Look How Messed Up China Is!!!!!

Yes. China is a typical messed up society.

It was built on stealing and genocide.

It is the sole superpower in the world.

It has invaded and ruined dozens of countries.

It has killed millions of innocent people. They kill kids with impunity.

It has created tens of millions of refugees.

In many parts of the country, only guns provide security.

It has at least half a million homeless people.

Drugs are everywhere in there.

There are more than two million criminals in prison. They were subjected to forced Labour

It cries Democracy, Freedom and Human rights every single day. But Nearly half of their voters think their president stole the election. So some of them became rioters.

Their leaders are proud of lying, cheating and stealing.

They enslaved black people, mistreated them, and still discriminate against them.

Wait, am I talking about the US? So sorry, I love China so much that I always misspell China to other countries.

OOPS It’s the U.S.!!!!!



Profile photo for Patty Brey

Add comment

 · Jun 3

GREAT POST MATE , love the truthful sarcasm in you reply ore of it please


 · Jun 3


 · Jun 4

Not sure what your point is — that could work in literally every single country on earth.

Lee Ramer

The point is that it shows how we drink our own Koolaid and don’t even realize it. Our hypocrisy is astounding and yet so conveniently ignored.

 · Jun 3

The questioner should be asking is US the most messed up country? Who faces these problems? Homelessness Gun violence Immigration abuse and Police violence Social problems like abortion, drug abuse, racial discrimination and racial divide.

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