The Secret Society Satanist Bush Crime Family (This Leaves Out Their Sadistic Pedophilia)

Accused Mass-Murderer Became President!

by Sherman H. Skolnick and Lenny Bloom

The following is an item from Sunnyvale Ca. from the 2000 election.

“SUNNYVALE, CA — Telling reporters and critics to ‘stick to the issues that matter’, Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush declined to answer questions Monday concerning his alleged involvement in a 1984 Brownsville, TX, mass murder, in which 17 people were ritualistically murdered and skinned.

‘I will not stoop to discussing that,’ said Bush during a campaign stop at a Bay Area software-packaging plant. ‘We’ve got people across this country without health care, a broken educational system, taxes that are way too high, and all you want to talk about is something THAT MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE HAPPENED 16 years ago? I’m sorry, but I find that offensive.’ ” (Emphasis added).

Bush, the son of a billionaire, was strangely living in the most impoverished place in America, Brownsville; living nearby to and also inside the headquarters of a Satanic Cult of which he was a member. Bush disappeared for three days during which ALL of the other of his fellow Cult Members was slaughtered. After he reappeared he could not explain where he had been. The local prosecutor continued to pursue Bush, sole Cult survivor, on mass murder charges for six months thereafter, heavily pressured by Daddy Bush to stop the investigation. For asking these questions the reporters were threatened with reprisals later by Bush and thereafter have feared for their life. Currently, as to 2004, Bush and Kerry have long been members of a Satanic Cult, Skull & Bones (Yale).


Following the attempted assassination of President Ronald W. Reagan, shortly after his inauguration, 1981, George Herbert Walker Bush, as Vice President, on a day-to-day basis, until the end of Reagan’s second term, 1988, actually ran the White House. In 1988, Daddy Bush was himself elected President, actually Bush’s third term.

In so doing, the elder Bush was violating the U.S. Constitution, 22nd Amendment, restricting the President to two terms.

During that time, and even before, Daddy Bush and son George W. Bush, had financial and satanic cult links with the drug trafficking from Colombia through the Brownsville/Matamoros area. Brownsville is in the U.S. right smack on the Mexican border above Matamoros, Mexico.

At one time Daddy Bush owned Texas Commerce Bank implicated in the drug traffic through their branch in Venezuela. Jeb Bush living in Venezuela with his Latino wife ran that unit, starting about 1979. They laundered the drug proceeds from Colombia and from there, through Mexico to the U.S. The Bush Crime Family has for many years been business partners with the co-founder of the Medelin, Colombia drug cartel, Carlos Lehder. [see, the website series, “The Chandra Levy Affair”.]

This was convenient to Daddy Bush having been with the CIA since 1959, through their adjunct, principally owned by the Bushies, Zapata Petroleum, later called Zapata Offshore, still later their interests joined with Pennzoil which by an induced bankruptcy took over Texaco. [see, “Oil & Honor—The Texaco-Pennzoil Wars” by Thomas Petzinger, Jr., 1987, G.P. Putnam’s Sons.]

The satanic cult mass-murders revolved around in the Brownsville/Matamoros area. Among those involved were El Padrino Cult; and located outside Matamoros, Rancho Santa Elena, having human sacrifice chambers; and the satanic ritual sacrifices and mind control conducted by Aldolfo De Jesus Costanzo with others. The Bush Crime Family with their dope trafficking, Colombia through Matamoros, Mexico/Brownsville, Texas, were interlocked with these situations.

The ranch was reportedly involved in snuffing out dozens and dozens of primarily Latinos useful as “mules” in the drug trade and controlled through sexual satanic rituals and mind-control.

In the 1980s, Daddy Bush, actually running the White House, and former head of the American secret political police, was in perfect position to be part of the drug trafficking. The elder Bush was the head of the South Florida Anti-Drug Project, supposedly clamping down on drug trafficking from Colombia to Mexico.

During the 1980s, U.S. drug enforcement was near totally compromised and corrupted. A huge, heavy opus, mentioned in a moment, tells how the top people in the elite units of U.S. drug enforcement actually worked the other side. From time to time, they went to parties at palatial estates in Mexico and elsewhere owned and operated by the major drug lords. The drug police rubbed elbows there with movie stars and big shots from Hollywood, users as well as traffickers with dope. [in recent years. George W. Bush, William Rockefeller Clinton, and Mexico President Vicente Fox have visited and stayed at the estates of Mexico’s major drug lords.]

For naive, poorly informed persons to risk their neck reporting drug lords to the drug police is both tragic and laughable. [see that very thick book about the top drug enforcers, being for sale and totally corrupt, “The Underground Empire—Where Crime and Government Embrace”, by James Mills, Doubleday, N.Y., 1986.]

One of those convicted of the satanic cult mass murders in the Brownsville/Matamoros region and elsewhere was a fellow named Lucas. When George W. Bush was Governor of Texas, he mysteriously granted clemency to this mass-murderer. Yet, there was no basis in law or fact for the Governor to so favor Lucas, other than the Bush Crime Family was in business with him in respect to the drug trafficking and satanic cult operations of the Brownsville/Matamoros region.

With terrible-to-look-at pictures, the horrors of the one or more satanic cults so operating in the Brownsville/Matamoros region are detailed in a little-known, hard to locate book, “Hell Ranch” by Clifford Linedecker.

By 1999, some reporters had attempted to question George W. Bush as to some of the foregoing, while Bush was planning to run for President in the U.S. 2000 Election. As the head of an investigative group and Founder/Chairman, since 1963 of the Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Skolnick began relating, on various radio talk shows, the problems the reporters were having in confronting George W. Bush with his apparent complicity in the satanic cult mass murders in the Brownsville, Texas area.

Quite some time thereafter, several websites did acts in some ways relating to all this. They palmed off as apparent jokes and parodies, purported stories about the Brownsville/Matamoros horrors. Whether their purpose was reputed damage control for the Bush Crime Family or to simply somehow make jokes about the satanic mass murders, remains for such website handlers and operators to explain.

These websites apparently gave the impression to poorly informed, naive people that the whole series of events in the Brownsville/Matamoros region were purely imaginary, and never occurred and there was no complicity of the Bushies including George W. Bush.

Obviously to detail all the persons and entities involved with the satanic cultists, human sacrifice locations, and drug-traffickers and mind-control dictators, in the Matamoros/Brownsville region would and could fill a series of encyclopedias on the dope business, satanic cults, corrupted dope enforcers, and related topics.

[A book that does go into many related details is “The Strength of the Wolf—The Secret History of America’s War on Drugs” by Douglas Valentine, Verso Books, 2004, New York. The American CIA needs the drug lords to be able to penetrate otherwise hard to spy on nations, is a theme of the book.]







more strange stuff in tx-strange but true


The Strange Death of the Woman Who Filed a Rape Lawsuit Against Bush

By Jackson Thoreau

Early one Saturday afternoon in July 2003, I made a simple phone call to Margie Schoedinger, a Texas woman who filed a rape lawsuit against George W. Bush in December 2002. I expected to leave a message on a machine, so I was caught a little offguard when Schoedinger answered.

She, too, sounded somewhat surprised I had called, saying she hadn’t heard from many other reporters. But she talked to me for a few minutes about the legal action.

“I am still trying to prosecute [the lawsuit],” said Schoedinger, a 38-year-old African-American woman who lived in the Houston suburb of Missouri City. “I want to get this matter settled and go on with my life.”

Well, Schoedinger hasn’t gone on with her life. In fact, three months after I spoke to her, she died in an apparent suicide. And this matter remains unsettled.

When I asked her in July 2003 about the lack of media coverage, Schoedinger said she wasn’t seeking publicity. She said she did not even know about a December 2002 article in the Fort Bend Star, the only U.S. mainstream media outlet that covered this story, to my knowledge. The Fort Bend reporter, LeaAnne Klentzman, said she even went to Schoedinger’s home and talked to a man there, who said she could not come to door. While I reached and spoke to Schoedinger on my first attempt, maybe she wasn’t ready to talk back in December.

Anyways, Schoedinger said she was surprised the case wasn’t covered more because “it is true……People have to be accountable for what they do, and that’s why I’m pursuing it.”

To be sure, Schoedinger’s accusations – which include being drugged and sexually assaulted numerous times by Bush and other men purporting to be FBI agents – are bizarre and hard for most people to believe. But her story fits in with those told by a growing number of people who say they were used as guinea pigs or whatever by members of the CIA or another U.S. agency who wanted to test out the latest mind-controlling drug or just have a strange form of release. And her death – let’s just say government agents have made murders look like suicides before.

In her court petition, Schoedinger said police in Sugar Land, another Houston suburb where she said some assailants linked to Bush attempted to unsuccessfully abduct her from her car shortly before the 2000 election, refused to take a report or do anything about that incident. She filed a lawsuit against the Sugar Land department and said that in preparing its defense, Sugar Land police found out that she dated Bush as a minor. I didn’t get a chance to ask Schoedinger about that tie and didn’t meet her in person, but her driver’s license listed her as being 5-foot-8 and weighing 125 pounds, for what that’s worth.

The Fort Bend Star story quoted a Sugar Land police captain saying his department had no record of any complaints by Schoedinger. All he had to do was what I did – go to the Fort Bend County Internet site and do a simple search on Schoedinger’s name in the area of civil court records. I found the lawsuit Schoedinger filed in December 2000 against Sugar Land police, and it even had numerous responses by the department’s attorneys in that case.

Just wait. This story gets stranger.

When I started asking Schoedinger about certain details of the case, such as alleged surveillance at her home and if she was still legally representing herself, she politely ended our conversation. “I need to see what has been written,” Schoedinger said. “I feel like it’s best for me to end our conversation.”

Obviously, she had learned to be careful about what she said and to whom she said it. I could understand her being leery about talking about her situation with a stranger over the phone.

But I remember being puzzled by Schoedinger’s attitude after hanging up the phone. I wondered that if she had made up such a wild story, why she didn’t come up with something a little less outlandish, in which people couldn’t necessarily dismiss her as a kook. I wondered why she didn’t seek publicity to at least provide some form of protection. I’ve long learned that being as public as possible is one of your best defenses against rogue intelligence agents. But she didn’t even seem to want any media to cover her story. I told several writers I knew, some of whom tried to contact Schoedinger. None succeeded, as far as I know.

I remember thinking, “I hope she doesn’t wind up on the wrong side of a gun.” And sure enough, in late September, Schoedinger did.

The Houston Chronicle wrote a bare-bones obituary that stated only that Schoedinger “expired” on Sept. 22, 2003, and her burial was at Houston Memorial Gardens.

I called the Harris County Medical Examiner’s office, and a clerk told me the cause of death: a “suicide” by a “gunshot wound to the head.” I hung up amid bombs going off in my mind.

For one, using a gun to commit suicide is predominantly executed by males, according to psychiatrists and other sources like pharmaceutical firm Merck & Co. Women are more likely to overdose on drugs, although the number of gunshot suicides among women has increased in recent years.

Besides Pravda and Internet ezines – one of whom referred to Schoedinger as “deranged” – I haven’t seen stories on this strange death of a woman who filed a rape lawsuit against the U.S. president and wound up dead nine months later. I can’t say I’m surprised. Or even angry. I don’t know what the hell to think. All I know is I was one of the last – if not the last – reporters to speak to Schoedinger, and she didn’t sound “deranged” to me in July 2003. She sounded like someone who had gone through something weird and was trying to sort it out. She sounded like someone who wanted the truth to come out. And now she’s dead.

If this had happened to Clinton when he was in the White House, do you think the story would have been covered non-stop on FOX, CNN and the right-wing talk shows? Do you think we’d have reporters asking Clinton and his people about this death in press conferences? Is FOX unfair and imbalanced to the point of being “deranged?”

There are some more odd twists to this case. I also found a 2002 criminal case related to Schoedinger in which Christopher Schoedinger, her husband, allegedly struck her. He pleaded no contest and was sentenced to a year in jail. Christopher Schoedinger had also filed for divorce. Then since 1997, Margie Schoedinger had filed for at least five assumed business names for various ventures – including a communications firm, health and beauty business, travel agency and publishing company. Could a “deranged” person start all those businesses or even know how to file a lawsuit?

Schoedinger’s lawsuit can still be viewed on the Fort Bend County site at – then go down to the bottom and click on civil court. Then type “schoedinger” in the plaintiff box and click search. You should find another lawsuit she filed against Sugar Land police, as well.

I can really understand media members being intimidated, even frightened, of the Bush administration. As I’ve detailed before, these are not Boy Scouts running the show. The Schoedinger death is just the latest in a string of strange ones surrounding the Bush family – Bush biographer J.H. Hatfield, Sen. Paul Wellstone, Sen. Mel Carnahan, and others that are detailed on various sites, including at .

For the record, I contacted Bush’s media office about Schoedinger and have yet to hear back. Now that I live in the Washington, D.C., area, I can go down to the White House in person and try to get someone to speak to me about this case. As expected, I haven’t had much luck with the Fort Bend County and other Texas authorities. So maybe I’ll stand outside the White House, holding a sign saying, “Who killed Margie Schoedinger?” and passing out copies of my column on the case. It would make about as much sense as anything else in this matter.

For all I know, maybe Schoedinger did kill herself. Maybe she dreamed up a lot of this stuff. But I don’t know, am I “deranged” to think it’s weird that in this mass-media, detailed-information age, so few people are even asking any questions about how a woman who filed a rape lawsuit against the president could be dead less than a year later?

Edited  by Sunofone

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Whoa…that was a wake-up call. I kew the SOB was evil but he REALLY seems to enjoy it too. Funny, the amount of murders tied to this man ever since he took office. The Brownsville thing was the icing on the cake. You know Suno…this guys whole history reads like a frightening Stephen King novel…and he is supposed to be leader of the “free” world. Me and my father actually contemplated moving to Canada or New Zealand…after 9-11 we just don’t know what to expect from this administration or when to expect it…like we sleep with one eye open. I see Martial Law right around the corner…you?

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