Promoting An Agenda-Illuminati Puppets
Willow & Jayden Smith Promoting The Satanic Illuminati Agenda to Confuse The Sexes! This video by The Vigilant Christian explores how the children of Hollywood stars like Will Smith, who has been a large donor to the Church of Scientology and who has been promoting the transgender program, are using their children as role models to push this agenda on the younger generation. Notice how the daughter was named after her father, while the son was named after his mother. This is a well-planned campaign that dates back a long way.
Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana – then and now – tongue out, imitating Hindu death goddess Kali, and topknots mimicking horns
MTV VMAs 2013: It Was About Miley Cyrus Taking the Fall There’s a nefarious program underway to corrupt the young by making girls more masculine, and boys more effeminate. Along with this is the destruction of their innocence, through a sophisticated plan (often using Disney children) to lead the young toward adoration of their media idols, then when both parents and kids have bought into them, to destroy their wholesome images, using them to transform their followers as well. Best known of these are Miley Cyrus, whom millions of children loved as “Hannah Montana” and who has become a drug-advocating, trashy-acting bad girl (see the video below). Or Katy Perry, who has made videos catering to children, but who also has led rituals at events like award shows and halftime programs, clearly advocating and utilizing witchcraft.
“Miley Cyrus’ display at the VMAs was qualified by many as “trashy” and “embarrassing”. It was indeed a strange sight to see. It was as if she was doing it on purpose to embarrass herself. Well, here’s a moment of clarity: It WAS done on purpose and, moreseo, it was ALL staged.
As a product of Mickey Mouse programming, Miley underwent a classic “good girl gone bad” treatment. Once a good, wholesome daddy’s girl, Miley has turned into a bratty freak who keeps sticking out her tongue and twerking for no reason. While most people are probably tsking at Miley, they do not realize that this whole thing coincided with the release of her new album – and that it was all ordered by her handlers. In other words, she was selected and programmed to be this year’s main example of a “good girl gone bad”, a process the occult elite wants the public to constantly witness. They want the masses to see innocence and wholesomeness turn into sleaze and trash. They want pop culture and the youth in general follow the same process. While alchemy is about turning stone into gold, the masses are made to witness the opposite process.
Miley’s VMA performance is about a child star who was beloved by millions of young people showing what the industry has done to her. It is about shattering the innocence of her fans by having them witness her metamorphosis into one giant sex-obsessed caricature. I’m using the word caricature because it is safe to say that Miley was not 100% herself during the VMA’s. Her demeanor was characteristic of a Beta programming slave who had the switch turned “on”. It was, however, not only about being overtly provocative. It was also (and mostly) about being annoying and embarrassing herself – as if it was a sick, humiliating ritual. Dressed and styled to look like a bratty child, jumping around with giant teddy bears, Miley’s performance was all about getting a negative reaction from the public while continuing the ongoing agenda of denaturing everything that is related to childhood.”