The Dirty Doctors of the CIA Use Human Hormones in Mind Control


Epinephrine – This is one that you have most likely heard of; it’s also called adrenaline. Among a whole list of other things, epinephrine is responsible for what is known as the, “fight or flight” response. This is the hormone that tells you when to fight and when it’s best to run. Some of the bodily responses demonstrated when this hormone kicks in are dilated pupils, increased heart rate, and tensing of the muscles.

Norepinephrine – Also called noradrenaline, this hormone controls the heart and blood pressure. Norepinephrine also contributes to the control of sleep, arousal, and emotions. Obvious effects take place when there is too much or too little of this hormone. Too much gives you an anxious feeling while too little can leave you feeling depressed or sedated.

Dopamine – This controls the heart rate and also assists in perception; deciphering what is real and what is not.

Antimullerian Hormone – An inhibitor for the release of prolactin, the protein responsible mainly for lactation.

Adiponectin – This is a protein hormone, it regulates metabolic processes such as the regulation of glucose.

Adrenocorticotropic Hormone – This assists in synthesizing corticosteroids, which are responsible for stress response, blood electrolyte levels, and other physiologic systems.

Oxytocin – A hormone that plays a major role in reproduction, it aids in orgasm and is also responsible for the release of breast milk.

Prolactin – A major contributor in sexual satisfaction and the production of breast milk.

Testosterone – The major male hormone, testosterone is responsible for sex drive, development of the sex organs, and the changes that take place during puberty.

Enkephalin – Simply a pain regulator.

These are only examples of some of the hormones within the body; there are more complex hormones whose functions are not easily understood. Our bodies (when in proper working order) function like well-oiled machines, and the hormones are a major part of nearly every process. Clearly, hormones are responsible for much more than angry teens, squeaky voices, and weepy pregnant women.

Comment: Dirty CIA doctors use hormones to induce rage, fear, sexual drive, orgasm, fearlessness and other emotions. They have perfected use of hormones to an art. Sadly Cia director Tenet ordered all files of CIA destroyed. Only snippets remain. This is from a claim of a escapee of the MKUltra sadistic program. ADRENOCHROME is heavily used being harvested from tortured people. CIA Doctors & “Programmers” are Sadistic Criminals.

One document supplied by the CIA in Randal Turner’s court trial was leaked by Wikileaks. In Randal’s trial they claimed the Endocrine chemicals had come from penguins. This document was forged by the CIA to cover up it coming from human beings as the way they are obtained is via torture and in violation of every national & international law. CIA are just a bunch of sadistic perverted Doctors with massive egos and No Morals or Scruples. Link follows to Wikileaks Document. Substitute Human Adrenochrome for Penguin Adrenochrome and you have an accurate picture. Comment From Randy Turner follows:

Randy Turner

Semptemb0erS1 1g,t13 o2n0t2ea0t5  · The drug used in the MKUltra program was not LSD it is Chemicals extracted from the human brains Endocrine system glands. Street name for them is (Adrenochrome) These chemicals are what control the emotions and physical desires. They can combine these drugs with hypnosis to create a mind control assassin, sex slave and anything you want them for. MKUltra stands for – Manufactured Killers Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassinations. They would end up using some of these drugs from the Pituitary gland for sex slaves the Elites use. One of the effects the drug has is blocking memories from forming and if memories were recalled the victim would think it was some weird dream in most cases. The biggest cover up in the history of America is the use these by deep state compromising those who are placed into positions of power then controlling them with videos of them either having sex with minors or killing somebody on video. They have complete control over the person they compromise using these drugs. With MKUltra’s they add suicide programming so if they begin to recall they will end up killing themselves in most cases. The US Government wants to cover up what they did to us and they have help from the mainstream media who employ CIA assets and also control most of your Hollywood celebrities. If they can not control you then you do not make it in Hollywood or in Government office. Anybody who has influence is controlled by them. CIA cover up in my court trial they claimed these came from Penguin Pineal glands. They didn’t – They came from human Pituitary glands, Pineal glands and other glands in the human brain that control emotions and desires.

Why Is Oxytocin Known as the ‘Love Hormone’? And 11 Other FAQs

Comment: Oxytocin is used by the Dirty Doctors of the CIA to bond Monarch Sex Slaves to their Owners/Handlers.

1. What does oxytocin have to do with love?

Researchers in one 2012 studyTrusted Source found that couples in the first stages of romantic attachment had significantly higher levels of oxytocin than their unattached counterparts.

But oxytocin is tied to more than just new love. It’s also released during sexual activity and linked to the intensity of orgasms.

One 2013 reviewTrusted Source summarized all of oxytocin’s possible relationship-enhancing effects. Some of these include:

  • trust
  • gazing
  • empathy
  • positive relationship memories
  • fidelity
  • positive communication
  • processing of bonding cues

2. What exactly is oxytocin?

Oxytocin is a hormone that acts as a neurotransmitter. It plays an important role in reproduction.

In females, the hormone triggers labor and the release of breastmilk. In males, oxytocin helps move sperm.

3. Does your body produce oxytocin naturally?

Oxytocin a naturally occurring hormone. It’s produced by the hypothalamus — a small region at the base of your brain — and secreted by the nearby pituitary gland.

4. How is it connected to dopamine and serotonin?

Oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin are often referred to as our “happy hormones.”

When you’re attracted to another person, your brain releases dopamine, your serotonin levels increase, and oxytocin is produced. This causes you to feel a surge of positive emotion.

5. How can oxytocin positively affect your emotions?

One review of research suggests that oxytocin has a positive impact on social behaviors related to:

  • relaxation
  • trust
  • overall psychological stability

The hormone has also been shown to decrease stress and anxiety levels when released into certain parts of the brain.

6. How can oxytocin positively affect your behaviors?

Oxytocin may help your body adapt to a number of different emotional and social situations.

Intranasal oxytocin has been directly linked to enhanced communication between romantic partners — particularly during arguments.

Research from 2010 also shows that intranasal oxytocin may help people with autism better understand and respond to social cues.

7. What’s the relationship between oxytocin and motherhood?

Oxytocin plays several important roles in motherhood.


The hormone signals the uterus to contract, beginning labor. It helps move the process along by increasing the production of related hormones. After delivery, it helps the uterus return to its previous size.


When a baby latches on its mother’s breast, it triggers a release of oxytocin. This signals the body to let down milk for the baby.


Human and animal studies on the effects of oxytocin on the mother-child bond have found that mothers with higher levels are more likely to engage in affectionate parenting behaviors, including:

  • frequent checking in on baby
  • affectionate touch
  • singing or speaking to baby in certain way
  • grooming and bathing behaviors

Some research suggests that babies who receive this type of parenting experience a boost of oxytocin that makes them seek more contact with their mother, further strengthening their bond.

These effects aren’t limited to biological mothers. Researchers in one 2014 studyTrusted Source found that oxytocin has a similar effect in foster mothers and adoptive parents.

8. Can oxytocin produce a similar effect in regards to fatherhood?

There’s evidence that parenthood stimulates the release of oxytocin in fathers, too.

One 2010 study found that specific types of interaction between father and baby led to higher oxytocin levels. This includes directing the baby’s attention toward certain objects and encouraging the baby to explore.

9. Is there any truth to oxytocin’s proposed effect on fidelity?

The link between oxytocin and fidelity may begin with the hormone’s ability to make males view their partners as more attractive than other familiar and unfamiliar females.

Research from 2012 suggests that the hormone may influence males to keep a greater social distance from attractive female strangers.

This may be due to oxytocin’s influence on reward pathways. Engaging in social or sexual contact with your romantic partner may increase your oxytocin levels, creating a behavior loop.

The more time you spend with your partner, the more oxytocin you produce; the more oxytocin you produce, the more you may desire your partner.

One 2014 animal study Trusted Source found that treatment with oxytocin reduced behaviors associated with infidelity, particularly in females who preferred to interact socially with their male partner instead of strangers of the opposite sex. It’s thought that oxytocin decreases the novelty of interacting with a stranger.

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