Will the people of the United States hold their government and nation accountable?

The LaRouche Organization

Send in your questions to questions@laroucheorganization.com

Friend —

Join me today with Farming Expert, Bob Baker and EIR’s David Shavin

“The process is in motion, which has continued to the present day, which threatens civilization – like a comet, moving through the solar system, headed for its death in the sun. We know it’s doomed, because the trajectory, the orbit, dooms it, foredooms it. But it’s not going to happen this week, next week, next year, or maybe in years to come. But it will happen. Now, we’ve come to a similar point in history—that the policies which have increasingly dominated trends in new policy-making in Western Europe, in the United States, and among countries which are dominated by the influence of Western Europe and the United States—this civilization, in its present form, is doomed.”
Lyndon LaRouche made these remarks to an audience in Mainz, Germany, in 1999.

Try as they might, with whatever war they prosecute, the “elites” of the once-functional nations of the Anglosphere are doomed to repeat failure after failure—as with their present war expansion campaign in Southwest Asia. Like the Athenians, who degenerated from being the high culture that defeated the predatory Persian empire on the plains of Marathon in 490 B.C. to become the mass murderers that, without provocation, slaughtered and enslaved the entire population of the island of Melos in 416 B.C., the Anglo-Americans still believe themselves to represent a moral force—but they have lost the world.

Instead, in the streets of Germany, and in the courts of The Hague, a new moral pole has emerged, with the charges leveled against Israel—and implicitly against Great Britain and the United States—of the crime of genocide. Will the people of the United States hold their government and nation accountable? The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, whose birthday is celebrated this weekend, would have done so. How will you choose to act?

2pm EST to discuss what YOU can do to mobilize.

Talk soon,
Dennis Speed
LaRouche Organization


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Comment:  That’s an EZ one.  No they will not.

The LaRouche Organization
It’s time to retool our military-industrial-financial complex into things that will benefit mankind

Friend —

As we enter the New Year, you are urged to join in furthering the TLO legislative initiative and proposal ‘Swords into Plowshares Act of 2024.’ Contact your elected local, state or federal representatives to discuss the urgency of sponsoring the new bill. Circulate the legislation to members of your union, church group or civil or social organization, and encourage them to sponsor short presentations on the content.

This Ploughshares legislative initiative, coupled with principled peace alternatives built around development proposals (such as the Oasis Plan, TransAqua, etc) floated by the International Peace Coalition and initiated by Helga Zepp-LaRouche of the Schiller Institute, provide the crucial element lacking in the expanding calls for a ceasefire to end the horror in Gaza in particular, as well as the persisting Ukraine war. Such substantive alternatives could attract the most recalcitrant of opponents to a negotiating session. Only in this manner will a resolution to the fifty-five other armed bloody conflicts globally be achieved—many of these having been orchestrated by “foreign third forces,” and preventing the targeted nations from participating in new opportunities, which would be to the advantage of all, within the framework of regional economic cooperation agreements such as BRICS, the Belt and Road Initiative, or similar designs.

NASA has a motto which states that: “failure is not an option.” Posed with the threat of a disintegrating western economy, homelessness, death by disease, battling endless wars, or a general thermonuclear superpower war, this saying becomes much more meaningful for us citizens of western nations who can rather easily choose instead to work in realizing revitalized productive economies, at home and abroad.

In a philosophical vein, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche raised the nature of the decision we are immediately challenged to make:

Why be tragic, when triumph over the Beast-Men is both possible and internationally reproducible, by fighting for the benefit of the… ‘other?’ Fighting and winning for all of humanity is the only way to ensure the demise of the internalized enemy image, which is, ultimately, one’s self. It is the way to break the chains of the ‘volunteered slavery”’ without which imperialism must vanish from the face of the Earth. Love for humanity is the oasis which replenishes the cleansing waters of Reason.

Though modest in size, an organized grouping within the larger citizenry, if well-educated and strategically deployed in a unified manner, can intervene to change the course of action on the world stage. Consider the many instances where war could be halted and the lives of millions saved globally were there an active citizens movement of this type.

Should anyone, anywhere, tolerate another day of consciously and intentionally-designed educational systems which extinguish all sparks of creativity? Imagine the immense wave of progress humanity would enjoy were higher education not built upon Aristotelian methods and logic, if the scientific community ceased bowing and groveling at the temple of Sir Isaac Newton?

Who, today, remains so foolish as to believe or assume that an economy premised upon debt-collection, the manufacture of armaments, drug use and legalization, or financial speculation, benefits the general welfare or the nation?

Read and reflect upon the unfolding process outlined in ‘BRICS on the Move; Brits in Panic Mode,’ a recently issued TLO mass flyer. Where in the popular media has the slightest overview of these emerging actions of the newly expanded BRICS+ nations received coverage? Each of us has a role to play which can determine a better outcome to the year 2024; to connect nations of the North to the global New Paradigm. Begin to circulate this and the LaRouche movement flyer ‘A New Year, a New Day, for Humanity.’ These activities in concert with newly constituted state-wide citizen organizations across the US might hold the key to creating a beautiful US Presidency, in the spirit of LaRouche and FDR.

Contact your elected local, state or federal representatives, and organize them to support and sponsor TLO’s ‘Swords into Plowshares Act of 2024.’

Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121


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“Fireside Chat”
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Manhattan Project Town Hall

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Yours in the fight,

Cloret Ferguson


The LaRouche Organization

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