Suddenly Died & Dying

LeBron James’ 18-Year-Old Son Has Heart Attack


LeBron James’ 18-year-old son was at basketball practice and he had a heart attack.


What else could have caused this other than the vaxx? While we don’t have confirmation he took the vaxx, it is pretty much a certainty that he took it.




This type of thing rarely if ever happened prior to the roll out of the COVID-19 shots. Now young athletes are collapsing from heart attacks if not just dropping dead.

I’m tired of talking about it quite frankly. Myself and many others were warning people not to take these shots before they were even rolled out. If you took them you get what you get.

Two Prominent Singers Fall Victim to the Vaxx


Tori Kelly a 30-year-old singer and Grammy award winner recently collapsed due to blood clots near her heart. Totally normal stuff here folks.


The Jewish TMZ says they’re trying to figure out what caused this. Perhaps the deadly fake vaccine injection everyone was coerced into taking may have caused it? I mean, that seems like the most logical cause but they won’t talk about that because they’re probably sponsored by the same companies that made these deadly shots. They’re also Jewish.

Irish singer Sinead O’Connor who was a very big fan of the deadly vaxx died recently at the age of 56. She criticized people who opposed the masks and the lockdowns, so it looks like the vaxx got her as well.


Younger people might not be familiar with her, but she rose to fame during the late 1980s and early 1990s for her cover of a shitty Prince song and being bald. She’s largely remembered for tearing up a photo of the Pope at the end of a performance on Saturday Night Live telling people to fight the real enemy.

While I’m no fan of the Catholic Church, she did not tell people to fight the real enemy. If she told people to fight the real enemy she would have told people to fight the Jews. The fact that she did not use her fame to tell people to fight the real enemy and supported the satanic virus lockdowns makes me believe that she is likely in hell right now.

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