Child Rapist Promoted By Oprah Who Was Also Friends With Disgraced Movie Mogul In Prison For Rapes

He sold the slaves for $40,000.  Who To?  The CIA’s Michael Aquino who bought Johnny Gosch???  Oprah was close to Spacey, WEINSTEIN (in prison for rapes) and all these evil Sex Slave Rapists and Murderers.  Liz Crokin hobnobbed with the Hollywood or Hollyweird crowd so how would she Not Know the CIA is involved in Controlling Celebs and Trafficking Children?  Pictured is Oprah flashing Cabal hand signals….secret Signs for Secret Society Member.  Liz Crokin encourages all to sit on their hands and wait.  This is exactly what the CABAL wants.  Activists are Not Wanted by this Cabal.  Hand Sitters wanted.  There will be No Mass Arrests.  This is a Fiction.  Unless the people themselves do something nothing will happen except business as usual.  Q IS the Deep State.  Trump is from the Deep State as his Mentor Roy Cohn Was Child Pimp for the CIA throughout D.C.  This is AS Deep in the Deep State As It Gets!

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