American Corporate Greed: Boycott All of These Companies

May be an image of text that says 'Just in you were confused about why the price of everything keeps going up and mistakenly concluded it was inflation 2023 profits by coTy: Heinz Kraft: $8.973 billion Exxon Mobil: JP Morgan: billion Delta Airlines: billion Amazon: billion Apple billion Tesla: billion Verizon: billion Albertsons: $21.75 billion Walmart: billion Target: Nike: Blue Kaiser: Shield: billion What does this have to do with anything? Starbucks made $24.56 billion in profits for 2023. Which means could give each of its 400,000 employees an raise and would still billion in profit. But instead workers rely on tips. Corporate profits are driving inflation.'

In Zionist Banksters & Corporations We Trusted!  Is this why we are all broke now???

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