Jimmy Carter, Rockefeller Asset, Has Died…Was Involved in the Torture Programming of a 13 Year Old Boy

Former US President Jimmy Carter is Dead at 100

Carter Involved in Sexual Torture/Sexual Assault to Create a Mind Controlled Assassin

Morning Glory made a joke outta this but I disagree.  Feature Picture is of some of America’s Perverts in Charge.  Feature picture is from FightingMonarch.com

MKUltra Programming Via Extreme Torture & Sexual Stimulation Done By Bush, Sr., Carter and Bill Day@13


MKUltra programming Via Extreme Torture and Sexual Stimulation: This is part of the actual Programming done to Randal Turner as a teenager.

This occurred in the late 70s Jimmy Carter was president at the time.

George Bush Sr. was CIA director or running for office at the time. They came into the bedroom of the house I was staying in with Marcheline Bertrand. I had went on a white house tour about a week prior and had to defend myself from Bush Jr. for telling him to get away from some kids in our tour group that he was perving out on.

Jr had grabbed two of them and rubbed their heads against his crotch.

I told him to get away from the kids and he said Randy I like you boy as he walked walking over and placed his arm around my shoulder then he sucker punched me in the gut.

I bent down from the punch to my gut then stood up hitting him with an upper cut to the chin knocking him down.

A kid named Paul Bonacci was with Jr.

Our tour was passing through the kitchen at the time where George Jr. and Paul were getting something to eat.

Bush Jr. stood up after I punched him and said oh! Randy’s a fighter! Then he came at me and I rabbit punched him about 5

times in the face before he could throw a punch and he went down.

I grabbed the kids and told Jr to stay down or he would end up in the hospital. He stayed down till I left with the kids and we caught up to the others in our tour group. Jon Voight was part of the group ahead of me and found out what happened. He was afraid Bush Sr. who was CIA at the time would be mad at him. He invited me to the billiards room and as I opened the door I was hit in the face with a beer mug cracking one of my teeth. I got up and started going towards Jr but Voight stopped me and said it was over you got Jr. and now Jr. got you back so it ends here! Voight set the whole thing up so the little punk could get a cheap revenge shot in. which ended up cracking my front tooth at the root leaving me with a dead tooth.

Randal Turner explaining the torture and how they create one or more of his mind control alternates.

Not to be confused with Multiple personality or Dissociative Identity Disorder. Though they use techniques that have been found to be the cause of DID it is not the same.

A MKUltra must be activated via drugs and Alternates called out by a handler whereas a DID or MPD will have a multiple come out due to something traumatic occurring:

(Randal is talking about being held down and tortured by Bill Day, Photojournalist, ex-President Herbert Walker Bush and ex-President Jimmy Carter) Randal replied that all these people were a bunch of sadistic psychopathic perverts.

Randy Turner’s Account of Sexual Abuse by Bill Day, Jimmy Carter and Herbert the Pervert Walker Bush when he was around the age of 13-14.

Maybe a week After I had beat Bush Jr. up during our white house tour I am laying in bed and wake up to Bill Day walking into the room.

He sat on the bed to my left and grabbed my left arm then G.H.W Bush walks in and then {Jimmy} Carter walks in and I was thinking wtf is the president doing in my bedroom?

Carter gets on the bed and grabs my right arm and I believe they shoved these long cardboard tubes on my arms which were to make sure I wasn’t able to fight back.

Bush says I heard what u did to my boy you son of a bitch! Bush reaches down and grabs my testicles and starts crushing them.

I was begging them to kill me the pain was so bad and I must have passed out from the pain.

Bill Day was saying things into my left ear as Bush was torturing me, something about not trusting cops or authority and at some point I passed out.

I recall coming to looking down and seeing poppy sucking on my penis.

Carter was saying something into my right ear as Bush was trying to stimulate me sexually; he was saying something about sex with boys, girls, young or old is all good like he was trying to convince me nothing was wrong with sex with young kids with older women and men. I don’t recall what all they programmed just the beginning of it and the rest is a blur.

This continued for what seemed like an hour or more but during one of my court trials Bush claimed I popped within 15 minutes.

When being tortured to this extreme 15 minutes can feel like and hour.

The (popping) is what happens when the brain is unable to deal with the pain it makes a physical change and when this occurs you feel and hear a popping sound in your head.

I am no expert on how it works but I do recall some medical professional explaining it during my court trial saying the brain can physically alter itself to stop pain receptors in some people.

This popping noise is that the victims hear and feel in their head.

It is at this point the Alternates are created.

These Alternates are given names and have completely different personalities from the person being programmed.

The drug they use (Adrenochrome) allows the programmer to feed information into the subconscious and when the drug wares off the victim will have no memory of what took place or a very vague memory of something but usually will relate it to a dream or nightmare they had and not reality.

Comment: Mind Control is essentially a Rothschild Zionist project and done on military bases in conjunction with the CIA primarily. The Rothschild’s consider theirselves ‘Jews’ but are the Synagogue of Satan and mind control is a Satanic project.

Fritz Springmeier has heavily researched Mind Control and his pdf books are readily available for free on the internet.

Insider Comments on Nelson Rockefeller Assassination by 13 Year Old MKUltra Programmed by H.W. Bush & Others


Randy Turner

19 hrs ·

David Rockefeller had his brother Nelson assassinated via poisoning by a 13 year old MKUltra which G.H.W Bush programmed to poison him. Nelson was going to run for president and David didn’t want Nelson in because he couldn’t control him. After Bush had Nelson assassinated David went back on his promise to make George president and instead chose Reagan as President and George VP. This led to George using the 13 year old MKUltra to frame David as taking part in drugging and t…See More

Tags: ILLUMINATI CRIMINALSMind ControlMKUltraPedophilia NonprosecutionPolitical Corruption/ManipulationPOLITICIANSRape/TortureTortureViolent criminals (crimes)


Don’t Deify Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter may have done good works out of office, but in power he fomented a series of domestic and foreign policy disasters.

This, That or the Other Carter – by Mr. Fish


Jimmy Carter, out of office, had the courage to call out the “abominable oppression and persecution” and “strict segregation” of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza in his 2006 book “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.” He dedicated himself to monitoring elections, including his controversial defense of the 2006 election of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, and championed human rights around the globe. He lambasted the American political process as an “oligarchy” in which “unlimited political bribery” created “a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors.”

But Carter’s years as an ex-president should not mask his dogged service to the empire, penchant for fomenting disastrous proxy wars, betrayal of the Palestinians, embrace of punishing neoliberal policies and his subservience to big business when he was in office.

Carter played a significant role in dismantling New Deal legislation with the deregulation of major industries including airlines, banking, trucking, telecommunications, natural gas and railways. He appointed Paul Volcker to the Federal Reserve, who, in an effort to combat inflation, drove up interest rates and pushed the U.S. into the deepest recession since the Great Depression, a move that saw the start of punishing austerity cuts. Carter is the godfather of the pillage known as neoliberalism, a pillage fellow Democrat Bill Clinton would turbo charge.

Carter fell under the disastrous influence of his Svengali-like national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Polish exile, who rejected the Nixon-Kissinger reliance on détente with the Soviet Union. Brzezinski’s life’s mission, one that meant he saw the world in black and white, was to confront and destroy the Soviet Union along with any government or movement he deemed to be under communist influence or sympathetic to it.

Carter, under Brzezinski’s influence, walked away from the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks treaty (SALT II) with the Soviet Union, which sought to curb nuclear weapons deployment. He increased military spending. He sent military aid to the Indonesian New Order government during the Indonesian invasion and occupation of East Timor, which many have characterized as a genocide. He supported, along with the apartheid state of South Africa, the murderous counter revolutionary group, the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), led by Jonas Savimbi. He provided aid to the brutal Zairian dictator Mobutu Sese Seko. He supported the Khmer Rouge.

He instructed the Central Intelligence Agency to back opposition groups and political parties to bring down the Sandinista government in Nicaragua once it took power in 1979, leading under the Reagan administration to the formation of the Contras and a bloody and senseless U.S.-backed insurgency. He provided military aid to the dictatorship in El Salvador, ignoring an appeal from Archbishop Oscar Romero — later assassinated — to cease U.S. arms shipments.

He poisoned U.S. relations with Iran by backing the repressive regime of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi until the last minute and then allowing the deposed Shah to seek medical treatment in New York, triggering the occupation of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and a 444-day hostage crisis. Carter’s belligerence — he froze Iranian assets, stopped importing oil from Iran and expelled 183 Iranian diplomats from the U.S. — played into Ayatollah Khomeini’s demonization of the U.S. and calls for Islamic rule. He obliterated the credibility of Iran’s secular opposition.

Carter gave Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, although he ruled under martial law, billions in military aid. He armed the Mujahideen in Afghanistan after the Soviet intervention in 1979, a decision that cost the U.S. $3 billion, saw the deaths of 1.5 million Afghans and led to the creation of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. The blowback from this Carter policy alone is catastrophic.

He backed the South Korean military in 1980 when it laid siege to the city of Gwangju, where protestors had formed a militia, which led to the massacre of some 2,000 people.

Finally, he sold out the Palestinians when he negotiated a separate peace deal, known as the Camp David Accords, in 1979 between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. The agreement excluded the Palestine Liberation Organization from the talks. Israel never, as promised to Carter, attempted to resolve the Palestine question with Jordan and Egypt’s involvement. It never permitted Palestinian self-government in the West Bank and Gaza within five years. It did not end Israeli settlements — a refusal that led Carter to later claim Begin had lied to him. But since there was no mechanism in the agreement for enforcement, and since Carter was unwilling to defy the Israel lobby to impose sanctions on Israel, the Palestinians found themselves, once again, powerless and abandoned.

Carter, to his credit, did appoint the civil rights activist Patricia Derian as his Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, leading to the blocking of loans and reduction in military aid to the military junta in Argentina during the Dirty War, restrictions the Reagan administration removed. Derian’s commitment to human rights was genuine. She supported Philippines leader Benigno S. Aquino Jr. and the South Korean dissident and former president Kim Dae-jung. Carter allowed her to anger a few of our most repressive allies. But his human rights policy was primarily designed to back democratic dissidents and worker movements in Central and Eastern Europe, especially Poland, in an effort to weaken the Soviet Union.

Carter had a decency most politicians lack, but his moral crusades, which came once he was out of power, seem like a form of penance. His record as president is bloody and dismal, although not as bloody and dismal as the presidents who followed. That’s the best we can say of him.

The Dirt on Carter, Secret Society-Trilateral Commission, Member


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