Who is Greta Thunberg the Carefully Crafted ‘Wunderkid’? Hint the Media is Owned by the Cabal EVERYWHERE.

Who is Greta Thunberg the carefully selected and groomed ‘Wunderkid’ ???

New Truth Order (Green Needle)Aug 11, 2019, 2:18:47 PM

Who and what is the manufactured, “Greta Thunberg” the fabricated self proclaimed  ‘climate change activist’, and carefully selected and groomed ‘Wunderkid’ to gain the ’emotional investment’ necessary to pull off an otherwise unimaginable political construct ???

First off, the “money man” and zionist “front man” behind the UNITED NATIONS, “philanthropist” GEORGE SOROS” is one of the wealthiest globalists on the planet. Soros is helping to drive federalist monster, new Nazi Superstate the UNITED NATIONS that are hell bent on striping all countries of their sovereignties and won’t stop until all ‘nations’ are abolished. (including but not limited to Ireland).

The same “SOROS” behind the world famous Nazi child and “so-called” climate activist, Greta Thunberg who is only a military tactic or nazi tool to help further the depraved ruling classes and deranged leftards alike, agendas for a ‘One World Government’ ruled by dictatorships, communism, police states and totalitarianism.

Behind the world famous 16-year-old “climate activist” there is a liberal oligarch and a globalist movement.

The Swedish mainstream media quickly picked up her Greta Thunbergs ‘one-girl-mission’ against climate change and wrote several articles about her.

Few citizens of Sweden could back then even dream of what the future would hold – soon enough Thunberg met the Pope, spoke in front of the United Nations, and has even been nominated for the Nobel Peace Price.

The once lonely 15-year old girl has become world famous, more or less over night, when international mainstream media started reporting about her 15-day-long school strike. Arnold Schwarzenegger even invited her to a climate meeting in Vienna.

So who is this young idealist? Greta Thunberg is now 16-years old and the daughter of famous opera singer and left-liberal activist Marlena Ernman, who in the background has helped her daughter get started.

Thunberg soon also got her own coach – a well-known climate activist from Germany by the name Luisa-Marie Neubauer. What is the likelyhood of a young girl who starts a school strike outside the Swedish parliament, getting schoolchildren from all over the world to join her cause and fight against climate change? And how often do 16-year-olds have their own coaches?

Luisa-Marie Neubauer, who has been captured on a numerous images and videos together with Greta when the two direct climate change strikes all over the world, belongs to the organisation called ”one foundation” or Soros “Open Society Foundation”.

It has several well-known wealthy financiers, including Bono as well as Bill and Melissa Gates. An even more striking name is that of the multi-billionaire oligarch George Soros, notorious for his currency speculation and maybe even more prominent as the father of the global, radical, and left-liberal lobby and activist network “Open Society”, supporting thousands of NGOs.

“What’s infuriating about manipulations by Non Profit Industrial Complex is that they harvest good will of the people, especially young people. They target those who were not given skills and knowledge to truly think for themselves by institutions which are designed to serve the ruling class. Capitalism operates systematically and structurally like a cage to raise domesticated animals. Those organizations and their projects which operate under false slogans of humanity in order to prop up the hierarchy of money and violence are fast becoming some of the most crucial elements of the invisible cage of corporatism, colonialism and militarism.”


The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: The New Green Deal is the Trojan Horse for the Financialization of Nature [ACT V]


George Soros ‘open society foundation’ is employing and funding Greta Thunbergs environmentalist mentor. Greta herself cant answer much outside of her set of scripts that she rehearses before her Big ‘Shit Shows’


When Children Protest, Adults Should Tell them the Truth



After careful consideration, I have made an executive and conscious decision as a loving father to the potential leaders of our future and husband to be, that my years of digging deep, researching, rooting out the truth content that is hidden in plain sight but cleverly tucked away from the public eye will not be for nothing. I have decided to finish what I started and devote and dedicate my life to exposing the dark forces that surround us, the corruptions, hoodwinking and smokes & mirrors that come with them. These may be a group of esoteric individuals but they are not without their flaws, they leave holes in their games, cover-ups and inconsistencies, any small amount of “intuition” logic, reasoning, critical thinking can see that. It is imperative that we capitalize on those “Holes” and not allow their futile attempts to put their spin on things to empower us with lies, deceit and more corruption that only serves to encourage and motivate us “Truthers” that little bit more. These 2% are not unbeatable, make no mistakes about that. They just know how to play a good game, a game takes 2 or more players, remove those extra players and the game seizes to exist. Once exposed these 2% will run for the hills and it is already unfolding right before our very eyes.

Each time a new person awakens to the universal truth, The whole of humanity rises a notch. The World is awakening, this is their biggest fear.

“The Awakening” is imminent and is happening all around us.

It is our job to ensure it happens.

The mouths of the establishment such as the mainstream news outlets are also now owned and controlled by these small group of esoteric people that are cleverly creating this “Reality” we live in through their esoteric collective consciousness and their Nazi type tactics, in plain simple terminology they are but parasites, energy parasites, bottom feeders and must be stopped. Their propaganda machines are helping them to drive and steer the masses through divide and conquer techniques, social engineering, indoctrination and brainwashing.

Most countries have been hijacked and held hostage for almost a century by these powerful entities, but their citizens far too busy being happily distracted and misguided to care that those same individuals now decided amongst themselves that they want to reduce the worlds Current Population of 7,746,104,508 to 500,000 for the purpose of “Maintaining humanity under 500,000 in perpetual balance with nature”


There are 7 men above the Bilderberger group that have decided most of us are useless and as the Georgia Guide Stones declare, that the world wide population needs to be reduced by 90%, which is occurring now through poisonous food additives such as aspartame, which turn into formaldehyde and destroy your organ systems over time, to put squalene in vaccinations, which over stimulates the immune system and eventually turns the body on its self, adding flouride to the water which is another slow poison.

This is just the first message of the Georgia Guide Stones

“It is better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with the lie”

Help get the truth out there.

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