Senator Rubio The Poisoned Pill Patriot: Rubio’s Chief of Staff Hired Directly From George Soros
Principles of Natural Law (1758)
Rubio has changed his religious beliefs several times and went from Catholic, to Mormon to undenominational. Will Rubio revert back to Mormonism since Mitt Romney announcement to enter 2016 GOP presidential race to save GOP establishment party?
In 2013 Rubio created a firestorm when one of his aides claimed that immigration reform is necessary because some American workers “just can’t cut it.”
GOP’s “religious” roundtable political candidates have not lived up to their promises as the left wing of this two-party system John Adams warned would destroy the republic. It has now been revealed Sen. As stated in video below under constitutional law had H.W. Bush and Congress not voted their powers of naturalization away in 1991 hiring illegal immigrants when Americans are out of work is unconstitutional. Federal Immigration and Nationality Act Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii) prohibits transfer or hiring illegals.
Rubio’s hand in massive replacement of American workers in Florida even with Disney executive workers in his continued support for H1B Visas. Rubio’s backers and his support in advancing massive H1B visa have led to massive construction and agricultural jobs for Americans in Florida and throughout U.S. while he’s served as Florida Senator.
Marco money backers range from mysterious “hush money” funding of ad campaigns to frontmen with ties to George Soros and even Rothschild’s. In 2012 Rubio was fined $8K for campaign violations. In fact the massive corrputions of Marco Rubio’s political career exposed in 2012.
Hedge-fund billionaire Paul Singer’s decision to throw his financial weight behind the donor-class 2016 favorite, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has sparked fresh questions about Rubio’s coziness with the financial interests funding his career.
Singer was a major financial force behind the Rubio-Obama amnesty and immigration expansion push in 2013.
Cesar Conda – Marco Rubio’s chief of staff worked
Cesar Conda is Marco Rubio’s Chief of Staff. He recently made his Tweets private (protected) so the general public can’t ready them. Cesar Conda has been pushing amnesty for illegals on Twitter and elsewhere as Marco Rubio’s PR agent. Conda, who is an immigration lawyer, went to work for George Soros before becoming Rubio’s Chief of Staf. Cesar Conda worked on the editorial advisory board of George Soros magazine, The International Economy Magazine.
Cesar Conda had been spinning lies about the amnesty bill about how illegal wouldn’t get welfare, wait more than 10 years for citizenship, etc. Those lies have been completely debunked.
Miami’s Norman Braman is the biggest bucks behind Marco Rubio. The Forward looked at the top political donors from the 2014 elections and found at least “a third of the most generous 50 mega-givers were Jewish. In fact, contributions from Jewish billionaires and multi-millionaires dominated the top 10 spots on the list.” Norman Braman is Rubio’s ties with Rothschilds.
It seems all candidates must sell themselves to Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which Hillary Clinton stated ran the nation.
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, joins CBS News’ Charlie Rose to outline his foreign policy views. Rubio offers a vision of U.S. foreign policy resting on “three pillars”: preserving U.S. strength, protecting the U.S. economy, and maintaining clarity on U.S. values. Over the course of the conversation, Rubio discusses ongoing areas of interest for U.S. foreign policy, including the Islamic State group’s rise in the Middle East, the crisis in Ukraine, the Syrian Civil War, the ongoing nuclear negotiations with Iran, China’s assertiveness in the South China Sea, and the threat of global terrorism. Rubio additionally offers an assessment of U.S.-Cuba relations, criticizing the Obama administration’s initiative to normalize relations with the Castro government. In link below is Rubio’s speech to CFR with both audio and text.

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