Let me count a few of the ways Americans are exploited by the people who own their government.
1) Total US military spending was $1.51 trillion last year if you count the 6 other agencies which cover their part of the total. Veterans Admin. And Dept of Energy for nuclear weapons, plus 4 others. If we cut back on foreign wars and refused to spend one dollar supporting genocidal, apartheid states we could cut $500 billion a year off that subsidy to the Military Industrial Complex (MIC.)
2) If we still had President Lincoln’s Greenbacks, there would be no $37 trillion national debt and no trillion dollars a year interest on that debt.
3) The Bankers designed a Federal Reserve system that gives them the right to create checking account money out of thin air through fractional reserve banking. This allows them to fraudulently charge us interest on money we should have created. This transfers wealth from us to them.
4) If fractional reserve banking were outlawed, there never would have been a Depression in the 1930s that starved 3 to 4 million Americans to death.
5) If we abolished the FED and had Treasury create both our currency and our checking account money, we could spend a trillion dollars a year into circulation. We cut taxes $2 trillion a year or we could pay parents $600 a month for the first child and $400 a month for the second child while rebuilding while rebuilding our infrastructure.
6) If we were allowed to audit the books and arrest criminals in government, we could have saved tens of trillions of dollars. Dr Mark Skidmore found from government websites that $17 trillion had gone “Missing” from the DOD and HUD from 1998 to 2015. Tens of trillions were stolen from other agencies.
7) If we controlled our government, we would not spay 300 million pounds of a known carcinogen, Roundup, onto our food every year. Nor would we have benzene, another carcinogen, in our sunscreens. And we would never have allowed asbestos in our baby powder. We went from 3% to 60% chronic illness because we allow toxic additives both to processed foods and to our vaccines.
We need to have honest elections in America not contests determined by voter fraud. And we need to arrest the people stealing taxpayer dollars by the trillions so they cannot buy the media and run off the books Black Ops against us.
This is my most recent article. Military Weapons America Does Not Have But Russia Does:https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2024/12/04/military-weapons- america-does-not-have-but-russia-does/
This article contains all the references that might interest you: An Open Letter To Elon Musk:https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2024/11/08/an-open- letter-to-elon-musk/
The same elite cabal (Satanic) runs Hollywood:
The Truth About Hollywood is So Horrible People Will Not Believe It; Pictured is Top DEMONESS