Petition Opposing U.S./NATO War in Ukraine!
Last week, my friend and colleague, Don Debar, (CLICK HERE FOR A SUGGESTION FROM DON) and I put out a CALL to organize workers against the increasing possibility of WWIII being fomented in Ukraine.
We had two others join us on our organizing call, so we decided that there is not much we can do, but publicly express our condemnation, opposition, and DEMAND that the U.S./NATO/EU go in a different direction.
Since we don’t have millions of dollars to “outbid” the Military Industrial/Media/Congressional Complex, we can only hope that the old dogma of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) wins out.
Please share this open letter with your contacts, and feel free to send to your “elected leaders,” if you think it will do any good.
We have addressed the letter, from the undersigned, to the Executive Branch, since we are convinced that Joe Biden is tottering on the brink of complete mental decline, the US Congress and the people who seem to have been hypnotized by legacy media.
If you agree with the open letter, please say so in the comments and we will consider you as a signatory to the letter.
The Executive Branch
The Congress
The People of the USA
We the undersigned are outraged, and frankly a little terrified at your collective mis-handling, or willful ignorance of the existential threat facing our planet today vis-a-vis the crisis in Ukraine.
Without completely absolving Russia, unlike most of the mal-informed people living in the US and other Western countries today, we know that it is really US/NATO provocation and hostility that is responsible for the crisis today. This current round of provocation from the West began in 2014 when the Obama/Biden regime supported the coup against Kiev and supported the installation of leadership friendly to Nazi-ism.
With world “leaders” on all sides reiterating their maniacal willingness to use nuclear weapons, what you all are doing is nothing less than promulgating the end of life as we know it on the planet—FYI.
War is a barbaric tool and we find it reprehensible that you and other Western countries call yourselves “civilized.” Civilized people still would NOT be using, or threatening to use weapons of mass destruction against other human beings. In our opinion civilized countries would have declared war obsolete decades ago, especially after two A-bombs were dropped on innocent people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WWII—-how many bombs will rain down on we the people of the planet in WWIII? Bombs that are now about 80 times more powerful than “Little Boy” and “Fat Man.” We decry the use of conventional warfare, but nuclear warfare is in its own sick classification.
We are not appealing to any better nature in the US government, because we don’t believe in mythical beings, but we are appealing to the people of the United States, and this next section is for them:
Your impaired president and your Corporate war-criminals in both Houses of Congress don’t give a damn about you, your families, or your communities. How many toxic water systems, crumbling bridges, or deficient educational systems do you need to see, or deal with, before you get that hint? How much are you willing to sacrifice and pay for energy so war profiteers can get wealthier?
It doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat, or a Republican—or even those in 3rd parties who have been largely silent about this issue—THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT PEACE, PROSPERITY, OR SECURITY—-every move they make is to bend over for their corporate masters.
The US Congress just passed the biggest “Defense” bill in history, and it seems the true enemies of humanity are the ones that voted for that bill, and the lobbyists, generals, and other profiteers that supported it.
Even though the US is busy provoking two nuclear giants, if they began to disarm and send out olive branches instead of bombs, our humanity, and the planet could begin the long, but necessary, and worthwhile process of healing.
We the undersigned recognize that the economic downturn during the Covid-19 measures have been greatly exacerbated the the Biden regime’s use of what are supposed to be crippling sanctions against Russia: many people in Europe and in the colder climes of the U.S. will be negatively impacted by the high cost of heating fuel, which will also raise the prices of everything else. People in “civilized” NATO countries will be suffering through a harsh winter to bring more profits to a few—not “democracy” to Ukraine.
We the undersigned are not warning about hypothetical “mushroom clouds” like the imperialists do to foment another war for profit and resource control.
We the undersigned are not trying to be alarmist, or fear-mongering, because our only reward from nuclear disarmament and peace would be our own well-being, as well as everybody else’s.
We the undersigned DEMAND that the US government PULL OUT of their ridiculous and belligerent rhetoric and reactionary war mongering.
We the undersigned DEMAND that the US government reject arming and supporting NATO in its attempts to further isolate and provoke a nuclear superpower.
We the undersigned DEMAND that the US use a peace dividend to finally fix and heal the immeasurable domestic problems.
We the undersigned URGE the people of the US to DEMAND these things from their elected representatives, and to stop listening to legacy media which also profit off of wars and other conflicts.
Cindy Sheehan, et al.