I am so glad I decided not to write for Veterans Today.
Not a word about the grotesquely fixed election, the control by a foreign power, the campaign to medically murder its own citizens or the program to flood the country with illegal aliens in order to impose martial law.
R.I.P. USA, goodbye freedom throughout the world. Your life is now controlled by the banks, who prefer Communism to democracy.
When we went to bed on election night 2020, Trump had won a landslide reelection victory. In the morning, after a night of illegal ballot stuffing, Biden, who had molested his own daughter, was the new president. This reversal of the vote in the middle of the night when the polls should have been closed was statistically impossible.
Now they are about to eliminate physical cash, and when that is gone, so is freedom of speech.
Now we are awash in illegal aliens, paid for and supported by the federal government, awaiting the signal to kill and destroy.
We are all late to the revolution. It will be the last mistake we will ever make.