(On the left, Communist Jewish Gulag commandants in the USSR. On the right, Zionist Jewish pioneers at Kibbutz Gan Shmuel in 1921. Both are making the classic Masonic hand sign.)
A pattern reminiscent of pre-war Germany has emerged in the US and Europe.
There is an intensifying conflict between Left” (globalism) and “Right,” (nationalism)
which are each backed by a Masonic Jewish faction, Communism, and Zionism. In fact, these two are one.
This article from Jan 17, 2017, is being shadow banned by Google. Coincidence? It is even missing from my Content Management System.
By Henry Makow PhD
What is Donald Trump’s place in the big picture?

The Illuminati advance this agenda through mind control (mass media, education) and war. They can’t subjugate humanity alone; they need the goyim to destroy each other.
Thus, they have developed a tag team to promote war. On the one hand, we have the Communist Jews (“globalists”) who attack the goyim by undermining their national, religious (moral), racial and family (gender) identity.
On the other hand, are the Fascists, Nazis or Zionist (“nationalist”) Jews, who seem to defend the goyim from this onslaught. Trump won the election by appealing to the latter demography.
From a different angle, we have a conflict between philo-Semitic Masonic Jews (Communists) and “anti-Semitic” Masonic Jews (Fascists, Nazis, Zionists.) While claiming to defend Jews, Zionism uses anti-Semitism (and false flag terror) to coerce Jews into serving their megalomaniacal agenda.
Similarly, they use false flag terror to herd the goyim. The genuine goy
elite has been decimated in wars contrived by the Illuminati. The elite goy vestige (Freemasonry) has been co-opted with the promise of a share in the spoils.
Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (1983), author Lenni Brenner claims that Zionists have always betrayed the Jewish masses, whose interests were defended by the Bolsheviks and their heirs, the Trotskyists. During the 1930s and 1940s, Zionism collaborated with the fascists and Nazis. (27-37)
Zionism is not only about a Jewish state; it is about a Jewish world-order. The same applies to Communism: they use “social justice” as a ruse. The Jew World Order is achieved by pitting the goyim against each other. Most Jews are not aware of this. They would gladly assimilate but, like the goyim, they have been tricked into supporting Zionism or Communism.
Arnold J. Toynbee was a propagandist for the Communist (globalist) faction. He wrote, “ There has also been the aim of converting the Gentile world to the worship of Yahweh under the aegis of a world-empire centred on Eretz Israel and ruled by ‘the Lord’s Anointed’: a coming human king of Davidic lineage.” (Reconsiderations, 1961, p. 486).
“The guilt – or merit – of having put Jesus to death is ascribed in the Talmud to the Jews, not to the Romans.” (p. 481) In other words, Cabalist (Masonic) Judaism is Satanic.
There are many signs that the Nazism was funded by Zionist Jews. For example, Churchill said ex-German Chancellor (1930-1932) Heinrich Bruning revealed the identities of Hitler’s backers in a 1937 letter: ‘I didn’t, and do not even today for understandable reasons, wish to reveal from October 1928, the two largest regular contributors to the Nazi Party were the general managers of two of the largest Berlin banks, both of Jewish faith and one of them the leader of Zionism in Germany.”
Barack Obama is a toady and lickspittle for George Soros and the Communist Jewish faction. ”Communist” Jews are in the forefront of the hysterical opposition to Donald Trump, threatening an
ongoing campaign of civil disobedience and worse. Thus we have a situation similar to Weimar Germany where Communist and Nazis fought each other in the streets, and later Communists and homosexuals were rounded up.
Apart from Trump’s unequivocal support for Israel, many indications suggest he is in the Zionist camp. His “chief strategist” Steve Bannon was from Breitbart.com, a probable Mossad front which defined Trump’s anti-migrant, anti-Iran, anti-free trade and pro-Russia policy. See Makow
“Have Americans Been NeoConned?”

Then there are the dog whistles. Trump’s
extremely effective final campaign commercial pictured Janet Yellin and implied that Trump would “drain the swamp” by attacking the Fed and Goldman Sachs. An earlier ad attacking Clinton corruption featured a Star of David. Of course, he has done nothing but enhance Jewish power and left the Fed untouched.
The Commie Jew faction was quick to assert that Trump’s ad
represents “white supremacism.” (Indeed, any attempt to defend traditional America is equated with “hate.”)
(All US politicians owe their first loyalty to Organized Jewry)
Recently 70 nations beholden to the Communist Jew agenda held a meeting in Paris which held up hope for a two-nation solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
Netanyahu dismissed this as the last vestige of a dying era. “This conference belongs to yesterday’s world. Tomorrow’s world will be different — and it is very near.”
What does “tomorrow’s world” look like? If present trends continue, the Northern hemisphere will be a pile of radioactive ruins. Putin, like Stalin, is a nationalist. I see Russia China and Iran facing the “Zionist” West.
Communism is a monopoly of power, money and culture by the cabalist central bankers. This monopoly requires the dissolution of “all collective forces except our own.” (
Protocols of Zion, 16.4) As I said, these collective forces are race, religion, nation and family (gender.) Hence we have a conflict between Communism and Nationalism, which appears to be backed by Zionism. The question is, can we trust our defender?
Trump has answered this question. Zionism can quickly pivot to embrace the goals of Communism (war) because they are both cut from the same Masonic cloth and ultimately stand for the same thing. Masonic Jewish central bank tyranny.
First Comment from James Perloff-
The artificial conflict you speak of, between communist Jews and nationalist Jews, reminds me very much of the home conflict during the Vietnam War.
In that one, the hippies and yippies (I then counted myself among them) took to the streets in protests that often turned violent. But, just as today’s protestors are funded by Soros, the hippies back then were unwittingly being funded by the Rockefellers (as just one example, I used to hawk Boston’s most left-wing underground newspaper, THE REAL PAPER, and its publisher was David Rockefeller, Jr.).
Likewise, the men in our government who got us into the Vietnam War (Rostow, Bundy, Acheson) were not anti-communists but CFR globalists in the mold of today’s Neo-cons. They prolonged the war into a 14-year divisive mess, and turned us from a “Leave It to Beaver” culture into a Woodstock culture. I sense they may now be taking a cue from that Vietnam War playbook, and are seeking to create another national divide. These protestors committing violence over Trump’s Tweets–why weren’t they out protesting Bush and Obama for ruthlessly bombing Iraq, Libya and Syria? Phoney as a dollar bill with Soros’s picture on it.
Source: https://henrymakow.com/2022/10/trump-masonic-jewish-tag-team.html