Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar Deepen Russian Ties

Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar Deepen Russia Ties
Sept. 11, 2022 (EIRNS)—Southeast Asian nations, other than Singapore (which still functions as a British outpost in Asia), want nothing to do with the Russia sanctions demanded by the Anglo-Americans. Nikkei reported Sep. 6 on Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar’s expanding economic ties with Russia.
Although Thailand cut off Aeroflot flights to the tropical tourist spot Phuket after the Ukraine military operation started, that is being reversed as of October, and the huge flow of Russian tourists will return. Thailand and Russia also agreed to expand bilateral trade in May, aiming to reach $10 billion in 2023, nearly four times 2021 trade. Thailand chairs the many Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings this year.
Vietnam and Russia held talks Aug. 18 on expanding wheat exports, Russian authorities told Nikkei. Russian shipments to Vietnam plunged below 190,000 metric tons in 2021 from 2.6 million metric tons in 2018 after potentially invasive thistle seeds were found in the wheat. Russia intends to ship a trial batch of thistle-free wheat to Vietnam as early as September as wheat prices are surging. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Vietnam in July and expanded trade cooperation. The communiqué from the ASEAN foreign ministers meeting in August refrained from criticizing Russia by name for its military operation in Ukraine, and Singapore is the only member of ASEAN’s 10 nations to impose sanctions on Moscow.
Myanmar, meanwhile, starts importing Russian fuel oil this month as arranged during a July visit to Russia by Prime Minister Min Aung Hlaing in July. In Moscow he also held meetings with Roscosmos and Rosatom. He attended the Vladivostok Eastern Economic Forum this weekend.
The ASEAN communiqué signed at their foreign ministers meeting in August made no mention of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, much to Tony Blinken’s disappointment.
Schiller Institute Conference: Nemesis as an Organizing Principle
Sept. 9, 2022 (EIRNS)—Saturday’s Schiller Institute Conference, “Inspiring Humanity To Survive the Greatest Crisis in World History,” is an application of the optimistic principle of Nemesis to the world strategic situation, otherwise called “current history.” In order to successfully establish, in this time of conjunctural crisis, a new security and development architecture, even as war seems the chosen, doomed means of discourse among nations, the Schiller Institute and its interlocutors must act as the Nemesis of the presently prevailing civilizational direction of the trans-Atlantic world. The September 8 death of the Queen of England, on the 100th anniversary of Lyndon LaRouche’s birth, is, in at least a metaphorical sense, an expression of that same principle of Nemesis.
The conference theme, “The Ideas of Lyndon LaRouche Will Shape the Future of Mankind,” to which the proceedings will, rondo-like, continually refer, indicates a higher idea of Nemesis than the commonplace. Nemesis is not, as the dictionaries claim, simply mere retribution, revenge, “street justice.”
What did Lyndon LaRouche really mean, when he often stated, “I can never be defeated, because I never stop fighting?” Is his the same “optimistic” outlook as that of a fighter that is “out on his feet,” but refuses to fall down? No; Nemesis is triumphant. For tyrants, such as the British Crown, Nemesis is the palpable presence of a higher law outside of their “rule of law.” It is expressed in the ability of their prescient opposition to seemingly forecast what will happen to them, what they will attempt to do about it, and why they will fail. No matter what they do, they can never avoid the impending consequences, despite the fact that they have been forewarned.
The British Empire which Her Satanic Majesty so faithfully served, the most extensive colonial empire in history, and still presently the most powerful financial (but not productive) force on the planet, is to now to be led by a “mad, old, diseased and dying king,” who says that “With a growing population placing an increasing strain on the planet’s finite resources, we have to reduce (carbon) emissions urgently….” Like Roman Emperor Caligula declaring war on the sea, Charles declares, “Here is needed a vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector. With trillions at its disposal, far beyond global GDP, and with the greatest respect, beyond even the governments of the world’s leaders, it offers the only real prospect of achieving fundamental economic transition.”
An Empire “beyond everything?”
The imperial military force that “Kooky Charlie” intends to deploy for this purpose, with Prime Minister Liz Truss and now, perhaps Canada’s vice-premier Chrystia Freeland as its new Secretary General, is NATO. “NATO Must Prioritize Climate Change as a Security Issue,” says Chatham House, in an article written June 27, 2022. “Beyond immediate challenges of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, NATO should consider how to prepare for a context in which climate impacts are becoming severe.” Under the subtitle, “Why Climate Change Is a NATO Issue,” the authors say “Climate change and natural disasters can act as ‘threat multipliers’ with security implications for NATO…. In addition, as natural resources become scarcer, conflict over access to them is already increasing. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region risks being particularly impacted and is in Europe’s neighborhood.”
There you have it—except that Russia, China, India, and much of the rest of the world—about 85% of the planet—don’t agree. The unwavering ally and proponent of the opposite view of the world, the Nemesis to the Malthusian depopulation now nakedly described as “saving our planet from people,” is Lyndon LaRouche. The next two days’ proceedings, will advance a new conception of “special relationship,” a dialogue among those nations of the world that have decided that the General Welfare of all of humanity demands an end to war, now, as well as a commitment, by first freeing the planet from poverty, famine, disease and war itself, to the higher aims of mankind.

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