Nursing Home Candidates Cannot Speak or Think Clearly

Mitch McConnell Looked Like a Walking Corpse Today


Mitch McConnell who is 80-something years old appeared at a press conference today and looked like a walking corpse. He tried to make a statement and then just froze in place appearing to not know where he was.


McConnell looks to be in about as bad of shape as Joe Biden if not worse.

We shouldn’t have such people holding political office of any kind let alone the highest of political offices.

But shit, we live in a democracy and this is democracy in action. I hope you all are enjoying the results of it.

Dianne Feinstein Gets Confused on How to Vote


After Mitch McConnell looked like he was going to drop dead in front of the press yesterday, the demonic Jew Dianne Feinstein who looks like she is 900-years-old was seen not knowing how to vote for a bill. Her staffers had to tell her to “just say aye” as she rambled some gibberish about the bill.



The United States government is the biggest joke imaginable. The people in some of the highest offices of the land are basically braindead zombies who don’t even know where they are most of the time.

This ridiculous system will end one day and that day can’t come soon enough.

Comment:  Guess we are seeing these Nursing Home Candidates Being Handled By Their HANDLERS.  Who Do Their Handlers Work For?  Likely the CIA who answers to the British Empire.

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