserves were $150 Billion (now frozen worldwide) 11. Since some Libyans can’t find jobs after school, the government will pay the average salary when they can’t find a job. 12. Part of oil sales in Libya are directly linked to the bank accounts of all citizens. 13. The mother who gave birth to the child will receive $5000 14. 40 loaves of bread cost $0.15. 15. 25% of Libyans had all Ilisna diplomas. 16. Kadafi has implemented the world’s biggest irrigation project known as the “BIG MAN PROJECT” to ensure water availability in the desert. If this is called โ€œDICTATORSHIPโ€ I wonder what democracy is?

What democracy in the United States is being indebted to crooked Banksters so that If you miss one payment you lose your car, your house, and your life.ย  Being indebted as a debt slave so you are forced to work long hours at a job you HATE.ย  Democracy in the United States means paying $1200 a month for a STUDIO apartment.ย  Democracy in the United States means the IRS coming after you with GUNS.ย  Democracy in the United States means going to prison for Social Media Posts!ย  I’ll take Ghaddafi’s Libya anyday!ย  Slavery was criminal under Ghaddafi.ย  Since the U.S. took over Libya has slave auctions.ย  The only thing I can see my government likes about its citizens is to make them SLAVES.ย  MY Gov’t is run by Satanic Secret Societies and they become extremely wealthy off of Slavery and every illegal, criminal activity you can imagine:ย  Dope, Inc., Murder, Invasions of Sovereign Countries to Steal their Resources, Weapons Trafficking, Organ Trafficking, Child Trafficking, SLAVERY, Prostitution, Pornography Including Child Pornography.ย  The reason the U.S. is this way is because ALL the U.S. presidents are severe sexual abusers of young children.ย  The idea that the American people have a democracy that represents them is Laughable.ย  We have to be the biggest joke around the world.ย  We only have hard core Psychopaths representing us.ย  ย We have Democracy with MKULTRA assassins.ย  For your information only 1% of the boys/girls put through this program survive the Tortures.ย  Most are murdered; many go insane.ย  The CIA & Military Intelligence run these SLAVERY programs to produce Drug couriers, sex slaves, back channels, assassins, spies, etc.

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