Satanic Serial Killer Connected to Satanic Ted Bundy (Bundy is One of 13 Illuminati Satanic Family CABAL Members) Committed OCCULT Crimes

Bundy, like others of his ilk, categorically stated he was a multiple personality. I hold that multiples of various strains are operating at high levels throughout the badly degraded society.

Comment: Satanic illuminati Routinely torture children to create the condition known as Multiple Personality Disorder. Many slaves are Multiple Personality Disordered Individuals. Fritz Springmeier has written extensively on this.

Demons are Implanted into the minds of Illuminati Multiple Personalities.


The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable …

The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier Here is a remarkable and powerful book. Save it. Copy it., Give it to


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Apr 04, 2019#1Stanley M. Bernson is a convicted murderer who followed the M.O. and prototype of Ted Bundy around the same time. He is a suspect in up to 30 disappearances and murders. He is a member of a “brotherhood” of accomplices bound by a “covenant.”
Bernson, who operated out of the Tri-Cities, Washington, claims to have been “a travelling partner” of Ted Bundy.
The internet is strangely scrubbed of any Bernson references, but this snippet turns up in an Oregon criminal trial lawyer publication:“Bernson’s lawyer, the late Dennis Hachler, said that his client used to run with Ted Bundy and, he added, Bernson made Bundy look like a choir boy.” … c-killers/QuoteLikeDislikeShare

Apr 04, 2019#2Indeed a total of five witnesses described a man not really resembling Bundy speaking in a Canadian or British accent. British Columbia was also enduring a wave of serial killings and disappearances at this same period. Most of these 1970s killings are still unsolved. Were one or more of these Canadian killers a Bundy sidekick at Lake Sammanish or perhaps elsewhere?
And how did Bundy so easily come across an unlocked get away car with key in ignition after his second jail escape in Colorado.
Doesn’t look like Bundy either.
Then we have the Lake Sammamish police sketches of an individual seen with Janice Ott. Does this resemble Ted Bundy? Not really.


Apr 04, 2019#3Stanley Bernson photoStanley Bernson.jpg (32.16KiB)QuoteLikeDislikeShare

Apr 04, 2019#4UPI Archives
Aug. 10, 1988
Jailers trick killer into trying to escape

PENDLETON, Ore. — A county sheriff who wanted to test his jail’s security system says he learned a few things from the convicted killer he tricked into an escape attempt that was secretly videotaped.

Umatilla County Sheriff Jim Carey said Wednesday that convicted murderer Stanley Bernson, 52, of Spokane, Wash., who is awaiting trail in another slaying, was chosen because he has planned elaborate escape attempts in the past and jailers believed his actions could point out any flaws in the security system

‘It went very well,’ Carey said of the weekend ruse. ‘We noted what his reactions were and had several alternate plans in case he reacted differently. We felt the risks were minimal, far less than the value of what we got in information.’
One lesson the jailers learned, Carey said, was that guards should not carry their wallets on duty.
Using a small pistol that had been disabled and loaded with blanks, Bernson ordered two unarmed guards who approached his cell to hand over their wallets.
‘We discovered something that hadn’t dawned on me before,’ Carey said. ‘Corrections officers shouldn’t carry their wallets in the jail. If he’d gotten their credit cards and jail identification, he might have been able to get through a roadblock somewhere down the line.’
Bernson is serving a life prison sentence for the 1979 murder of a woman from Richland, Wash., and is waiting trial for the 1978 murder of a 15-year-old Oregon girl.
Bernson also has been a suspect in the deaths of as many as 30 women in Oregon, Idaho, Washington and Montana, but authorities believe his connections to the serial slayings may have been the result only of his own jailhouse boasts.
The sheriff said Bernson’s latest escape attempt began when he approached a guard and offered him $98,000 to help him break out. As part of the ruse, the guard smuggled Bernson a gun whose firing pin had been removed. The bullets had no powder in them, the sheriff said, and the gun was too small to be used as a club.
After Bernson ordered the guards into his cell, he made his way into a locked corridor. With a video camera rolling, Bernson negotiated with guards for 22 minutes before giving up, Carey said.
Carey said he would consider a similar test of security in the future.
‘This is an ongoing thing to us,’ the sheriff said. ‘We think it’s a serious matter that we control him and know our own weaknesses. He comes across as a personable guy. It’s easy to forget he’s a dangerous man.’
Carey said Bernson has tried to escape three times since being transferred to the jail from the Washington State Penitentiary in 1986.
‘They’ve been fairly bizarre,’ he said. ‘In one, he planned to use a helicopter. In another, he planned to have people outside kidnap a control operator’s son.’
Carey said a report would be sent to the District Attorney’s Office for possible prosecution on attempted escape charges. Bernson’s lawyer declined comment because of a judge’s gag order on the pending murder case. … 587188800/QuoteLikeDislikeShare

Comment: $98,000 was a FORTUNE back then and how would a mere killer have THIS kind of CASH? He would have to be in the CABAL. They have access to unlimited Cash. The Cabal Includes Rockefellers & Rothschilds as well as British and Dutch Royals.

Apr 04, 2019#5And then there is the missing File 1004 at Seattle PD tracking occult crimes.

On July 14, 1974, there were the Lake Sammamish State Park murders of Janice Ott and Denise Naslund. Bundy confessed to Seattle task force detective Bob Keppel to being “involved” in these killings. He also told investigators that Ott was still alive when he kidnapped Naslund, and one was forced to watch as he murdered the other. So how did he manage this without an accomplice?
On October 18, 1974 in Utah Bundy targeted Melissa Anne Smith—the 17-year-old daughter of the police chief of Midvale (Salt Lake City suburb)—disappeared after leaving a pizza parlor. Her nude body was found in a nearby mountainous area nine days later. Postmortem examination indicated that she may have remained alive for up to seven days following her disappearance. Bundy went on a hunting trip a day after the Smith disappearance. Would Bundy need an accomplice?QuoteLikeDislikeShare

Apr 04, 2019#6 … 107863.php

Stanley Bernson
Produce salesman, Spokane
Suspected of killing up to 30 Northwest women, Bernson stabbed a 15-year-old girl to death and buried her in a shallow grave in Richland. Authorities in Oregon also charged him for the 1978 murder of a Umatilla teenager, whose body was found in 1985.
Status: In prison in Washington.QuoteLikeDislikeShare

Apr 04, 2019#7 … p-252.htmlQuoteLikeDislikeShare

Apr 04, 2019#8 … v-bernson/QuoteLikeDislikeShare

Apr 04, 2019#9Diann Remington Murder from above document 

On December 29, 1979, a hunter discovered the skeletal remains of Diann Remington, who disappeared about a year earlier on January 4, 1979. Her death was attributed to multiple stab wounds. On September 22, 1982, Mr. Bernson was charged with Ms. Remington’s murder. A jury returned a guilty verdict and Mr. Bernson was sentenced to prison for life.
[1] Mr. Bernson first contends there was insufficient evidence connecting him with Ms. Remington’s death to support his conviction. The issue is whether, after viewing the evidence most favorable to the State, any rational trier of fact could have found the essential elements of first degree murder beyond a reasonable doubt. State v. Green, 94 Wash. 2d 216, 221-22, 616 P.2d 628 (1980). It is necessary to review the facts surrounding the victim’s death in order to determine whether they are sufficient to satisfy the “reasonable doubt” rule. See State v. Green, supra. We, therefore, set forth the following:
Sometime during November or December 1978, Mr. Bernson offered Sherry Ann Wagoner a job selling women’s apparel at a high salary plus a car. In December 1978, the victim, Ms. Remington, told a friend that she had been offered a job selling women’s apparel at a salary in excess of $20,000 per year plus travel benefits. Ms. Remington told the friend the offer had come from a friend of her mother’s. Ms. Remington, age 22, had met Mr. Bernson through her *732 mother. Prior to January 4, 1979, Mr. Bernson, in referring to Ms. Remington, told a co-worker, “I’d really like to get her.” On January 4, 1979, Ms. Remington disappeared from her mother’s home wearing a T-shirt, sweater, jeans and high heels. She left a note which read, “Mom, I will be back a little later, Diann, 3:30.”QuoteLikeDislikeShare

Apr 04, 2019#10On January 26, 1979, Mr. Bernson offered 22-year-old Dina G. a job selling women’s apparel at $2,000 per month plus a car. Mr. Bernson met Ms. G. after work to talk further about the job. During the conversation which occurred in Mr. Bernson’s car, Mr. Bernson pulled a knife, forced Ms. G. to remove her clothes, and drove to a remote area. During an ensuing struggle, Ms. G. escaped, drove Mr. Bernson’s car back to town, and filed a complaint with the police. On February 15, 1979, Mr. Bernson contacted Ms. Wagoner and asked her to meet him that evening to discuss the earlier job offer. Ms. Wagoner refused.

On December 29, 1979, Ms. Remington’s remains were discovered by a hunter six-tenths of a mile from the spot where Mr. Bernson had assaulted Ms. G. The grave site was the exact location Mr. Bernson described to Ms. G. as a drop site used for small packages by Ms. G.’s prospective employer. The skeletal remains were scattered and the only clothing recovered after an extensive search of a 5-square-mile area was the T-shirt and sweater. A broken knife tip was found among the remains. The victim died of multiple stab wounds. No conclusion could be drawn from a detailed examination of the knife tip other than the grinding marks were similar to those on a knife allegedly given to Mr. Bernson. Finally, Mr. Bernson’s job allowed him to be at the victim’s home at the time of her disappearance on January 4, 1979.QuoteLikeDislikeShare

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