State Property Taxes Are Against the Constitution and States Taxing the Land Means They Own the Land and Can Take it Anytime They Want By Targeting Somebody Whose Land They Want.
State Property Taxes Are Against the Constitution and States Taxing the Land Means They Own the Land and Can Take it Anytime They Want If You Fall on Hard Times.
State property taxes are against the constitution.
Government & States taxing the land means they own the land and can take it if a person falls on hard times or anytime they want by targeting somebody whose land they want making it impossible to make a living. Let us not forget that our ancestors came to America to get away from having to pay property tax and so they could own their own land in a free country. When Your Property can be taken away from you for not having the money to pay Property Taxes you are Not in a Free country!
How the British Regained Control of the Colonies:
Property taxes in the United States originated during colonial times. By 1796, state and local governments in fourteen of the fifteen states taxed land. This is when the Monarchy took over America without the people realizing what they had done. What it means is the States own the land not the people.
Land/property tax is against the Constitution. Property Taxes are ILLEGAL.
Representatives who enforce anti-Constitutional Acts work Against the American People. Many do not even realize the Illegality of this Act.
Why the Constitution Forbade Property Taxes:
If a person falls on hard times and can’t afford to pay the property tax/rent to the State monarchy he/she will lose his/her home and land. It is a criminal act to take a persons’ home when he has fallen on hard times. This is a criminal offense in a free country and is why it was put into the Constitution which means every state in the United States is committing treason with State property taxes. They are not the kings of the land; America is a free country or was supposed to be a free country! Because of this UNCONSTITUTIONAL POLICY: State governments can take Property away from people by targeting them if they want that land. By targeting a person financially and forcing them into poverty to take the land. Even if the person paid on the land for Thirty Years.