Inflation continues to spiral out of control in the United States. Even the fake inflation numbers are hitting 40-year highs.


Not shockingly, the so-called Inflation Reduction Act that was passed to supposedly reduce inflation has done nothing of the sort. It was just an excuse to waste money on green energy scams and other corrupt projects.

Pepsi’s products are priced 17 percent higher on average.


There’s huge increases in the price of toilet paper.


The price of basic things keep going up even though the Federal Reserve is increasing interest rates.


They are slowly hiking rates but the rates are still far below the real rate of inflation. Meanwhile, they are continuing to buy bonds and dumping all sorts of money into the system. So they’re really only pretending to fight inflation. The end result of this has been the price of basic necessities going up while the value of assets people have used to store wealth like stocks, real estate etc.. going down.

Things aren’t going to get better any time soon. These are deliberate policies that have put into place to steal wealth from ordinary people.

We are already seeing the British pound and the Euro collapse in value significantly. The US Dollar is going to follow. It is only being propped up because the situation in Europe has been a terrible disaster.