Black Nobility own Military-Industrial Complex and WE are PAYING for Them With Our Food Stamp Cuts and Medicare Cuts

Black Nobility own military contractors and we are PAYING for them with our Food Stamp Cuts and Medicare Cuts

Black Nobility are essentially all people named in the Committee of 300 who own the corporate stock in the Military-Industrial Complex.  They are the Royals, CEOs, Wealthy Elite, Technocrats, Politicians connected to them, Most of Top Tier British Military Intelligence and Secret Society Members.  Also involved are Military Generals and Admirals and other BRASS, Satanic 13 Illuminati Families.  The Massive Medicare cuts & Food Stamp cuts are being funneled to Aid for Ukraine which is then recycled back to these corporations of the Military Industrial Complex only enriching these Crime Families aka Black Nobility aka ZIONIST British Empire.  Your money is being used to enrich these crime families.  Bush and Clintons are part of these crime families as are 99% of our politicians.  Wars and Slavery are the Major Money Makers for these so called Elite.  Some of the Satanic Criminals were named by Fritz  Springmeier:    Bloodlines of the Illuminati was written by Fritz Springmeier. He wrote and self-published it as a public domain .pdf in 1995. This seminal book has been republished as a three-volume set by the Illuminati.  Volume 1 has the first eight of the 13 Top Illuminati bloodlines: Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, and Onassis.   Volume 2 has the remaining five of the 13 Top Illuminati bloodlines: Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn, and Merovingian.  Volume 3 has four other prominent Illuminati bloodlines: Disney, Reynolds, McDonald, and Krupps.


Comment:  RFK Jr’s interview…rewound part to listen to how our criminals are cutting medicare and food stamps to 30 MILLION people giving all the money to Ukriane going to Black Nobility’s military contractors…..


RFK Jr Reveals Hidden Truths About Russia, Ukraine & NATO in Bombshell Interview








Michel Chossudowsky reveals the Corporations benefiting from wars without going into WHO OWNS the stocks in these corporations (Blackrock-Illuminati Satanic Cabal Members and Committe of 300)


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