Before I walked out of the Hotel where Reagan was shot, George Pratt Shultz took me into a room and programmed me, he said when I hear the lady yell Mr. Reagan! Mr. President! Turn and shoot. I was programmed to shoot Brady not Reagan.
These people are promoted based on their willingness to participate in the Crime Cabal’s Crimes especially involving CHILDREN who are tortured into being Sex SLaves and Assassins. Randy Turner was Terrorized, Used, and Abused by the Deep State Secret Society Members for at least 38 years. Mind Control was begun with the Tavistock Institute of Great Britain. It was continued with the CIA and Military Intelligence funded by the Rockefellers in the United States. The Jesuits have their group of Assassins programmed after being dissociated by being Sexually Abused as BABIES…
Satanic Coming of Age Ceremony For Vatican Assassins:
Coming of Age Ceremony
When a Jesuit is 12 years old, they undergo their coming of age ceremony, at which time they become a full Jesuit. This ceremony is held at the Vatican for the top classes, and is done every year, as new classes “graduate.” The inner courts of the Vatican are cleared, and golden poles are erected throughout it. The public is not allowed near the Vatican for the week before or after this ceremony, and since there is always a “no fly” rule for aircraft at all times, the ceremony is highly secretive.
The first part involves going to Satan’s Throne at the heart of the Vatican, giving a sacrifice on the black alter there, descending to Satan’s throne in the spiritual realm, and being given a name by Satan himself.
A few days later, the other, more horrific ceremony occurs. Top leadership from all 12 occultic societies that serve the Vatican travel to Rome, and sit in the small coliseum in a designated area under their banner. There are banners representing the Order of the Knights Templar, The Order of the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, Magnificat, The Order of the Rosy Cross, Trinity, the Illuminati, and the other occultic societies that are actually arms of the Vatican around the world. It is considered a great honor to be invited to this ceremony.
The Jesuit class comes out. On 1000 golden poles in the arena are tied infants, toddlers and young children, and one by one, the Jesuit trainees must slaughter them. Around the arena are golden bowls which they use to catch the blood from each victim, which is then offered to Satan. There are also golden bowls filled with wine, which the Jesuit trainees drink from when they are thirsty or emotionally overcome by the horror of what they are doing.