Requiem For the Many Murdered in Military Mind Control “Projects” or Military MKUltra CRIMES

requiem[ˈrekwēəm]NOUN(especially in the Roman Catholic Church) a Mass for the repose of the souls of the dead.

American Empire Exposed: Military-CIA Mind Control, Torture … 12, 2017Mind control victims who’ve outlived their purpose are routinely murdered, or if a survivor regains lost memories and wants to leave or risks exposing the criminal operation. Also programmers often subliminally insert suicide cues and commands for expendables to self-destruct. With every resource at its built-in fox-guarding henhouse disposal …

Randy Turner
Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor and water

November 21 at 9:17 PM · 

Was just thinking about the suicide programming done to me and other MKUltra victims. I think I need to file attempted murder charges against the CIA

Comment: Please support Randal Turner who only wants JUSTICE.

Randy Turner

14 hrs · 

Created some crypto accounts if anybody can donate who has any spare crypto they can donate. Thanks.
Crypto accounts to receive donations
BTC# 3F4rhwnzQiFouYhEWhodv2sPRMxjfVAJnx

ETH# 0xe2F5985A86A41aEF2BD26B1c085114abfdf0649A …See More

Comment: Mozart was a FREEMASON who found out about the diabolical plans and exposed them in the Magic Flute. He was slowly poisoned to death.

Mozart, the Free Masons and a Mysterious Death, | Vienna Muses

Sep 27, 2015 · In the years that Mozart lived in Vienna, he was an avid composer, and incurable debtor who rose quickly through the ranks of the “Charity” free mason lodge. In 1791, shortly after the premiere of “The Magic Flute” featuring symbols of the free masons, he died a mysterious death. He was convinced he had been poisoned.

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