“In my opinion, the real Angelina is self-centered and a control freak. She has no patience at all. She doesn’t do things out of the kindness of her heart. And she’s totally psycho,” Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt’s former bodyguard Bill tells In Touch exclusively.
Secret Sex Parties of the MEGA Rich Which Angie Jolie Discusses in Video
Describes how she films these sex parties and “I have the most AMAZING COMPROMISING VIDEOS on people” works for the CIA. For Sure MANY of these Sex Parties are sponsored and controlled by the CIA so they can obtain these Amazing Compromising Videos of the Participants. CIA bring in their Monarch sex slaves to service attendants at these “Parties” given for military BRASS, Politicians, Hollywood Stars & Anyone of Influence. Angie Jolie is a full fledged member of the Evil Cabal being a UN promoter and CFR member. The real Angie has been described by man working for her as a : “Psycho”, Mentally Abusing, child abusing “Mom” whose children were being raised by Security Guards. Clearly there is no relation between the portrayal of Angie by the Cabal Owned Fake Media and the real Angie being told about by her employees.
the video depicts a bed in which wax statues of 12 celebrities doze peacefully in the nude: George W. Bush, Anna Wintour, Donald Trump, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Taylor Swift, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian West, Ray J, Amber Rose, Caitlyn Jenner and Bill Cosby.