Cell Phone Radiation Linked to CANCER


The National Toxicology Program Study on Cell Phone Radiation and Cancer


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) nominated the National Toxicology Program to perform large scale animal studies of radio frequency radiation (RFR) used by cell phones for an NTP study “because of widespread public use of cell phones and limited knowledge about potential health effects from long-term exposure”.




The NTP studies found that chronic exposure to RFR used by cell phones was associated with:

  • Clear evidence of tumors in the hearts of male rats. The tumors were malignant schwannomas.
  • Some evidence of tumors in the brains of male rats. The tumors were malignant gliomas.
  • Some evidence of tumors in the adrenal glands of male rats. The tumors were benign, malignant, or complex combined pheochromocytoma.
  • DNA damage: Specifically, they found RFR exposure was linked with significant increases in DNA damage in:
    • the frontal cortex of the brain in male mice,
    • the blood cells of female mice, and
    • the hippocampus of male rats.






The US National Insitutes of Health issued this factsheet for the public detailing NTP findings of cancer and DNA damage. You can go to the NTP website https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/whatwestudy/topics/cellphones/index.html to download it from the US government webpage as well.


Download NTP’s Factsheet on the NTP Study  (January 2020)


During the New Hampshire Commission 5G Hearings  the NTP scientists clarified that the NTP study found effects at non thermal levels. 

“New Hampshire Commissioner Denise Ricciardi: I am still not clear. Your study was designed to test non heating damage. You found damage so doesn’t that mean that FCC assumption that only heating can cause damage is incorrect and no longer accurate? Would you agree?”

“National Toxicology Program scientist Michael Wyde: A lot of people believe unless you heat tissues, you won’t see health effects with RF. This study disproves that as we did not have over heating but we did see damage.”

Read this on page 5 of 10 of minutes from the Comission here. 



The NTP Findings are Valid

Afte the NTP final reports of “clear evidence of cancer” were released the study was criticised by industry loyal groups such as ICNIRP. The FDA stated they “did not agree” with the findings in non peer reviewed articles. In response to these unjustified criticisms by the FDA ans ICNIRP, experts have published science based articles on the importance of the NTP study to understanding human health risks:

Ronald Melnick PhD published several articles:

Lennart Hardell MD published “Comments on the US National Toxicology Program technical reports on toxicology and carcinogenesis study in rats …” in the International Journal of Oncology.

Dr. Melnick has also sent scientific letters to those who have criticised the NTP study clarifying the facts:

Published Findings of DNA Damage


NTP scientists also published a paper on the DNA damage found entitled “Evaluation of the genotoxicity of cell phone radiofrequency radiation in male and female rats and mice following subchronic exposure” 


 “In conclusion, these results suggest that exposure to RFR is associated with an increase in DNA damage.”


  • Smith-Roe SL, Wyde ME, Stout MD, Winters JW, Hobbs CA, Shepard KG, Green AS, Kissling GE, Shockley KR, Tice RR, Bucher JR, Witt KL. Evaluation of the genotoxicity of cell phone radiofrequency radiation in male and female rats and mice following subchronic exposure. Environ Mol Mutagen. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1002/em.22343 [epub ahead of print]
  • Wyde ME, Horn TL, Capstick MH, Ladbury JM, Koepke G, Wilson PF, Kissling GE, Stout MD, Kuster N, Melnick RL, Gauger J, Bucher JR, McCormick DL. Effect of cell phone radiofrequency radiation on body temperature in rodents: Pilot studies of the National Toxicology Program’s reverberation chamber exposure system. Bioelectromagnetics. 2018; 39:190-199 https://doi.org/10.1002/bem.22116
  • Capstick MH, Kuehn S, Berdinas-Torres V, Gong Y, Wilson PF, Ladbury JM, Koepke G, McCormick DL, Gauger J, Melnick RL, Kuster N. A radio frequency radiation exposure system for rodents based on reverberation chambers. IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat. 2017; 59(4):1041-1052 https://doi.org/10.1109/TEMC.2017.2649885
  • Gong Y, Capstick MH, Kuehn S, Wilson PF, Ladbury JM, Koepke G, McCormick DL, Melnick R, Kuster N. Life-time dosimetric assessment for mice and rats exposed in reverberation chambers for the two-year NTP cancer bioassay study on cell phone radiation. IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat. 2017; 59(6):1798-1808 https://doi.org/10.1109/TEMC.2017.2665039
  • Wyde M, Cesta M, Blystone C, Elmore S, Foster P, Hooth M, Kissling G, Malarkey D, Sills R, Stout M, Walker N, Witt K, Wolfe M, Bucher J. Report of partial findings from the National Toxicology Program carcinogenesis studies of cell phone radiofrequency radiation in Hsd: Sprage Dawley SD rats (whole body exposure). BioRxiv 055699 [Preprint] May 26, 2016 (modified Feb 01, 2018). https://doi.org/10.1101/055699


Statement of the Conclusions of the NIEHS Peer Review: The NIEHS NTP issued this two page document with final conclusions of the peer review panel for each cancer endpoint.

Resources for NIEHS Peer Review

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