JESUIT Coming of Age Ceremony Involves Murdering 100 Homeless, Children, Women.


Coming of Age Ceremony

When a Jesuit is 12 years old, they undergo their coming of age ceremony, at which time they become a full Jesuit. This ceremony is held at the Vatican for the top classes, and is done every year, as new classes “graduate.” The inner courts of the Vatican are cleared, and golden poles are erected throughout it. The public is not allowed near the Vatican for the week before or after this ceremony, and since there is always a “no fly” rule for aircraft at all times, the ceremony is highly secretive.

The first part involves going to Satan’s Throne at the heart of the Vatican, giving a sacrifice on the black alter there, descending to Satan’s throne in the spiritual realm, and being given a name by Satan himself.

A few days later, the other, more horrific ceremony occurs. Top leadership from all 12 occultic societies that serve the Vatican travel to Rome, and sit in the small coliseum in a designated area under their banner. There are banners representing the Order of the Knights Templar, The Order of the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, Magnificat, The Order of the Rosy Cross, Trinity, the Illuminati, and the other occultic societies that are actually arms of the Vatican around the world. It is considered a great honor to be invited to this ceremony.

The Jesuit class comes out. On 1000 golden poles in the arena are tied infants, toddlers and young children, and one by one, the Jesuit trainees must slaughter them. Around the arena are golden bowls which they use to catch the blood from each victim, which is then offered to Satan. There are also golden bowls filled with wine, which the Jesuit trainees drink from when they are thirsty or emotionally overcome by the horror of what they are doing.

At the end of this ritual (called “the slaughter of the innocents”) the trainee is considered an ascended master and a full Jesuit father. From then on, they are referred to as “Father” by others, and they take off the brown robe of the acolyte and don the black robe of the full Jesuit. Due to the terrible nature of the ritual, some falter and cannot continue; they are killed by the other trainees as instructed. Most of these new Fathers undergo a period of collapse after the ceremony; they are never the same again.

This ritual is the culmination of a lifetime of training in how to slaughter others. By this time, the new Jesuit Father has slaughtered literally thousands over the course of their childhood, including assassinations and rituals participated in. The design of this type of bloodguiltiness is to create a type of insanity and the desire to never remember, which feeds the dissociation. The individual will experience a huge amount of guilt, and believe that God can never forgive them for the innocent lives they took.

Chapter 6: The Jesuits as the Vatican’s Order of Assassins

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