The Minds of My Generation Have Been Poisoned by Ben Shapiro & His Evil Ilk

Jewish Terrorist Ben Shapiro Confronted in Congress

These people have absolutely No Compassion and seem to Like KILLING Palestinian BABIES.  So evil beyond imagination.  I sincerely hope if Russia Invades America D.C. is their First & Foremost Target.  I bet when the Dollar Collapses Russia will show up.  It is all the U.S. Fault doing everything they could to insult Russia, Endanger and Kill Russians and make them into America’s Enemy.  SHAME on ALL of these Rotten Scum in Congress.  I hope a Russian Bomb hits them.  The World would finally have PEACE.  They are all traitors anyways working for the British Satanic Empire aka Synagogue of Satan.  Something told me to save below information.  The Author has died and his website taken down but here it is.

Prophecy: Russia Will attack and Invade America

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