Very Thoughtful Presentation on How We Are All Manipulated By Cabal Controlled ALT Media & Politicians…Starts at About 11 Minutes & The AI Agenda
Pinned by Dayz of Noah
- Go to Censored Media.
- Do not fight wars for the Politicians &/0r Israel as they HATE YOU.
- Turn off the TV. This was a famous quote by Naomi Judd!
- Do not take any Vaccines!
- Do not watch Hollywood Propaganda. Better to see Independent Documentaries.
- Support the U.S. getting OUT of the United Nations.
- READ. Follow This Site. I tell as much as I find out and the Truth is my sole Object!
- Realize that Hollywood Stars and D.C. Politicians Are ALL CONTROLLED Puppets of the Deep State/Cabal.
- Realize that the CIA controls the Media for the Rothschilds and British Empire. CIA Heads belong to Secret Societies many to Knights of Malta answering directly to the Vatican which is an arm of the Empire.
- Support the U.S. EXITING the United Nations.
- Support politicians who are Anti-Vaccine and don’t like Israel. Also If they support Infrastructure Development.
- Avoid politicians with big donor funding. They are clearly All Sold Out.
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