The Official Story Ignored the Satanism in The Franklin Case AND the Satanic CIA’s Monarch & MKULTRA Programs

Comment:  As Far as Bill Colby Ex-CIA he was allegedly murdered by an MKULTRA assassin as told to me by the assassin himself with his military intelligence officer there and handler Mark Phillips who was a handler of Mind Controlled SLAVES for the CIA.  When the CIA doesn’t like you the suicides go way up like in this video.  So Many “Accidents” which the CIA knows well how to do.  To me the whole Case was destroyed by the witness retractions of their statements and deaths.  The sadistic abuse of Paul Bonacci led right to Larry King republican cohort of the younger Bush,  Herbert Walker Bush, the CIA, the White House and the MKULTRA program to create assassins as well as the Monarch Sex Slave program both run by the CIA.  Lawrence King the crooked Satanic Banker was tied in with Spence the Lobbyist who died in a hotel room AND BUSH SR CIA AND Vice President.

BTW Spence the Lobbyist was another Direct Connection to the CIA and He along with his compadre Lawrence “Larry” King were involved in obtaining Street Boy Prostitutes to feed into a network of politicians enjoying murdering children for entertainment.


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