Google by 2022 Will Be Able to Break All Encrypton of 0100111000 (Binary) Type Cryptocurrencies & Military
BREAKING: NO MORE SECRETS – Google achieves “quantum supremacy” that will soon render all cryptocurrency breakable, all military secrets revealed
Saturday, September 21, 2019 by: Mike Adams
Tags: bitcoin, cryptocurrency, cryptography, encryption, Google, military encryption, quantum computing, quantum supremacy, qubits, secrets

(Natural News) Preliminary report. More detailed analysis coming in 24 hours at this site. According to a report published at, Google has achieved “quantum supremacy” with a 53-qubit quantum computer. From reading the report, it is obvious that editors, who should be applauded for covering this story, really have little clue about the implications of this revelation. Here’s what this means for cryptocurrency, military secrets and all secrets which are protected by cryptography.
Notably, NASA published the scientific paper at this link, then promptly removed it as soon as the implications of this technology started to become apparent to a few observers. (The link above is now dead. The cover-up begins…) However, the Financial Times reported on the paper before it was removed. Google is now refusing to verify the existence of the paper.
Here’s the upshot of what this “quantum supremacy” means for Google and the world:
- Google’s new quantum processor took just 200 seconds to complete a computing task that would normally require 10,000 years on a supercomputer.
- A 53-qubit quantum computer can break any 53-bit cryptography in mere seconds, or in fractions of sections in certain circumstances.
- Bitcoin’s transactions are currently protected by 256-bit encryption. Once Google scales its quantum computing to 256 qubits, it’s over for Bitcoin (and all 256-bit crypto), since Google (or anyone with the technology) could easily break the encryption protecting all crypto transactions, then redirect all such transactions to its own wallet. See below why Google’s own scientists predict 256-qubit computing will be achieved by 2022.
- In effect, “quantum supremacy” means the end of cryptographic secrets, which is the very basis for cryptocurrency.
- In addition, all military-grade encryption will become pointless as Google’s quantum computers expand their qubits into the 512, 1024 or 2048 range, rendering all modern cryptography obsolete. In effect, Google’s computer could “crack” any cryptography in mere seconds.
- The very basis of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies rests in the difficulty of factoring very large numbers. Classical computing can only compute the correct factoring answers through brute force trial-and-error, requiring massive computing power and time (in some cases, into the trillions of years, depending on the number of encryption bits). Quantum computing, it could be said, solves the factoring problem in 2^n dimensions, where n is the number of bits of encryption. Unlike traditional computing bits that can only hold a value of 0 or 1 (but not both), qubits can simultaneously hold both values, meaning an 8-qubit computer can simultaneously represent all values between 0 and 255 at the same time. A deeper discussion of quantum computing is beyond the scope of this news brief, but its best application is breaking cryptography.
- The number of qubits in Google’s quantum computers will double at least every year, according to the science paper that has just been published. As Fortune reports, “Further, they predict that quantum computing power will ‘grow at a double exponential rate,’ besting even the exponential rate that defined Moore’s Law, a trend that observed traditional computing power to double roughly every two years.”
- As a conservative estimate, this means Google will achieve > 100 qubits by 2020, and > 200 qubits by 2021, then > 400 qubits by the year 2022.
- Once Google’s quantum computers exceed 256 qubits, all cryptocurrency encryption that uses 256-bit encryption will be null and void.
- By 2024, Google will be able to break nearly all military-grade encryption, rendering military communications fully transparent to Google.
- Over the last decade, Google has become the most evil corporation in the world, wholly dedicated to the suppression of human knowledge through censorship, demonetization and de-platforming of non-mainstream information sources. Google has blocked nearly all websites offering information on natural health and holistic medicine while blocking all videos and web pages that question the corrupt scientific establishment on topics like vaccines, pesticides and GMOs. Google has proven it is the most corrupt, evil entity in the world, and now it has the technology to break all cryptography and achieve “omniscience” in our modern technological society. Google is a front for Big Pharma and communist China. Google despises America, hates human health and has already demonstrated it is willing to steal elections to install the politicians it wants.
- With this quantum technology, Google will be able to break all U.S. military encryption and forward all “secret” communications to the communist Chinese. (Yes, Google hates America and wants to see America destroyed while building out a Red China-style system of social control and total enslavement.)
- Google’s quantum eavesdropping system, which might as well be called, “Setec Astronomy,” will scrape up all the secrets of all legislators, Supreme Court justices, public officials and CEOs. Nothing will be safe from the Google Eye of Sauron. Everyone will be “blackmailable” with Google’s quantum computing power.
- Google will rapidly come to dominate the world, controlling most of the money, all speech, all politics, most science and technology, most of the news media and all public officials. Google will become the dominant controlling authoritarian force on planet Earth, and all humans will be subservient to its demands. Democracy, truth and freedom will be annihilated.
Interestingly, I publicly predicted this exact scenario over two years ago in a podcast that was banned by YouTube and then re-posted on a year later. This podcast directly states that the development of quantum computing would render cryptocurrency obsolete:
Beyond Skynet: Google’s 3 pillars of tech: AI, Quantum computing and humanoid robotics
Google has been investing heavily in three key areas of research:
- Artificial intelligence (machine learning, etc.)
- Quantum computing
- Humanoid robotics
When you combine these three, you get something that’s far beyond Skynet. You eventually create an all-seeing AI intelligence that will know all secrets and control all financial transactions. With AI quickly outpacing human intelligence, and with quantum computing rendering all secrets fully exposed to the AI system, it’s only a matter of time before the Google Super Intellect System (or so it might be named) enslaves humanity and decides we are no longer necessary for its very existence. The humanoid robots translate the will of the AI system into the physical world, allowing Google’s AI intellect system to carry out mass genocide of humans, tear town human cities or carry out anything else that requires “muscle” in the physical world. All such robots will, of course, be controlled by the AI intellect.
Google is building a doomsday Skynet system, in other words, and they are getting away with it because nobody in Washington D.C. understands mathematics or science.
A more detailed analysis of this will appear on this site tomorrow. Bottom line? Humanity had better start building mobile EMP weapons and learning how to kill robots, or it’s over for the human race.
In my opinion, we should pull the plug on Google right now. We may already be too late.