May God Save Ukraine From the Jewish-Incited War! (Rothschild Khazarian MAFIA King of the Jews)

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Ukrainians! Bolshevik Jews Murdered 11 Million of Us! They Hate We White Ukrainian and Russian Christians, & Want Us to Kill Each Other!

March 7- Fri – Duke Show- Ukrainians! Bolshevik Jews Murdered 11 Million of Us! They Hate We White Ukrainian and Russian Christians, & Want Us to Murder Each Other!

March 4- Fri – Dr David Duke does Rush Limbaugh like show – He & You – One hour on why the Globo Homo – Jewish Global Supremacy & Traitor Zelensky want Ukrainian goys to commit mass suicide in a war they cannot win!!

March 3- Thur – Dr Duke & Paul Edward Stevenson – The Jewish Globalists don’t want this war to end soon…they want a lot more goy blood shed for their total global supremacy!

March 2 – Wed – Dr Duke and Dr Slattery – This is a war incited by the Jewish globalists — It is not Russia against Ukraine or vice-versa – It is the Jewish World Order against Ukraine, Russia, America and the world !!

March 1 – Tue – Dr Duke and Andy Hitchcock – Evil Zio Globalists are sending massive weapons into Ukraine to keep the war raging & kill as many Ukrainians and Russians as possible in a War only for Jewish Supremacy!!!

Feb 28 – Mon – Dr Duke & Sr Slattery – The Jewish Global Cabal is at war against Russia & it is also waging war on Ukraine, on Europe, America and all the goyim of the World!

Feb 25 – Thur – Dr Duke and Mark Collett – Proof that the Jewish Globalists Purposely Caused this Ukraine War! !

Feb 24 – Thur – Dr Duke & Paul Stevenson – This is not just a war against Russia, It is a Jewish Globalist war against Ukraine, Europe, the American People and all Mankind!

Feb 23 – Tue – Dr Duke and Dr Slattery – 3 innocent White men and their families destroyed because a crazy Black schizoid criminal attacks them & More on the Jewish led war against Russia and all of us in Ukraine!

Feb 22 – Tue – The Jewish created JUkraine Crisis meant to destroy both the Ukrainian and the Russian People for Jewish Global Hegemony!

Feb 21 – Mon – One more Epstein Mossad Jewish spy pervert miraculously murders himself – Is the Jewish Ghislaine Maxwell next? She is the daughter of Israel’s most famous spy (ne’ Binyamin Hyman Hoch)

When you read the Emmanuel Goldstein Manifesto in 1984 you begin to understand why Orwell used a Jewish name to denote the leader of the controlled opposition.
In the manifesto (which was Big Brother’s own controlled opposition) it says that even though it seems the tyranny is hereditary and genealogical it is not! Goldstein, (Big Brother) starts out mentioning the prevalence of Jews, then blacks and other nonwhite people and then says even though it seems to be hereditary it is not, assuring the reader of the Manifesto that Big Brother nondiscriminatory assuring them that no racial discrimination against people especially against White people, even though you see the ubiquitous Jew!
When the reader realizes that Goldstein and his Manifesto were actually a creation of the Ministry of Truth, he finally realizes that Goldstein and the Manifesto are controlled opposition, that the manifesto itself is written in a way to keep the insurgents from realizing the Jewish element of Big Brother. He exposes that the controlled opposition created by Big Brother even is given a Jewish name by Big Brother, Emmanuel Goldstein, to give possible revolutionaries positive feelings toward Jews and to even believe that a Jew even led the opposition the tyranny of Big Brother. Even identifying the enemy of Big Brother as an obvious Jew was an effective way to refute that Jews were the ruling elite of Big Brother.
How in the world did Orwell foresee the Jewish Neocons hide the Jewish nature of bolshevism and the war against White people?
The answer is that Orwell was once conned by the Jewish communist Bolsheviks who were fighting in the Spanish Civil War, a murderous and overwhelmingly Jewish and Soviet led organization, He say first had their evil and mass murder. He knew the evil of communism as he shows so clearly in Animal Farm and Big Brother’s 1984.
The most important and read political novel of all time is clearly a warning of the Jewish creation of controlled opposition and how they use that weapon, to lead people away from the obvious fact that it was an ethnic, racial conspiracy. The very Jewish dictator of Bolshevik Russia, Vladimir Lenin boasted of his Jewish family and said, ” We will lead the opposition to defeat.
As the great Chinese general Sun Tzu said, in war the first rule is to know your enemy, your true ultimate enemy. -David Duke
Feb 21 – Mon – One more Epstein Mossad Jewish spy pervert miraculously murders himself – Is the Jewish Ghislaine Maxwell next? She is the daughter of Israel’s most famous spy (ne’ Binyamin Hyman Hoch)
How Japan Saved Jews From Hitler
JAPAN’S RECENT textbook treatment of its harsh military occupation in the Far East has spawned a raging controversy directed at this latest “revision” of history. Without disputing the existing facts, I would like to note a more benevolent aspect of imperial Japanese policy little known in the United States or Japan: During World War II, Japan’s attitude toward Jews persecuted by Nazi Germany, its Axis partner, resulted in the rescue of 18,000 German, Austrian and Polish Jewish refugees from the Holocaust.
Crystal Night, Nov. 9-10, 1938, shattered the last hopes of German Jews to find accommodation within the Third Reich. By the tens of thousands, they sought refuge in the free world — a world that responded by sealing its doors against them. But one place in the world offered asylum without reservations: the Japanese sector of the International Settlement of Shanghai.
Boatloads of Hitler’s Jewish victims poured into Shanghai, with their number reaching nearly 17,000 by mid-1939. Only when the Japanese sector was overcrowded did Tokyo reduce this immigration to a trickle.
Similarly, during 1940-41, 2,000 Polish Jews — artists, intellectuals and political and labor leaders — found their way to Kobe, Japan, from Russian-occupied Lithuania. They bore only the “phony” Curacao (Dutch West Indies) visas and 7- to 15-day Japanese transit visas provided by the humanitarian Dutch and Japanese consuls in Lithuania. Thus, while the United States turned away 900 hapless German Jewish passengers aboard the ill-fated ship The St. Louis, Japan accepted 2,000 bearers of dubious papers.
The Japanese extended the brief transit visas from three to eight months to give the Jews time to secure real visas to the West. All this occurred despite Japanese war preparations and Nazi pressure to expel the Jews. The half of the refugees unable to find a home elsewhere were sent to Shanghai just before the outbreak of the Pacific War.
These refugees unanimously recalled their stay in Kobe in almost idyllic terms, describing the beauty of the land and the spontaneous kindness of its population. Individual Japanese brought gifts of food and fruit and gave their precious bread ration cards to Jewish mothers for their children. Doctors treated hundreds gratis, and local officials provided extra flour that enabled refugees to bake matzohs — all this in a country whose children’s term for foreigners meant “spy.”
Life in wartime Shanghai was not so pleasant as in Kobe; yet all 18,000 refugees survived the Holocaust in relative peace.
A ghetto was established in 1943 due to heavy Nazi pressure, but in no way could this be compared to its hellish Nazi counterpart. Although the refugees endured greatly restricted movement, the authorities left practically untouched their social, religious and cultural activities, including the operation of the only higher Talmudic academy to survive the Holocaust intact. Its 300 scholars continued their studies without interruption throughout the war. Food was not plentiful because, until the end of 1943, the American government prevented Jewish relief money from reaching the refugees.
While the spontaneous gestures by Kobe’s population can readily be understood, the benevolent policy of a hard-headed government requires a different explanation: The pro-Jewish policy stemmed from the unique Japanese interpretation of the anti- Semitic canards in the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
Many high Japanese officials genuinely believed that international Jewry secretly controlled Western finances, especially in America and England. Tapping their immense wealth and political power would be very valuable to Japan.
“Proof” of this belief came from their experience in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05, when Jacob Schiff, the American Jewish financier, perhaps in reactiion to the czar’s anti-Semitism, provided loans that assured Japan’s margin of victory.
Several middle-echelon Japanese military officers, the so-called “experts” on Jewish affairs, spread these ideas. In contrast to the Nazi goal of eliminating “all-powerful” Jewry, the Japanese idealogues took a much more logical and humanitarian approach: They would harness this “Jewish power” on behalf of Japan and its New Order in East Asia.
They reasoned that kind treatment of the Jews, especially the Jewish refugees, would dispose American Jews to assist Japan’s goals. They hoped to borrow several billion dollars — from Jewish bankers like Schiff — to develop Manchuria.
Tokyo at this time showed far more flexibility in its foreign policy toward the United States than Washington did toward Japan. Japan desperately needed the raw materials, including oil, that President Roosevelt had embargoed. The Japanese hoped that Roosevelt’s close circle of “influential” Jewish friends — Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter and Rabbi Stephen F. Wise — might help convince him to ease his stance and lift the embargo.
Japan sought to use the German Jewish refugees as an industrious, intelligent middle class — to create a sort of “Palestine” in Manchuria, a plan that never materialized. It also considered them an important communication channel to Washington.
For example, three weeks before Pearl Harbor, Capt. Koreshige Inuzuka, one of the “Jewish experts,” directed the Jews of Shanghai to cable a plea to Morgenthau to help prevent an armed clash. Even during the war, in 1943 and 1944, the Japanese sought help from the “universally influential” Jews to send peace feelers to America.