The Search for a Manchurian Candidate: Book & Movie on How They are Created Via TORTURE!

Manchurian Candidate boys are raped, tortured, sodomized, forced to be sex slaves, and only about 1% survive the tortures and massive abuse without going insane.  The key is to split the mind creating alters which are programmable personalities.  The Dissociated Alters often do not even know about some of the others.  An amnesic wall is created behind which these alter personalities exist.  The programmers are basically pedophiles who think of ever horrendous tortures to split the minds of these child/victims.

Montauk Chronicles is basically about a Top Secret Mind Control Program in NY.  They use runaways, foster children, homeless kids-basically anyone who will not be missed.  Our Secret Society Military and CIA scientists call these boys EXPENDABLES.  There are mass graves all over America of murdered children from these projects.  Here is Swerdlow’s book on which the Montauk Chronicles film is based on:

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