Our Jewish Supreme Court (4 Judges) Legalizes Killing Goyim Babies: Supreme Court lets dismemberment abortions continue, won’t hear Alabama case-Legalizes Tearing Live Babies Apart in Excruciating Pain

Tuesday, July 2, 2019 
Pro-Life News
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Sen. Rand Paul: GOP leadership won’t vote on defunding Planned Parenthood because ‘we might win’By Doug Mainwaring
Supreme Court lets dismemberment abortions continue, won’t hear Alabama caseBy Claire Chretien
Alaska gov to state Supreme Court: The abortion funding you mandated is coming from your budgetBy Claire Chretien
10-year-old girl suspended for asking to be exempted from LGBT school lessonBy Doug Mainwaring
Editor’s Picks
 Pro-lifers in court for resisting arrest while trying to save babies inside abortion centerBy Stephen Kokx Trump admin delays rules preventing healthcare workers from being forced to commit abortionsBy Lisa Bourne
 Mom takes school to Human Rights Tribunal for traumatizing child with gender ideologyBy Lianne Laurence Trump praises Down syndrome pro-life advocate at Faith & Freedom conferenceBy Martin M. Barillas
Top News
Midway through aborting, pregnant woman changes her mind and saves her twinsBy Lisa Bourne
Shocking photos: Kids lie on man dressed as woman at ‘Drag Queen Story Time’By Doug Mainwaring
Doctor pens NYT op-ed about ‘symbiosis’ of being an abortionist and a momBy Lisa Bourne
Did Christian ‘just war’ principles guide Trump in calling off Iranian military installation attack?By Fr. Michael P. Orsi
‘Menstrual equality’: Pro-LGBT college students demand tampons for men’s bathroomsBy Jonathon Van Maren
Social services brainwashed kids into thinking they were abused, sold them to foster parentsBy Dorothy Cummings McLean

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