Why Should the Rest of Us Pay up to 37% Taxes When Billionaires Pay Next to Zero in Taxes?



The ultra rich (billionaires) All have political connections and deep state advantages which is how they got to be billionaires….For Example Trump’s mentor Roy Cohn ran the little Mind Controlled CIA Monarch boys to satiate the lusts of gay Congressmen.  LaRouche originally reported on this.

Trump admitted he could get political favors with just a phone call.  His wife Ivana was a scout to find young girls even 12 year olds for Epsteins pimping enterprise.

All Billionaires are Crime Cabal Members who belong to Secret Societies.  Billionaires generally work with the CIA/Military Industrial complex in some manner.  They get special preference for contracts and funding making them Billionaires.  They are all Corrupt to the core.  All billionaires sexually abuse CIA monarch Slaves who are teenagers and employ talented slaves to make money off them without paying them.  Angie Jolie had a slave as a child.  This slave worked with Trump, Musk, Voight, Angie, Marcheline, Buffett, Bill Gates and many others most of whom are BILLIONAIRES.  The Mind control slavery was financed by the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and the Windsors.




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