Comment: The Mind Control programs were NEVER wrapped up and are now more sophisticated than ever using ELF technology, human hormones, ADRENOCHROME, and there are over 100 patents on Mind Control projects. The new goal is to create a Hive Mind where all are controlled using Artificial Intelligence. The Jewish Doctors are fully in control of these projects. Here are hormones used in Mind Control:
The Synagogue of Satan Jewish control these Mind Control Projects.
They control our politicians, media, and judicial system so don’t ever expect this to stop.
Most of the outstanding researchers are Jewish as well as are the majority of the major alternative expose researchers. (Think Henry Makow and Jeff Rense.)
Comment: If it weren’t classified research these criminals would all go to jail. Many of these mind control projects were conducted on slaves and yes human trafficking is still going on. Mind Control is primarily an Ashkenazi Jewish project run by the Ashkenazi Jews aka Khazarian Mafia aka Synagogue of Satan. This CIA agent is giving a highly sanitized version never mentioning the tortures, electrocutions, rapes by hard core sadistic pedophiles, dental tortures, and actual SATANISM involved. This video is like a cover story White wash of what actually goes on and went on. No mention is made of the pedophiles raping children to split their minds to program their alters. The Only reason I uploaded this video is to show the CIA openly admits they can implant false memories, create assassins etc. Where do people think the mass shooters come from? Or the epidemic of pedophiles? or the epidemic of serial killers? CIA is creating legions of these disturbed people in their sinister, highly criminal mind control projects.
Manson trying to start a race war is exactly what the elite who own our Media are trying to do. There should be no confusion as to who Manson worked for or was a puppet of: the elite aka the Satanic Jewish who run Amerika via their CIA.